
The Cloisters




A wide range of grades and styles on boulders nestled among the trees make a nice day out in the warmer months.



A little bit of everything, spread among a number of sectors: easy slabs, bolted faces and aretes, moderate and hard cracks from finger to off-width.


Access issues inherited from Australian Capital Territory

If you have benefited from climbing access and infrastructure in the ACT, please consider joining the Canberra Climbing Association (CCA). The CCA spends considerable behind-the-scenes time and effort managing access for the climbing community to ACT climbing areas.

Membership is inexpensive and provides a great way to keep up-to-date with access issues, codes of conduct and general goings on in the ACT climbing community. Membership also provides discounts for local outdoor retail and climbing gyms.

For CCA details visit:


Parking and initial approach is as for 'The Belfry': park 100m after the final hairpin bend in the road. Walk uphill to the ridgeline, turn left and follow the fairly prominent track for a few hundred metres. 20m beyond 'The Belfry' turn right onto a track that passes between some boulders and goes directly downhill. The track curves to the left and contours along the slope. 5-10 minutes after 'The Belfry' you will arrive at 'The Hello Boulder'.



Although these days there are a number of excellent sport climbs, the original ascentionists were staunchly traditional, having this to say:

"We, as discoverers and first ascensionists, have not and will not tolerate the use of bolts, pegs, shady aid or chalk. Attempt to use any of these and be prepared to answer to us. We have respected the natural state of the area and expect that you will also."



Some content has been provided under license from: © ANU Moutaineering Club (Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike) © Canberra Climbers' Association (CC BY-SA)

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Thu 27 Jul
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