
Nodes in Lowdina

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 197 nodes.

12 Scharnhorst
16 Blackheads and Beauty Spots
16 Drugs on Sunday
24 Better Get A Bucket
20 The Spastic Acrobat
10 Seagull
18 Finger Lichen Super Crew

Recommended crack beauty when in the area. Start in the groove as for TTAH. Take the left trending crack that gets harder and smaller with every move. Finish with hard moves up the finger crack to reach the ledge on top. Carefully scramble down the gully on the left

13 Towards The A Horizon

Up the offwidth. Take a #4 and #5

Lord Of The Flake

Open Project for the bold and reckless. Needs further inspection of the flake whether it will stay in place. Start with the finger crack below the roof, reach to the hold on the edge of the roof, Continue up the groove and layback the big flake to the ledge. Continue up the finger crack on the face above

16 Lord Cornflake

If the LOTF is too scary for you this is your alternative to get to the top. Watch out for the loose flakes half way up

11 Vulpecula

Up nose of the downhill buttress, being careful of loose flakes. Scramble to top and around back or carefully down-climb the side.

16 Conjunctivitis

Up wide crack left of Psoriasis, then trend into hand crack left of prow. Traverse left into Psoriasis and finish up this.

17 Psoriasis

Up the groove, follow the hand-crack and then trend right to the cracks above to DBB. Good pro.

23 R Punks and Lepers

Follow crack to horizontal break. Up face (runout) to RP nest, then follow seam / cracks to DBB.

22 Scaredy Cat

Follow crack to pedestal, then leftwards to DBB. Take RPs and microcams.

14 Nerve Block

Up crack to block (not going anywhere). Up crack/groove to bollard belay. Walk-off around back (grade 2).

15 Pocket Rocket

Up Nerve Block to horizontal, then trend right to climb thin crack which takes RPs and microcams. Belay and descent as for Nerve Block.

16 Torque Arm

Up crack on buttress left of the Ape Chimney. Around small rooflet on right and then to top following the crack system. Scramble off the back of buttress.

10 Ape

The loose and dirty chimney on buttress left of Anzac Day.

16 Dia De Los Muertos

The gaping offwidth/ chimney just left of Tongerlongeter day. Big gear is helpful but not necessary

19 R Tongerlongeter day

climb the arête left of ANZAC day (crux and bold) to reach a crucial 0.5 (purple BD) cam at 5m height. keep your fear controlled until you reach the ledge to step right into the dihedral below the roof as for AD. Continue left after this, pull very lightly on the loose block to not threaten people below and continue on the arête until reaching the DBB of AD. Pre-placing the purple cam when abseiling reduces the risk tremendously.

18 Anzac Day

Up slab using the crack on the right to first roof, hand traverse to left to crack-line. Up crack to second roof and past this on the right. Follow wall and cracks above to DBB.

15 Lejand

Crack-line and face right of Anzac Day. DBB shared with Anzac Day.

18 Mick Goes to Moonah

Up easy face from ledge to stance below the groove. Place RPs and then follow groove up face to top and DBB. Micro-cams useful.

17 Chook Fever

Follow the fist crack to top, left around arete and up to DBB.

16 Miss Rightboy

The short face just right of Chook Fever, finishing up the fist-crack.

15 Jairoen

Take the same start as BIB and traverse left under the roof. continue delicately up (crux) to gain good jams. Either follow to the top or wander with nice exposed moves to the left to sling the big block or gain the DBB of Chook Fever

18 Boys in Bikinis

Bridge up corner left of buttress, layback flakes on LHS of buttress then trend right past bolt, then up face via 4 m runout at top to DBB.

22 What Bunny Likes Best

Up face / arete to DBB past FH.

15 Jot Jot Splat

Hand to off-width crack in corner. DBB at top.

13 Casuarina Crack

Follow the easy, gentle angled hand crack. Rap-off trees at top.

17 Cruxy Demons

Climb up to the base of the steep orange corner via the slab (be wary of the suspect flakes) and gully to the right. Some nice moves up to the roof let then a grovel leftward to finish up CC. RP's useful.

19 Demon Child

Take the direct line up the slab into the dihedral. Swing over the rooflet to a jug. Hollow flakes lead to a RP seam which terminates at the tree.

19 Delete me 1
19 Delete me 2
8 Finn
10 Bumbly

Start on left side of buttress, trend right around it and then follow crack to top of Tim's excuses for DBB. Half-ropes useful.

19 Tim's Excuses

Follow thin crack to DBB.

13 Cromlech

The loose and awkward chimney.

11 Tormentil

The smooth arching corner crack. Nice route for a beginner. Big gear not needed.

15 R Humber

The face right of Tormentil. Run-out with a critical RP placement.

17 Garage Sale

Line up cracks / face just right of the singular overhanging buttress.

11 R Little Black Balls

Takes the face up the RHS of the buttress.

21 Maggot On A Brick

The short slab with two bolts, left and uphill of Rogering the Rock.

20 The Naughty Bottom Burp
21 Rogering the Rock

Up orange face to carrot bolt, through roof on left and up face above to DBB.

18 Daytime Delinquents

Up finger crack in corner (careful of some hollow sounding rock), traverse left to roof. Through roof above to the right then up thin crack (small wires and cams).

22 Little Squeaky Feet

The thin, overhanging crack on the lefthand side of Something Scurrilous Buttress. Fiddly and sometimes dubious protection.

19 Something Scurrilous

Climb the crack on left side of buttress to ledge and up twin cracks to FH. Past FH to handcrack (crux), traverse out right under perched block, mount block awkwardly and follow thin crack on left to DBB at top.

16 Mega Smegma

Follows the crack-line on the right side of the buttress using jams and layaways. DBB at top.

16 Genetic Junk Yard
14 Catoblepas
11 Oisin

Wide crack on front of buttress. Careful of flakes on right.

16 Mulliner's Code

Flake crack to left of Oisin. Finishing up Oisin or dirty gully above.

18 Maelstrom
18 R Ploughman's Launch
19 Gecko

Direct start and finish of Alekhines Defence.

19 Alekhine's Defence

Thin crack up the front of the buttress, trending left from the RHS.

18 Electric Exercise Bike

Climbs groove / layaway on right until you can step onto face to climb slab (crux - RPs and micro-cams). Then follow crack to DBB. Gear for the slab is bomber and abundant but not obvious from the ground.

20 Liars and Losers

Up arete past two bolts and some natural gear (RPs and cams). Past another bolts and more cams to DBB.

17 Bicycles Don't Fly

Up middle of face to DBB. Good pro despite looks (make sure to step right to place gear in the Ants Pants every now and then when the pro fizzles out on the face).

13 The Ants Pants

Crack / chimney to DBB.

19 Don't Jolt That Bolt

Slab / face past 2 bolts, with RPs above bolt (offsets handy).

17 Ferio

Finger crack / layaway corner to DBB.

21 Tall Dudes

Brilliant arete climbing. Tricky, thin and spaced protection. RPs are placed blind so abseil inspection is recommended.

22 Picnic in the Front Room

Thin fused crack to right of arete. Thin protection.

12 Directissimo Man

Cracks / face to top. Walk-off.

9 Directissimo Girls

The loose, mossy chimney right of Directissimo Man.

V1 Fadel
22 Cryptic Clue
21 Anagram

Climbs face trending left from the RHS. RP protection.

19 M1 Ode to a Robotic Arm
13 Toes and Thumbs
18 Mr Queasy
18 Our people are nuts

the face on the right of Mr Queasy. Mantle onto the ledge then follow the easy crack until a wedged block. continue up the fingercrack (crux) to horizontal band and up the bulge to the top

15 The friends we need

the obvious offwidth right of OPAN. Bring big gear (#5 and #6) or run it out in the upper part

16 Konked Out
16 Alcove Alley

Climb the wide crack just down from Zundapp on the 'stage'.

18 Zundapp

Climbs the face just right of a vegetated chimney / gully.

13 Sundy Mockry

Finger crack.

13 Two Tired

Finger crack 3m right of "Sunday Mockry". Head up until crack widens (Large cam handy). Either continue up to point where where it is possible to blindly step L into groove or enter groove from lowest point. A good pitch for access to "Paunch".

12 Paunch

Hand crack above Sundy Mockry.

13 No Corruption

Easy hand crack. Good for a beginner. Trad-belay at top and easy walk-off.

18 Fat and Married

Face / arete above No Corruption.

17 Get Out Oscar
10 Stung
16 Jesus Trousers

Groove / hand-crack past the flake. DBB.

18 Time Warp Direct

Follow hairline crack and face holds to DBB, trending right to arete as needed.

17 Time Warp
17 Six Shooter

The gaping off-width.

16 Nightmare at 10,000 mm

Climb the short corner crack left and around the corner from Perchance to Dream. DBB lower-off.

18 R Perchance to Dream

Up slab (poor pro), then mount block and up crack to top. Walk-off left.

18 The Contortionist

The short, thin finger-crack in a groove. Very weird, very cool moves. Step right to DBB lower-off.

14 The Bearded Lady

The short hand crack 2 m right of The Contortionist to DBB lower-off. Worth doing if you're already here.

13 The Dancing Shoes

The slab above Morning Sun, past a #4 cam, single bolt and RPs and micro-cams in the fused seam. DBB lower-off. A good introductory route to RP and micro-cam placements before tackling the more challenging routes here in this style.

17 Morning Sun

Located just left of Spazattack in the alcove. This is the furthest left line. Follow the delightful easy crack until you are forced to step right at the top, below the thin finger crack (crux). Follow this to the top of the buttress, stepping right to the DBB lower-off. Easy to protect, take some small/micro cams for the top.

14 Things to do While Waiting for the Apocalypse

The next line right of Morning Sun. Follow the crack-line with the crux at the top. Very pleasant.

18 Mother Earth

The intimidating crack-line left of Spazattack. Follow the tricky thin hands crack to the chockstones (keyed-in solidly - a hammer and crowbar failed to remove them), mount these into the tomb, then to the top and DBB lower-off. Take a BD #4 - no bigger gear needed.

18 Spazattack

Climb shield / flakes and trend right to ledge. Place gear in horizontals and follow RP groove above (crux). Follow arete above to final slab and DBB. Be careful of the potential fall onto the slabby ledge when tackling the crux - RP placements are available here but are not overly inspiring (hence the R rating).

Showing 1 - 100 out of 197 nodes.

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