
Nodes in The Great Wall

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The Great Wall

The upper pitches of the Great Wall are within the civilian boundary. If you abseil to the ground, you will cross into defence (commonwealth) land.

20 Lionsgate

Offwidth up the huge flake like feature at the far left of the Great Wall. Numerous big cams necessary and Big Bros wouldn't be a bad idea.

24 Out of the Chrysalys

Located left of the second pitch of Deliverance the very L line of bolts. Start up the small corner and go L at the rooflet, then up R to the pocketed seam. 3 FH's and an excellent crux. Small cams and RPs.

Andrew Trezona Project

Located left of the second pitch of Deliverance are two bolted lines. The RH bolted line was a project of Andrew Trezona's which he's handed over to his brother Peter. It's unknown if this was ever sent.

18 Deliverance

Located on the ground approximately 25m R of "Tristar", it's the best middle grade multi-pitches on Mt Stuart. A decent route with nice rock and brilliant views overlooking Townsville. The first and the last two pitches are sensational. There's plenty of good pro and some exciting moves. It's a great intro climb to the Mt Stuart area and can be top roped and split into two pitches. The last two pitches can be strung into one pitch but watch for rope drag and the sloping ledge.

Best accessed via rappelling down from rusty chain to P2 Chains and then again down to bottom of cliff.

  1. 25m 18 Climb the sustained black R-leaning corner/slab, steepening at top to gain a ledge with small tree. Natural belay.

  2. 13m 16 Up the groove to gain sloping ledge. Chain belay.

  3. 12m 10 Traverse L past corner with FH (The Fifth Wind) and down around nose to belay below obvious V corner and arête. Beware of huge death block in traverse.

  4. 20m (18 crux) Strenuously up steep crack in arête to where it finishes. Step L around arête to gain another corner then up to sloping ledge.

  5. 30m 17 Climb straight up steep headwall to gain a ledge then continue up to final ledge and belay. Alternatively, traverse right once at fixed hanger to rusty long chain (rap station).

14 Delverance P4 Variant

Variant pitch to 'Deliverance'. Tackles the V-corner crack 1m R of Deliverance's 4th pitch. Climb the corner to reach the belay chains on the Wall of the Four Winds.

16 Deliverance P5 Variant

"Deliverance" P5 Variant

5a) 26m 16 Up, then veer L to sickle crack. Crack to the ledge.

19 Great Expectations

This route starts about 10m R of "Deliverance".

  1. 25m (19 crux) Climb slab with crack running up it and belay below the point where the crack runs off R.

  2. 20m (18) Up the crack, then exposed traverse moves R-wards and then up vertically following the crack to belay at the obvious ledge above.

  3. 15m (17) Step out L to bridge the void into the crack, then up the crack and easily up the slab. To escape from this point, scramble R-wards up the vegetated gully.

19 Voyager

Links "Deliverance" to "Candle In The Wind". Climbs the corner with a FH about 5m L of "Deliverance" 's 2nd belay, then a crack to join "Candle In The Wind".

Showing all 9 nodes.

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