
Node in The Last Wave

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20 The Last Wave

Fun sea sport cliffing with the usual mix of choss and pleasure. Loses the sun in summer by 11am. Retrobolts half of the first pitch of Karen's Climb then does a long direct finish. Take about 11 draws and 2 slings for belays.

Several climbers has been threatened with fines by police for climbing this route (September 2019). The police are called out because locals think climbers are suicidal people ready to jump. Police deal with over 50 suicides a year along this coastline. Wear climbing helmets and try and look like a climber as much as possible. When belaying at the top be friendly to people walking past. It's best to rap back down the route rather than climb the fence and walk off.

Down Rosa Gully and up the ladder, then walk along the ledge 15m above the sea for 100m to a small honeycombed ramp about 40m R of Obscurity (ringbolted corner).

  1. 28m (19) Up ramp to weird mantel then up and left to belay. Originally given 15 on trad!

  2. 12m (18) Leftwards below choss and up right to belay.

  3. 10m (20) Up to roof and a few stiff moves. Double U belay. Small 'stile' to help you over the sharp picket fence.

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