

China • Sport climber
  • Grade context: US
  • Ascents: 77
  • Photos: 1
  • Member since: 2022
  • Favorites: 6
  • Following: 21
  • Followers: 21
red pointed
successful ascents
distance climbed

Notable ascents

By style By type Diff. band Ascents Hardest ascent
Sport Red point
12 5.13a Thumbercling 6 weeks ago
5.13a Bamboo Reaming 8 months ago
4 5.11d 易燃易爆炸 9 months ago
8 5.10d Almost Killed Bamboo Farmer 14 weeks ago
5.10d 矮马 Pony about two years ago
5.10d 秋千 Swing about two years ago
By area Diff. band Ascents Hardest ascent
临安狮头岩 Lion's Head
49 5.13a Thumbercling 6 weeks ago
5.13a Bamboo Reaming 8 months ago
新昌石狗洞 Shigoudong
9 5.10d 矮马 Pony about two years ago
5.10d 秋千 Swing about two years ago
六盘水 Liupanshui
8 5.11d 易燃易爆炸 9 months ago
白岩下 Baiyanxia
3 5.10c 三个洞 about two years ago

Climber Performance Rating (CPR) Timelines

For help understanding the CPR timeline chart see the CPR timeline explained article.

Sport timeline (ascents)

grade pyramid

Sport 50 ascents

5.13c 1
5.13b 1
5.13a 3
5.12d 4
5.12c 1
5.12b 3
5.12a 6
5.11d 5
5.11c 1
5.11b 4
5.11a 4
5.10d 8
5.10c 1
5.10b 6
5.10a 2
  Onsight   Flash   Red point   Other

Grades: YDS

Climbs with

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