
Nodes in Werewolf Area

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Werewolf Area

Emergency Location: Mount Arapiles, Lower Curtain Wall Area

5 Silver Lining

Pad up the centre of the lovely clean slab left of Silver Bullet.

8 Silver Bullet

The huge slabby corner which is essentially the approach ramp for 'Solar City' and 'Werewolf'.

21 Solar City

Not quite as good as it looks but still not a bad route up the orange wall up left from 'Werewolf'.

Scramble up 'Silver Bullet' and find a belay ledge part-way. From here, continue up 'Silver Bullet' until you can step right onto the wall to gain the seam (some people can span this move, others may need to jump to the jug). The rock quality in the middle of the route detracts, as does the sit down rest in the cave. You can build a belay from the cave and walk off, or do the exciting overhang (which is over very quickly).

23 R As You Like It

The face between 'Werewolf' and 'Solar City' has very fiddly gear.

Start: Start from 'Silver Bullet', midway between 'Solar City' and 'Werewolf'.

20 Werewolf

The lovely corner up the right wall of 'Silver Bullet' was probably the hardest climb in 'Victoria' in its day.

It's probably best to belay from the ground but some parties insist on scrambling up a few metres to belay at the very base of the line.

25 The Trial

Epic route-finding, but most people would ignore the indirect start described here and start up 'Tribulation'.

Start on arete right of 'Werewolf', aiming to eventually climb the hanging corner high on the arete.

28 The Vampire

A good find by Muki Woods finishing up the funky wall to the right of 'Werewolf'.

Start: Start as for 'Tribulation'.

26 Tribulation

Boulder up seam past bolt to good ledge; there's actually 2, an old carrot and new FH placed for 'The Vampire' and it seems you can either go direct past the FH or go slightly right via the carrot.. Continue to jug just left of 'Colour Scheme' then go left a little and up headwall.

Start: Start at seam 3 metres right of 'The Trial'.

24 Colour Scheme

The lovely orange wall is pretty hard for the grade. Start as for Full Moon, then left and up past knifeblade.

26 Monochrome

Up Color Scheme to the pin, then move right to the rail. Straight up to join Goodbye.

22 Goodbye

Thank your lucky stars that this is no longer graded 19.

Start: Start as for 'Full Moon'.

24 Goodbye Direct

Cultural heritage closures now apply to some parts of Arapiles. This advice continues to evolve and may not be fully reflected in this website; refer to Parks Victoria for details applicable at the time of your visit.

Bird Nesting September-December Raptors usually nest on the following climbs in Spring : Cassandra, Eurydice, Harlequin Cracks, Revelations. Nesting usually finishes mid-December. There may or may not be signs in place at these times. Please keep 50m clear of these climbs if there appears to be nesting activity.

State Park - no dogs. No fires allowed Oct-Apr (inclusive).

23 The Turkey Federation Of Australia
  1. 18m (16) As for 'Full Moon' to a ledge at 18 metres.

  2. 22m (23) Bulging wall to left, between 'Goodbye' and Let's Get Pissed to ledge. Left along ledge then right to finish up smooth grey wall just left of Let's Get Pissed.

16 Full Moon

Two good pitches with quite a hard start.

  1. 40m (16) There are two ways to reach the layback flake, either head up left from the base of the wide crack or climb directly up the pocketed slab. Follow the layback flake to face above on right and now up and right to main corner. A good ledge at 18 metres can be a good belay. The corner gives easy climbing to a ledge where it ends.

  2. 35m (12) Straight up steeply for 5 metres then up wall above, starting on right.

16 Full Moon Variant finish

Start: Start as for 'Full Moon'.

  1. 40m (16) As for 'Full Moon', belay on ledge below a short steep wall.

  2. 15m (13) Across left on ledge to front of buttress, where a beautiful little corner leads to terrace.

  3. 25m (13) Climb left side of pale yellow wall (left of FM p2) and up prominent diagonal line. Through bulge and on to top of pinnacle.

24 Let's Get Pissed

Tackles the steep rock immediately left of the 'Full Moon' corner.

Start: Start 4 metres right of 'Full Moon' below a small corner in the overlap.

21 Harry V Dirchy

An easier, earlier excursion around Let's Get Pissed, but no improvement on the name.

17 Dead Ringer

Short brown corner left of Red Zinger. Verge right and over bulge. Continue via pockets.

21 Red Zinger

Thin moves left to base of flake then hard moves lead to roof. Traverse right to exit crack. Chossy rock to finish.

There's also a direct finish, grade 22, going straight up over roof. Jon Muir, Geoff Little 21-11-1988.

Start: Start 50 metres right of 'Full Moon' at smooth wall capped by overhang.

21 A Chemical Reaction

Up 4 metres right of 'Red Zinger' to bulge. Up on good breaks.

Showing all 21 nodes.

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