
Ascents as unknown by Graham Dowden

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Showing all 7 ascents.

Grade Route Gear style Crag Quality Date
10 Toddle Unknown 10m Kiama Good Sun 19th Jul 2020
Guess it better be Lead Solo since I poked in a cam near the top while exploring the seaward side. Really lovely rock and sublime maritime aspect.

8 Applejack - with Angus M Unknown 30m Blue Mountains Average Sun 11th Dec 2016
Crunched by john smoothy 37 years after the fact: good enough to the intermediate belay, thereafter juggy slab with marginal pro ending in 5m leadout to the top with not a sliver of metallic comfort. What's a cautious old dog to do? Hardly a warm recommendation for beginners.

16 The Wrong Corner Unknown 25m Blue Mountains Average Sun 28th Jan 2018
A bit of corner, wall, crack and roof, with veg ledge in between.

Yet barely had I set up belay and the Acolyte reached The Gold Standard, than a piercing thunderclap prompted hasty retreat into our caves, ere our aluminium friends, acting as conductors of divine power, rendered us insensible to the abrupt following deluge, which itself rendered further progresss impossible. Elements 1, Humanity 0, no extra time.

15 Libra Unknown 40m Blue Mountains Good Thu 18th Aug 2022
Bit hard to see where this goes with all the new carrots. No much pro.

20 Ode to an Orange - with Angus M Unknown 15m Barrenjoey Good Sun 15th Jan 2017
Looked good, but too hard to pull up on a slopy thing and a crimp with zero for the feet. Great lumps obviously torn off by previous ascentionists, with more possible.

16 Defiant Deflaration - with Angus M Unknown 11m Barrenjoey Don't Bother Sun 15th Jan 2017
Got racked and pumped up but was singularly discouraged by the Acoylte's apprehension that the only possible means of ascent to avoid disturbing stacked sheets of honeycombed cheese was "by waving your hands". Added to which a displeasing #mankycarrot on the headwall, observed to be sticking out a good 2 inches in the old measure, and bent downward to boot, cast a thin shadow of deep uncertainty over the proceedings.

13 Roast Possum Unknown 4m Barrenjoey Average Sun 18th Feb 2018
Did the broken corner variation, about grade 10, as no block anchor above cracks. Could lead if one wanted to, but does not seem much point.


Showing all 7 ascents.