
Discussion: Route lenght

  • Started: 7 years ago on Thu 8th Dec 2016

Public discussion This is a public discussion for 6c The Cure.

Nicolas LECOMTE started this discussion 7 years ago.

Route lenght

Hi all, Just want to give some ideas regarding the route that have no lenght yet : The Cure, Namphapayai, 32m Huevos a la mexicana, 28m Prescription for mental masturbation, 25m Didjeridoo, 22m Phra Pajak kutajitto, 10m Boua Loye, 10m

It's just estimate lenght, not measured. Cheers

Foo Chee Chang replied 7 years ago.

Thanks buddy, I tried "Presscription for Mental Masturbation" and 25m seems about right.

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