
Routes in Morialta

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 526 routes.

Grade Route Gear style Popularity
Thorn Buttress
30 Fred Radford

The hardest route in Morialta. Boulder problem start through low roof above boulder (stick clip bolt shared with Olympus), 2m left of Pussy Cats. Join Following a Feltch through big roof then cut back right around arete via another bouldery sequence. Finish at loweroff shared with Kiss My Brain.

FA: Sharik Walker

Thorn Buttress
29 Minor Threat

Starts as for Fred Radford then takes the Following a Feltch finish, ending at the chain of Gladiator.

FA: Sharik Walker, 2000

Sport 15m
29 Following a Felch Is No Fun Part II

Climbs the initial boulder problem start of Olympus, then breaks left through the main roof (instead of avoiding it - see 'Olympus') to join 'No Mustard On Withdrawal' at its crux. Continue up headwall then trend right to arete and climb to the Gladiator chain.

FA: Stuart Williams, 1991

Sport 20m
Far Crag
28 Locust Abortion Technician

Start as for Barad Dur. Once on the ledge step left so that you are below and 1m left of Barad Dur's crackline and climb directly up, staying within a metre of the crack. If you're on route the first bolt of Pizazz can be clipped prior to heading up but then you are relying on side runners in Barad Dur.

FA: Simon Wilson, 1998

Mixed trad 20m, 1
Thorn Buttress
28 Kiss My Brain Radford Start

Climb Fred Radford start through roof then finish as for Kiss My Brain.

FA: Trent Searcy, 2016

28 Olympus

Now superseded by 'Following A Feltch'. The original boulder problem start. 1st bolt is for belayers benefit. Stick clip 2nd, then boulder up and right to a small jug under roof, then span right to gain a sidepull and move into Kiss My Brain. Continue over the roof and finish directly up easy headwall.

FA: Stuart Williams, 1990

Sport 20m, 6
Thorn Buttress
V7 Repetitive Traverse
The Boulder Bridge
27 Grurper's Skateboard

Starts up Geronimo's Cadillac as far as the second bolt then goes up and a little left from there: a couple of fine vertical crimps off to the left and then straight over the bulge to grab a quartz knob, swings up and there is a nice sequence of dynamic moves on the lip of the bulge reminiscent of a skateboarding move.

From the skateboard move the route continues straight up (small crystal finger pocket) and a tricky sequence at the top, sustained until the last move. The line avoids all the holds on Muesli and Extra G.

FA: Roger DuBois & John Nitschke, 2005

Sport 3
Thorn Buttress
27 Japetus Extension

A boulder problem traverse link up into Japetus Direct Finish. Start (sit) left of base of Olympus - dyno rightwards and climb across cave to juggy traverse that leads underneath Sardine etc to base of Japetus. Continue up that route. Best done with a top-rope clipped in prior to embarking on the route itself. Basically a V5/6 problem into an existing 23.

Trad 30m
Closed Giant's Cave
V6 A New Hope
Thorn Buttress
V6 Repetitive Strain

Sit-starts on the good edge left of the marked Olympus start (just right of 'Gladiator' Direct). Big move to the square jug at the start of Olympus, then reach right for underclings on the left edge of the small cave (feet on pillar only). Grab a positive edge on the lip, then dyno right to the large flared pinch. Swing feet onto the right-side of the cave and drop down to the finger jug at the start of 'The 'Warm Up' Traverse'. Has been linked into The 'Warm Up Traverse' & onwards up 'Japetus' Direct - which is worth 27 for effort!

Closed Giant's Cave
26 D'laide Delivery

FA: Simon Wilson & Alastair MacGregor, 2008

Trad 10m
The Boulder Bridge
26 Geronimo's Corvette

Take Geronimo's Cadillac (direct version) to the half height rest, then launch past 2 more bolts through a final boulder problem right of the original finish. Slightly harder than GC.

FA: Simon Wilson

Sport 18m
26 Geronimo's Cadillac

Takes a direct line after the 2nd bolt (basically eliminating the jug rest to the right). Contrived, but if you want the 26 label, this is the way to do it. Has over the years been muddled with the RHV (25 - and the obvious line using the jug).

FA: Rob Knott, 1992

Sport 17m, 4
26 The Big Breakfast

Start up Muesli (trad gear) then reverse the traverse of Extra G Connection straight into the crux of Geronimo's Cadillac, then finish as for Geronimo's Corvette. Longest route on the wall.

FA: Redanon, 7 Feb 2017

Sport 18m, 4
Far Crag
26 Elusive Muff

Originally mistaken for Simon Wilson's 'LAT', which itself was given the alternative name by Matt Adams back in the day. This name was retained for historical purposes. This has now been modified slightly (2020) to cause offense to muffins, as opposed to hand warmers (you can't please everyone). It had been TR'd by Stu Williams back in the '90s,but was followed by a lead ascent by Steve in November 2014. Start as for Barad Dur to ledge. Tip toe left to directly below the first bolt on Pizazz. Trend up a line right of the Pizazz bolts to a horizontal level with the 3rd. A powerful undercling move leads to crimps and an increasingly run out crux section with gear (0.75 cam) awaiting near the top. Employ a good belayer.

FFA: Steve Kelly, 5 Nov 2014

Sport 18m, 3
The Boulder Bridge
25 Geronimo's RHV

GC but with the benefit of using the jug out right. The standard way of climbing this line nowadays, and mistaken as the full 26 version by many.

FA: Mike Law-Smith

Sport 15m, 4
Far Crag
25 Mad Germans By Torchlight

The face between Eternal Damnation's Arete and Lord's Prayer's Corner. Both of these routes are off limits. Begin as for Eternal Damnation and then continue up the face avoiding the arete of Eternal Damnation and corner of Lord's Prayer.

FA: Adam Clay, 1991

Trad 18m
Thorn Buttress
25 The Stench Before the Storm

One of the best routes in the Gorge. Climb the roof right of the undercut arete (Japetus) via a large undercling. Get your breath back over the lip, then launch up and left (or go direct) to the obvious rampline. One final hard move remains, then large holds lead to the chain in a runout position (Cam optional). Unfortunately the scene of some chipping circa 2005 when the crux slot on the face after the roof was altered to allow certain people's fingers to close crimp the hold. What they didn't know is that this route can be climbed direct up the face (slightly harder).

FA: Stuart Williams, 1988

Sport 19m
25 Kiss My Brain

Strenuous boulder problem (stick clip very high bolt) starting by stepping off the block to a large undercling (right of Radford start), then trending up and left to arete (crux), and into the finish of Olympus to the piton. From here gain hold over roof and up to crimps in face, then diagonally left to finish at single bolt lower off.

Sport 15m
25 KMB easy

KMB to the roof and then follow the bolts to olympis finish rings

The Billiard Table
24 Death on a Stick
The Boulder Bridge
24 Extra G Connection

Start up Geronimo's Cadillac. Traverse left after the first bolt to join Extra G.

Mixed trad 17m, 2
24 Special K

FA: Steve Kelly

Trad 18m
Far Crag
24 Bung Left

Wall left of Bung Direct, staying out of the corner and not touching the central crack.

FA: TR Kim Karrigan, 1979

FFA: Nick Neagle, 1988

Trad 13m
24 Klutz
Trad 13m
Thorn Buttress
24 KMB easy finish

KMB to the roof and then follow the bolts to the Ring bolt chains

24 Kiss my brain Olympis finish

Start at for Kiss my Brain and then follow the easier line up to Olympis ring bolts.

24 Stench-Japetus DF Connection

A worthwhile variant. Start as for 'The Stench' then once past its roof climb up to its good 'ear' edge and make a reach out left to the 'Japetus' undercling. Finish as for 'Japetus' Direct.

Sport 18m
24 Two Hour Hole

Take 'Japetus' to the 'hole' - then launch up the left side of the arete past a small edge and a 'hidden' sidepull to the 'Japetus' break.

The original line continued up the face of 'Terra Incognita' - however cutting back right at the good rest and launching up the direct finish of 'Japetus' Direct makes for a far better route.

FA: Stuart Williams & Duncan Graham, 1995

Trad 18m
24 Pussycats and Crushed Kneecaps

Takes the line of ring bolts on the left side of 'Sardine', joining that route at its rest.

Sport 18m
24 Hippy and a Wharfie

Rarely done, mainly because it has a sport (bolted) start, then relies on trad (small wires) to finish. Climbs Pussycats start (crux) then trends left into Kiss My Brain (bolt and old piton). Over roof, but instead of taking the bolt line left (KMB), go up 2/3m then trent left to arete. Finish at top chain for maximum enjoyment.

FA: Stuart Williams, 1988

Trad 22m
24 Direct Withdrawal

Climbs 'Gladiator Direct' into 'No Mustard' - thereby avoiding the contrived drop-down move. Very sustained. Recommended to stick clip the 1st traverse bolt from the ground prior to starting. Hard for the grade.

Sport 22m
24 No Mustard on Withdrawal

Climbs 'Gladiator' until into the corner, then drops down and traverses right across the lip of the Olympus roof via some pockets. Once at the arete, blast straight on up the face, finishing at chains.

Sport 21m
Closed Giant's Cave
V4 The Degoba System
Far Crag
V4 Far Crag Eliminate Traverse
Milestone Buttress
23 Cheap Drills
Trad 12m
The Buttress
23 Gorilla My Nightmare

Longest route on the wall. Actually starts as for 'Gorilla My Dreams Original Direct Start' and takes a long diagonal up this then right across the now more popular bolted DS. Where that route breaks left to finish up the crack, keep trending right along the horizontal for a couple of moves, then launch upwards via underclings through a very bouldery finish exiting about 2-3m right of the other lines. Watch your back at the top.

FA: Steve Kelly, 2000

Trad 18m
The Billiard Table
23 Paterson's Curse
Trad 18m
23 Potluck DF
Far Crag
23 Illequipt Left Side

The black streak L of Illequipt, using that route for protection only.

Trad 14m
23 Eternal Damnation
Trad 18m
23 Pizazz

The face on the left of the 'Barad Dur' wall, avoiding the corner. Climb on crimps following the line of bolts up the face.

Start: You can begin as for 'Barad Dur' or from directly below the route proper.

Mixed trad 21m, 4
Thorn Buttress
23 Japetus Right Hand

FA: Finish up black streak right of last bolt

23 Japetus-Stench Connection

A more powerful version of 'Japetus'. Once at the large break, cut right up the rampline of 'Stench' and finish at that routes chain. Sustained.

FA: Stuart Williams & Robert Knott, 1995

Sport 20m
23 Japetus Direct Finish

Originally established as a bold traditional outing by Kim Carrigan. Now retro-bolted with general consensus due to it residing in a largely sport-route populated area. Not surprisingly, it has now become one of the most travelled lines for its grade at 'Morialta'. Makes for a far better outing than the original. Once at the big break, climb straight up the continuation of the arete largely on its right border to finish at a chain.

FA: Kim Carrigan (all on trad), 1981

23 Japetus

The original route. Now superseded by the direct finish.

Start: Takes the very overhanging arete from its base up to the 'hole', then tacts right around the steep arete and up to the big break via a good undercling. This original line then stepped left and finished up the 'Terra Incognita' face.

FA: Kim Carrigan (all on trad), 1979

23 Breathless
The Lost Walls
23 Witch Hunt

Follow the line of bolts up the middle of the black wall left of the loose blocky corner. A technical mid section!

Sport 15m, 7
23 X
Far Crag
23 X Bung Direct

The central crack. The first (aided) route up the wall took 16 years before it went free.

FA: Richard Horn & Stuart Fishwick (A3), 1968

FFA: Most likely Mike Law-Smith, 1984

Trad 13m
Closed Giant's Cave
V3 Far Right Roof
V3 Sith Lord
The Outcrops
22 Om Mane Padre Om
Trad 12m
The Buttress
22 Gorilla My Dreams Super Direct

Climb 'Gorilla My Dreams Direct Start' to the top horizontal (finger-jug), but instead of breaking left to finish up the crack, go directly straight up via the hanging flake/sidepull.

FA: Ascends the hanging flake to the right of the original crack finish

Sport 15m, 3
The Billiard Table
22 Resisting a Rest
Sport 19m
22 Pot Black

FA: TR Nyrie Dood & Led Tony Barker

Trad 18m
22 Anatexis
22 Potluck

Run out between 1st and 2nd, and 2nd and 3rd bolts with ground-fall potential. 4 bolts. Safer to bring trad gear for protection between bolts. 5th bolt is for the direct finish out left.

Sport 4
22 Vibration Control and Heat Transfer
22 Hurricane Higgins
Trad 15m
The Boulder Bridge
22 Yuppies in the Gym
Trad 63m
22 Living on the Ceiling Direct Finish
The Throne Room
22 Geronimo's Volkswagen DS
22 Cut Loose
Far Crag
22 Legato Fae

The wall left of Asgard. Not allowed to use Asgard's holds.

FA: Tony Barker & Paul Gray

Trad 14m
22 Cioch

“Up the wall Right of RESURRECTION to a squatting rest beneath the Roof, Step left , Clip a bolt - Then fight Up to the nipple on the arete. Finish up the HAND CRACK. There are variants but the above mentioned is most popular “ Rock climbing around Adelaide. George Adams , John Dutton (14M3) 1970 TR Jim Olsen 20.10.74 FFLA Henry Barber 15.4.75 (19) FFLA Rod Young 18.9.79 (22)

Trad 14m
22 Barad Dur

Swing up the steep juggy wall immediately left of Eternal Damnation's undercut arete past a big rattly block to a ledge. Step right and go up to the roof. Now make a cramped step back left past a bolt onto an undercut wall to reach the base of the crack. Straight up the crack.

FA: Stuart Fishwick & Richard Horn, 1970

Mixed trad 20m, 1
Thorn Buttress
22 Hyperion

Begin at the Overhung Corner / Protruding Buttress right of Stench Before the Storm's face. Continue up the wall on good holds.

FA: Colin Reece (Aid 14 M4), 1972

FFA: Kimm Carrigan & Gary Scott, 1979

Sport 19m, 3
22 Incognita-Japetus DF Link
22 Terra Incognita

Climb the reachy boulder-problem off the deck just right of the Terrethea crackline via a big move to the dubious flat jug. Continue up to the 'shield' (which is living on borrowed time) - then onwards up the face.

FA: Stuart Williams, 1995

Sport 20m
22 Sardine Direct
22 Sardine

Starts just left of the 'Terrathea' corner and climbs up to the big sidepull sloper and two good edges. Clip the next bolt and launch out left (crux) to a big crank level with the small roof (rest). Cut back right - then left - until below the final face (rest). Continue to the chain. This route can also be done by going direct through the roof (at the same grade).

Sport 21m, 6
22 Gladiator Direct Start

Takes the poor-looking rock immediately left of the marked Olympus start, joining the upper corner via a reachy and powerful sequence. Was the original line until the loss of some holds.

FA: Col Reece

Trad 20m
The Lost Walls
22 The Outside of the Envelope
Trad 13m
22 Fighter Jock Heaven
Trad 11m
22 R
The Boulder Bridge
22 R Palm Oil
Mixed trad 17m, 1
The Buttress
21 Good Training

FA: Mike Dixon, Rick & Fred Dyer, 2008

21 Tally-ho
21 Gorilla My Dreams DS

Start halfway up the gully and launch directly up the wall following the bolted line. Bouldery start, then a very good rest mid-way up leads to a finger-jug at the final horizontal. Break left via a reachy move into the steep diagonal crackline, then finish up it.

Sport 15m, 3
The Billiard Table
21 Dreadlocks
Trad 10m
21 Swing for the Crime
Trad 19m
21 Fascination

Up the L wall of the gully following the flakes and cracks. Put some pro in between the 2nd and 3rd bolts. Step R for a rest, then back L to the top.

The top anchor is two carrots so bring bolt plates.

Mixed trad 16m, 3
21 Good Luck

FA: Steve Kelly, 2004

Trad 18m
The Boulder Bridge
21 Living on the Ceiling

Start 2m right of Mt Olive (marked "O"). Up to stance below roof. Follow thin crack through roof to jugs, hand traverse left around arete then up.

FA: Nick Neagle & Mike Brown, 1985

Trad 17m
21 Pull Apart

Climb up into the brain and head left to two small crimps then reach for an under cling in the roof to rest. Move left around the arete and the 2nd roof, RH side crimp on up high and LH gaston to get a high right foot to step up to a jug and smooth reachy climbing to the top.

FA: Ethan Penck, 22 Mar 2023

Set: Toby Nichols, 22 Mar 2023

Top rope 19m
21 Polish Old Boy's Route

2m R of "The Thinker". Up wall, clip 1st bolt of "Close your eyes and think of England" on your right, then up past piton.

Mixed trad 17m, 1
21 Extra G

Very nice sustained wall climb.

Start: Start as for muesli and continue for 6 metres to where 2 small horizontals allow you step out on to the wall to the right. Climb over a small bulge to reach a thin seam and follow this to where it curls of right. Clip the bolt and go for the top.

FA: Tony Barker & Steve Moore

Mixed trad 18m, 1
The Throne Room
21 Geronimo's Volkswagen DS LHV
Trad 15m
Far Crag
21 Klutz Connection
Trad 14m
Thorn Buttress
21 Get Smart
Trad 15m
21 October

The line of bolts to the lower off on the short buttress R of the Hyperion corner. Stick clip recommended.

FA: ?

Sport 12m, 3
21 Terrathea-Incognita

A really good combo route. Start as for Terrethea, but prior to its crux reach out right for the big flake of 'Terra Incognita'. Match this and continue up the line. Effectively dismisses the original 'Terra Incognita' reachy crux.

21 Smash and Axe Demolition Company

Takes the line of bolts up the jagged arete just left of Gladiator's start. Re-equipped with a new lower-off.

FA: Stuart Willams & mark Witham, 1990

Sport 9m, 3
The Lost Walls
21 Man of Flowers
Trad 15m
21 The Bleeding Obvious
Trad 15m
21 X
Far Crag
21 X Bung Totally Right

Climb the R side of the wall, the crack and arete are off limits.

FA: TR Colin Reece, 1979

Trad 13m
Closed Giant's Cave
V2 Straight Through The Centre
Thorn Buttress
V2 Warm Up Reverse

Climb The 'Warm Up Traverse' there and back.

Milestone Buttress
20 Maelstrom Arete
Trad 12m
Deja Vu Buttress
20 Sweet Nothing
Trad 10m

Showing 1 - 100 out of 526 routes.

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