
Nodes in The Real Kenny Boulder

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Showing all 7 nodes.

The Real Kenny Boulder

A stand-alone boulder on the track beneath the Kennedy Wall and Beyond. Safe landings, solid rock and potential for harder variants and eliminates await.

V2 Zenith

Crouch/sit start on the double barrel pockets in the middle of the wall and use an array of perfect slopes and edges to top out over the lip slightly to the right.

V3 Zenith Direct

Same start as Zenith but finishing directly above by jumping to the rail and topping out using the three slopey bumps over the lip.

V5 Kenneth the Menneth

Sit start on the right arete with right hand on a low sidepull and left hand on a three finger pocket. Head left towards Zenith Direct using a fat pinch and a reach, finishing as for that problem.

V4 Kenneth Directh

Sit start as for “Kenneth the Menneth” but go directly up to a tricky mantle. Meedu

V5 Lefth

Start matched in the left start jug of Zenith before big move off undercling and good ledge to sharp crimp. Move up to another edge before moving back right to top out as for Zenith Direct. Jugs on Zenith are out for hands

V5 Kens not right

Do the traverse into lefth

Showing all 7 nodes.

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