
Nodes in Loose Rock - Candy Outcrop

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Loose Rock - Candy Outcrop

While the Vic Range has a high concentration of Cultural Values (and all care must be taken at all crags), the Mt Fox area is within the NV8 (potential Rock Wallaby site), and not within any of the Cultural Value SPA's in the area.

17 Peanut Brittle

The crack at the right-hand end of the left-hand buttress, to the right of the cave at 17 metres.

  1. 20m (17) Climb the crack through teh overhang then easily up to belay.

  2. 15m (-) Walk back to the chimney, climb this and the wall above.

16 Violet Crumble

The obvious crack splitting the middle buttress with an undercut start.

12 Licorice Allsorts

Corner to the roof, go left for 3 metres then straight up the wall.

Start: Start at the corner-crack below the roof at the left end of the right buttress.

13 Turkish Delight

Climb the face 4 metres left of "Licorice Allsorts" and tend left to the corner above the roof of "Licorice Allsorts".

14 Flake Shake

Climb the corner until able to bridge through the hole.

Start: Start under the boulder right of "Violet Crumble"

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