
Become a Data Contributor and Unlock Premium Features

At theCrag, climbers like you are the heart of our community. We rely on your expertise and passion to create the ultimate resource for climbers worldwide. That's why we're introducing the concept of the “Data Contributor” – a title reserved for our most dedicated members.

What is a Data Contributor?Ritorna ai contenuti

A Data Contributor is someone who actively adds valuable information to theCrag platform. By sharing your climbing insights, updating route details, and contributing topos and photos, you help enrich our database and empower fellow climbers.

Why Become a Data Contributor?Ritorna ai contenuti

  • Make a Difference: Your contributions directly benefit the climbing community by improving the quality of information available on theCrag.
  • Earn Recognition: As a Data Contributor, you'll be appreciated for your efforts with a special badge arround your avatar.
  • Unlock Premium Features: Enjoy exclusive access to premium features designed to enhance your climbing experience.

How to Become a Data Contributor:Ritorna ai contenuti

  1. Start Contributing: Dive into theCrag platform and start sharing your climbing knowledge.
  2. Earn Karma Points: As you contribute, you'll accumulate karma points based on your activities and submissions.
  3. Achieve Data Contributor Status: Once you reach certain thresholds of karma points, you'll become a Data Contributor and unlock premium features.

Alternatively, you may be a crag developer and after spending many hours in your climbing harness drilling bolts and cleaning walls, you don't do the edits yourself here on theCrag. But that doesn't mean your efforts for the climbing community can't be recognized. Apply for a manual “Data Contributor“ status by sending us an email to! Please provide us with some background information about your crag, including some references and your account name, and we may be happy to grant you status for a variable period of time after a review.

Ready to Make Your Mark?Ritorna ai contenuti

Join us in shaping the future of rock climbing. Become a “Data Contributor” on theCrag and unlock a world of possibilities. Your contributions matter, and together, we can create the ultimate resource for climbers worldwide.

Happy climbing!

Login or create an account to contribute data to this worldwide climbing database!

The month's rewardRitorna ai contenuti

We reward a minimum of 1,000 karma points within a running month with a data contributor status lasting one month. Thanks to our month's contributors:

Your karma status:

The year's rewardRitorna ai contenuti

For substancial contributions of 10,000 kama points within a runnung period of 12 month you will earn yourself the data contributor status for one year. Applause for our year's contributors:

Your karma status:

The data champion rewardRitorna ai contenuti

If you have achieved a total of 120,000 karma points with your ongoing substantial data contributions, you will receive the “Data Contributor Champion” award. Our eternal gratitude goes to:

Your karma status:

Become a Financial Supporter!Ritorna ai contenuti

  • Invest in the Future: Your financial support directly contributes to the development and enhancement of theCrag platform, ensuring its longevity and continued improvement.
  • Unlock Premium Benefits: As a financial supporter, you'll enjoy exclusive benefits such as ad-free browsing, early access to new features, and priority support.
  • Show Your Appreciation: By supporting us financially, you demonstrate your appreciation for theCrag community and help us continue to provide a valuable resource for climbers worldwide.

You have the opportunity to support theCrag in two significant ways: by contributing data or becoming a financial supporter through our Pay as you feel option. However, it doesn't have to be an either-or decision. If you're able to, please consider becoming a full contributor by engaging in both avenues. If you are a financial supporter, your data contributor status will boost your Supporter level, allowing your friends to receive rewards as well once you reach a certain level. TheCrag thrives as a community-driven platform when we have the best data available and sustainable development. Your dual support helps ensure theCrag's longevity and growth, making it an invaluable resource for climbers worldwide.

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