
Node in Barbe Di Vendetta

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17 Barbe Di Vendetta

Start - About 10 m right of 'The Donger' at the obvious splitter handcrack.

  1. 25m - Jam the crack, passing several small ledges. Belay on the biggest one where the hand-sized crack continues in a corner. Can be linked with pitch 2 if you have enough gear.

  2. 25m - Jam and layback the corner up to a stance on a small ledge where the crack thins. Place some good wires, take a deep breath, and launch up the face and arete on the right until its possible to step back left to a large chossy ledge with a giant flake below twin cracks.

  3. 40m - Jam and bridge the twin cracks for about 15m, then carefully negotiate the choss to the top. This pitch is much longer than the guidebook suggests.

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