
Nodes in Disorder Corners

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Showing all 8 nodes.

Disorder Corners

Giant yellow corner shining in a sea of erosion.

Topo notional, routes not confirmed.

Topo notional, routes not confirmed.

20 Bluegrass

7m right of E.

Undercut and balancy to horizontal. Traverse right to arete and head straight up to manky double BBs. Rap off.

21 Streets of the Long Voyage

2m right of E.

Up short crack and past breaks to obvious traverse line. Hard moves lead diagonally right through poorer rock (jugs) to arete. Up to ledge with manky double BBs. Rap off.

24 Prairie Home Companion

1.5m right of E.

Desperate moves up thin cracks past breaks. At third break move up and right to main break on wall. Move left to crack and up to ledge (manky BBs). Rap off.

22 Conspiracy of Hope

Direct finish for SOTLV.

Up SOTLV to traverse line and blast straight up past 2 manky BRs to large break. Head diagonally right to ledge then downclimb arete for 8m to manky BBs. Rap off.

14 Epic

The obvious book corner in the middle of the good rock.

Up the corner to manky BBs. Rap off. Protection looks a bit dubious (the corner looks fused).

18 Painless Destiny

Just left of E.

Up the wall (cams in breaks) to cave (manky BB). Rap off or traverse left and scramble down (scary!).

Showing all 8 nodes.

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