
Nodes in Lower Teir

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Showing all 62 nodes.

Lower Teir

Lower Tier starting halfway below upper teir, climbs described right to left

15 Rekorderlig & Vodka

Straight up face stepping left to shared anchors

16 Too Many Questions

Up faint flake stepping right to shared anchors

12 Suburban & Coke

Up featured face right of small high cave to shared anchors

14 Moist Myrtle

Same start as for LLBQ, moving right following three bolts to shared anhcors

16 Lah Lah Beep Quack

Start at base of acess gully following orange streak

17 Still Cannot Fix this Broken Machine

1m lt of LLBQ, up thin face to bigger holds up high, shared anchors.

15 3 Weeks in Parent Pergatory

Short face to small ledge and slightly steep territory on big holds to shared anchors

15 Flashmob at Brandenburg Gate

Up juggy face to small ramp and shared anchors

15 Getting A Head in Germany

2m lt of FABG , up face over lip to easy ramp to anchors

16 Once Bitten

1m right of small cave, up slab and to small roof anchors

15 Deathwalker

Up left side of small cave into corner and up.

15 Bum Crack

Straight up orange streak

14 Memoirs of my Anxious Self

Same start as BC, left at shared 1st bolt and then straight up.

16 Epidural

Start up short thin crack just right of NLOTB to cave, then hand-traverse rightwards along the obvious break past MOMAS & finish up the BC..

16 Naked Laybacks on the Bar

Layback up obvious feature stepping around left onto slab to shared anchors

19 0's & 1's

Thin face to slab at halfway to shared anchors, hard to grade as pretty much a boulder problem on bolts..all over after 2nd bolt..originally grade 17 ..time will tell.

13 Fanny Flutters

Up ramp left of 0&1's

16 Smart Moneys on the Skinny Bitch

Up thin seem over bulge to anchors

16 Species Faeces

Slab over bulge to anchors

16 Hostile Senate

Up thin seem tending left to shared anchors

17 Election Erection Deflection

Thin start to bigger holds tending right to anchors

17 Dudes Retirement Plan

Straight up face to anchors

Next climbs 50m left past a couple of broken up faces

Next climbs 50m left past a couple of broken up faces

11 Peasy

Right side of buttress, up arete to shared anchors

10 Easy

Straight up middle of the wall to shared anchors

18 That So Non-Binary

Up bouldery face to awkward mantle (crux) then easy slabs to anchors

15 Gentleman, we have lost the initiative.

Bouldery moves up to flake then ramp to anchors.e

16 Survival is My Only Friend

Up through halfway scoop onto slab to anchors

19 6-Foot Something

Easy start to height dependant crux mid way onto tricky slab, if your tall drop a grade.

19 No Brain, No Gain

Start down low for most value up short face to crack tending left onto face below second bolt not using crack for the 19 to anchors. 14/15 if you use the crack.

Next climbs just around corner on upper ledge

Next climbs just around corner on upper ledge

15 CIA - Christians In Action

2m left of corner, up face tending slightly right to anchors.

16 The End is Nigh

Straight up face starting at big holds, 1m lt of CIA

16 Dudes Number

Up faint flake into slab to shared anchors

16 Get a Little Bit Like Ganghis Khan

Up left leaning corner to shared anchors

20 Dependable Skeleton

Blank face with a few pockets over ledge up short final face to anchors.

Next climbs 50m along past gully

Next climbs 50m along past gully

16 Sense8

Straight up face tending left to shared anchors

18 So Much For Subtlety

Straight up face tending right with tricky move to shared anchors, if your flexible or tall it might be an easy tick.

14 Advanced Case Of Chronic Patheticism

Up initial crack stepping right onto slab and up.

7 Recessive Tradivism

Up the left crack of the easy angled gully protected by solid hexes, or larger cams if you must. Tree belay then walk off. Beware loose blocks, leaf litter and fear of 3m runouts up 40 degree gullies.

10 Brexit

Start base of crack move right and up buttress

12 Best Line At The Crag

The enjoyable easy hand crack left of Brexit.

13 Tradboy's Testimonial Tevas

The crack just left of 'Best Line At The Crag'. One harder move off the ground then up the crack using good wall holds or shallow jambs. Be careful with pro placement in blind crack: 5-20mm plain or offset wires, or small cams.

13 Trainspotting

Up middle of buttress, stepping left at top to shared anchors

13 Second Best Line At The Crag

Obvious crack line between T & FR

12 Full Refund

Up face just left of crack to shared anchors

10 Embrace the Suck

Up face just right of crack tending right to shared anchors, juggy climbing on good rock

8 Marilyn and the Cow Bell

Easy crack with bombproof hex placements and monster wall jugs. Think about it.

18 Greenfinger

The left of two green finger cracks, which are a few meters right of the left end of the wall.

17 Wit Amidst Folly

Up face just right of corner to shared anhcors

15 Die Eier Von Satan

Up though face jugs to sloppy holds and mantle to shared anchors

8 The Cathedral

Up right side crack bridging all the way clipping the 2nd bolt when reached (optional cam in lower crack) top out or traverse left to anchors

16 Mao's Retracted Testicle

Start as for TC on a rising traverse clipping 2nd bolts on next two climbs and 3rd bolt last before moving back to anchor.

15 Whip It

Right side of buttress to shared anchors

16 The Rebongining

Up middle of buttress to shared anchors

16 In Before the Thieves

Left side of buttress to shared anchors, bridge the crack or straight up arête, same grade either way

18 Stardust

The steep crack right of Ziggy's project. Wiggle past Wedding Bush (Ricinocarpos pinifolius) and up left thin crack to loweroffs courtesy ZIggy.

22 Ziggy Azalea

Up hard arête onto slab to anchors. Climbs as a 4 move boulder problem, then easy top out. Really unsure of the grade, needs more ascents to confirm.

15 Check Up There

Start: In corner under roof 2m left of "Project - Ziggy 1"

Move from top of block under roof via awkward move right to ledge. Follow blind crack to the right avoiding the bolts, or placing too much weight on the slightly loose chockstone. Small to medium cams and tree belay.

17 Wisdom with Silence

Up orange wall , then left out of cave to head wall and anchors.

Showing all 62 nodes.

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