

China • Sport climber
  • Grade context: US
  • Ascents: 78
  • Photos: 13
  • Member since: 2016
  • Favorites: 3
  • Following: 17
  • Followers: 14
pink pointed
successful ascents
distance climbed

About me

常驻帝都 经常攀岩偶尔跑步 上班时间摸鱼搬路书。

Notable ascents

By style By type Diff. band Ascents Hardest ascent
Sport Tick
6 5.12c 请借过 / Excuse me 4 years ago
Pink point
41 5.12c 请借过 / Excuse me 4 years ago
16 5.11d Brains Of A Turnip 6 years ago
2 5.12a 吴哥窟 5 years ago
Red point
6 5.11a 鸭咩爹 5 years ago
Trad Red point
1 5.10b 望而生畏 5 years ago
3 5.9 海王星 5 years ago
By area Diff. band Ascents Hardest ascent
白河 Baihe
37 5.12a 吴哥窟 5 years ago
马山 MaShan
14 5.12c 请借过 / Excuse me 4 years ago
房山 Fangshan District
11 5.12a 鸟洞 5 years ago
枣庄 Zao Zhuang
7 5.12b 六六大顺 4 years ago
临安狮头岩 Lion's Head
4 5.11d Brains Of A Turnip 6 years ago

Climber Performance Rating (CPR) Timelines

For help understanding the CPR timeline chart see the CPR timeline explained article.

Sport timeline (ascents)

Trad timeline (ascents)

grade pyramids

Sport 69 ascents

5.12c 2
5.12b 2
5.12a 4
5.11d 3
5.11c 2
5.11b 2
5.11a 8
5.10d 7
5.10c 6
5.10b 17
5.10a 14
5.9 1
5.8 1
  Onsight   Flash   Red point   Pink point   Tick   Other

Grades: YDS

Trad 4 ascents

5.10b 1
5.9 1
5.8 2
  Onsight   Red point   Other

Grades: YDS

Climbs with

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