
Ascensioni di Improbability Drive come Hang dog

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Tutti 4 ascensioni visualizzati.

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Sab 20 Gen 2024 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
20 Dura Improbability Drive - con Rach Trad 40m Classica
Cameron Semple
First pitch is certainly spooky stepping around the arete straight into steepness. I lead the second. Classic pipes steep mixed bag route up a broken crack system. Jugs, crimps, flared jams, good jams, sequencey feet. Gave it a red hot go, but a foot popped unexpectedly and whipped onto a black totem. Seems to always be the black! From there on it was anything goes as the rain was starting and my arms were pulped.

Sab 6 Gen 2024 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
20 Improbability Drive Trad 40m Buona
Sab 1 Mag 2021 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
20 Improbability Drive - con matt Trad 40m Molto buona
didn't find the hidden hold

Dom 29 Gen 2012 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
20 Improbability Drive Trad 40m Classica
Good route for a hot day. Took a fall at the start of the second pitch. In my defence, it hurts jambing your feet into cracks and I wanted nothing to do with it.Really good route. Tom did great seconding it free, given the amount of gear I overcammed into it.


Tutti 4 ascensioni visualizzati.

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