
Discussion: Lost & Found access

  • Started: 8 years ago on Sat 4th Jul 2015

Public discussion This is a public discussion in Lost & Found Wall.

started this discussion 8 years ago.

Lost & Found access

Hey all, I thought Id throw this out to everyone with an interest to see if wanted or not. I’m thinking of replacing the final access traverse using the rope on the tree with rungs...not for safety reason as I think the rope traverse is okay, but more to save the tree over time...which i think will eventually suffer over the years. People. can just use them as handholds on rope up if they feel the need and use them anchor points (iie if you got kids. Yeah or nay? Im planning on heading down sooner or later to bolt a couple of easy stuff around evolution wall and provided I get RIO before then I could do it then since Ill have the drill anyway.

Phillip Booth replied 8 years ago.

My personal opinion is to not put rungs in.

I find them an aesthetic eye sore and like you've said the traverse is straight forward as is.

I've only been down once (looking forward to coming back!) so can't recall the tree in any detail though.

replied 8 years ago.

Thats why I was asking , at the moment there is a tree at the top that has a hand line to use going around the traverse...without it it pretty hairy...doable but one slip and big fall so hand line thinking though is its not healthy for the tree and 4-5 rungs I think would actually look less obtrusive then the current reams of rope there and last much longer and not affect the tree.

replied 8 years ago.

Great initiative Rod! I've climbed there a few times now and the traverse is quite hairy. Your proposal will save the tree and that's a great idea.

Phillip, I agree that the rungs would be an eye sore but it would a valued asset to the risky entry into the crag.

Rod, would an happy medium be an idea of establishing two rungs with a rope spanning their gap via ferrata style? One starting as near as possible to the tree and the final rung finishing about a meter into the cave? Exiting the cave with a pack on is quite risky and exiting the cave with pack in hand isn't fun.

replied 8 years ago.

Yeah thats the other option, was thinking even just U bolts (ie like on the climbs) with rope running but having the rungs to hold onto get onto traverse and off which is diciest part would be handy.

Phillip Booth replied 8 years ago.

At the end of the day it's your call Rod.

I go by a 'if it doesn't need to be added don't add it' type ethos.

With that said if it wasn't for peeps like you we wouldn't have as many awesome crags to visit!

Dominik S replied 8 years ago.

The rope looks nice and I'm not a fan of rungs. I haven't really inspected the set-up too closely but could you perhaps place some less conspicuous ringbolts and attach the rope to them instead if you're worried about the tree?

replied 8 years ago.

Yep also an option Dominik, all options can be considered..I really after everyone thoughts and Ill go with consensis.

replied 8 years ago.

Ring bolts would certainly be better being less intrusive on the environment. Rungs are unsightly things. A set up such as what's in Rosa Gully would be ideal.

Phillip Booth replied 8 years ago.

Yeah, agreed.

Using rings to fix the rope sounds like a nice solution to avoid having rungs and protect the tree.

Chris A replied 8 years ago.

Bugger the rungs, that hill needs a chairlift!

Chris A replied 8 years ago.

But seriously, being tall the dodgy bit for me is ducking into the cave with a pack on, awkward crouching on underclings. Not hard but bad consequences for stuffing up.

replied 8 years ago.

Bit of rope between a couple of bolts. Some safety is good, having done the traverse many times with a bolting pack and some dogs ( in the old days)

replied 8 years ago.

Thanks everyone for feedback, ropes and bolts it is...will get it done next time I'm down there.

replied 8 years ago.

Spot on Chris. I'm tall too and with a pack on it becomes quite dodgy even with my safety attached to the rope.

Any idea when you're heading down Rod? If I'm free I'd be happy to come along and give a hand.

replied 8 years ago.

Maybe Sunday morning...not concrete though

replied 8 years ago.

Confirmed will be there with mate bolting on Sunday permitting...should get traverse done then

replied 8 years ago.

Sunday is concrete with my shift at work. Good luck with the bolting and I can't wait to see the traverse.

replied 8 years ago.

Done, one bolt about 1 metre into the cave once your established on the on the lip of the corner and one at the start with rope running between them. Bolted a couple new projects on evolution wall, not hard be appreciate if all stay off until i have time to get down to climb then.

Dominik S replied 8 years ago.

Good stuff! Thank you very much

Chris A replied 8 years ago.

Thanks muchly

replied 8 years ago.

Did the two routes 12 & 16 I think good if someone climbs them and confirms grade, open for discussion , bolted two more for next time on same wall.

Mike Ashelford replied 8 years ago.

Was just down there last week - the last time I was there was two years ago and from memory what you have done makes it a lot easier then what was there before (thanks!) - Loving all the cairns as well.

replied 8 years ago.

Cairns are nothing to do with me...I think they are breeding.

Mike Ashelford replied 8 years ago.

Ahh ok, yeah they go all the way down to far away wall as well (very helpful) however it gets a bit sketchy with all of the casuarina needles on the rock and not enough people walking through there, especially as there are a few tracks where people have taken wrong turns...

replied 8 years ago.

Was done there today doing some climbing and the access markers were amazing for Ku-ring-gai. Cairns for days and pink tape around. Didn't get lost once which for my partner and I is pretty impressive (for Ku-ring-gai). Thanks for whomever is doing the track work! Making access a breeze.

Ziggy Samways replied 8 years ago.

Rod - How do you reckon I'd go getting down there with the kids? Is it any sketchier now than du faur, obvs we'd get the girls harnessed up first.

replied 8 years ago.

Should be okay now with if you harness them up..big walk though...the bottom traverse you can have them clipped in now easily...there is actually a section halfway down that has a hand rope, but you can dodge that by heading left a bit and continuing down from there carefully (maybe a reccy in order first to check?)....note though freda du far walls is much tamer walk kids wall with easy walk in at mt K is the new all..

Siderunner replied 8 years ago.

Rod - a note of appreciation for the hard work of bolting more routes at Lost and Found, and sorting out the access traverse. I'm delighted you went with the rope-tied-to-bolts option: feels more organic and old-school than rungs to me. We have really enjoyed the climbing and ambience at L&F over a number of visits.

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