
Nodes in The Sanctum

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The Sanctum

Has been climbed many years ago, by the looks of things before bouldering ever became a thing.

V1 Ignition

The first route you come to. The most LHS route. The grade is for downclimbing, The top out is incredibly sketchy.

V2 Simmering

Some big moves if you're short, but starting at the LHS of the crag traverse the first few meters, finishing as for "A Quick Hit"

V1 A Quick Hit

An easy warm-up

V2 L-R Traverse (1/4)

Some big moves if you're short, but starting at the LHS of the crag traverse the first few meters, finishing as for Vertical Limit

V2 - 4 Vertical Limit

The grade depends massively on your height, easy tick for anyone over 6ft, a different story for those under it.

V3 L-R Traverse (2/4)

Start at LHS, traverse right finishing on the mega jug at the top of the first corner system

V4 L-R Traverse (3/4)

Some big moves if you're short, but starting at the LHS of the crag traverse right, all the way around the corner, finishing as for ...

V8 Open Project

Sit start on the decent ledgey holds left of spark. Traverse the break, down low and link into the project. Looks very hard

V3 Crack right

Start in the open crack/corner system, moving up and right finishing at the big slopey pocket at the top

V6 Spark

Damn hard. Starts with two small holds and a big throw to a very average pocket. A couple more slopey crimps to finish.

V10 L-R Traverse (4/4)

Looks insane, mostly due to the slopy pumpy holds at the end. Start at the very LSH of the crag, crank right for 20m on amazing holds before launching into "" for a pumpy finale.

V5 Proj

Sit start just left of the main headwall, under the small corner system. A couple of small crimps with a big first move. Often wet and impossible unless dry. One of the best problems in the entire crag, maybe even sydney

V6 R Proj 2

Crouch start at the bottom of the overhang, right hand on good undercling, left hand on good ironstone crimp. Have a spotter (that's roped up) for the big throws up high, finishing out left on the pikers variant.

V6 X Proj 3

Crouch start at the bottom of the overhang, right hand on good undercling, left hand on good ironstone crimp. Have a spotter (that's roped up) for the big throws up high, finishing out right on the often wet finish holds, be sure to have this one dialled on top rope first, it's a grade 25 free solo.

V4 Delete

If you have benefited from climbing infrastructure in NSW, please consider making a donation towards maintenance costs. The Sydney Rockclimbing Club Rebolting Fund finances the replacement of old bolts on existing climbs and the maintenance of other hardware such as fixed ropes and anchors. The SRC purchases hardware, such as bolts and glue, and distributes them to volunteer rebolters across the state of New South Wales. For more information, including donation details, visit

V2 Crack left

If you have benefited from climbing infrastructure in NSW, please consider making a donation towards maintenance costs. The Sydney Rockclimbing Club Rebolting Fund finances the replacement of old bolts on existing climbs and the maintenance of other hardware such as fixed ropes and anchors. The SRC purchases hardware, such as bolts and glue, and distributes them to volunteer rebolters across the state of New South Wales. For more information, including donation details, visit

V5 Crack extended

If you have benefited from climbing infrastructure in NSW, please consider making a donation towards maintenance costs. The Sydney Rockclimbing Club Rebolting Fund finances the replacement of old bolts on existing climbs and the maintenance of other hardware such as fixed ropes and anchors. The SRC purchases hardware, such as bolts and glue, and distributes them to volunteer rebolters across the state of New South Wales. For more information, including donation details, visit

Showing all 18 nodes.

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