
Nodes in Liège

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 2,779 nodes.

Top Rock Rue de Spa 1 4020 Liège

Gecko Tank Rue Hennet 6 4000 Liège

AREA Rue Emille Muraille 158 4040 Herstal

Belgium Boulder City Rue des plenesses 69b 4890 Thimister

Born 2 Climb

A bridge with climbing holds

Beheerde massieven
Rochers de Sy

One of the biggest crags in Belgium!

Rochers de Sy
La Del'venne

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

Rochers de Sy La Del'venne
Face Ouest
D La Voie Duchesne

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

6a+ La Face Ouest

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

6b+ La Macralle

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

4c La Glandasse

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

5a La Directe de la Face Ouest

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

D Le Septième Cercle

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

AD L’Arête sud-Ouest

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

Face Sud-est
Voie 1934

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

La Rigole

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

Le Pont Romain

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

Le Jardin Grimpant

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

Grotte des Français
5c La Valérie

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

Rochers de Sy
La Nandouire

No climbing allowed on the traverse due to breeding birds!

Rochers de Sy La Nandouire
4b La Voie Normale L1

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

3+ Bruto

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

3 Michèle

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

4 Grand Dièdre

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

5b Le Craquelin L1

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

5b Le Craquelin L1 (Variante centre B)

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

4+ Le Craquelin L2

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

6a Charli

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

5c La Lorka

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

4+ Le Tracassin

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

5b+ La Veronique

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

6a Variant Veronique

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

4 L'Ursurpateur

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

4 Le Gamin

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

4+ Le Livre Ouvert

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

3+ La Grande Cheminée

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

3+ La Traversee au-dessus de l'Ourthe

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

5a Furibonds

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

Rochers de Sy
Rocher de la Cathédrale

Routes 26-38 start from the ledge halfway up the rockface. This ledge can also be reached by foot if one would like to only climb the upper routes (no multipitch is required).

Rochers de Sy Rocher de la Cathédrale
5a Vieux Paul

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

4 L’Extrême Onction

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

4 Le Baptistère

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

5a La Jacky

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

5b La Toteff

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

5c La Theorème

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

5a Les Giboulées de Gauche

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

4 Les Giboulées

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

5a J.D.S

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

XXX (nieuw)

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

XXX (nieuw) 2

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

XXX (nieuw) 3

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

3+ Angélique

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

3+ La Fissure Centrale

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

4 La Monique

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

3 Zoolandais

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

4 Zoolandais Variant

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

5b l'Horizontale Direct

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

4b Toni

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

5c+ Les Truites

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

6C Boulderroute tussen Les Truites en Les Crevettes

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

6a Les Crevettes

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

6c Fissure Imposée

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

6b Pas de 6

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

4 La Voie Normale

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

4+ La Paroi

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

6a - b Le Surplombs de l’Arête

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

3+ Cheminée de l’Arete

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

5a Extrême Onction L2

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

5c Fela Kuti

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

3 Variant Le Baptistère L2

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

4 Le Baptistère direct L2

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

4+ Le Theorème L2

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

3+ Variant Le Theorème L2

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

4+ Variant Les Giboulées L2

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

4 Les Giboulées L2

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

5a J.D.S. L2

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

4 Dubitard

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

5a Al ‘Berthe

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

3 Monique L2

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

4c Meunières

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

5c Directe JM

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

6 Naam Onbekend

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

Rochers de Sy
Rocher du Banc

Route 1-3 are unbolted.

Rochers de Sy Rocher du Banc
3 Le Faune

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

3 La Nymphe Émue

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

3 Le Nain Gêné

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

3 La Putain

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

4 La Tout Droit

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

4 L’Echancrure

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

3+ Les Épines

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

4+ Les Epinettes

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

4 Le Torticolis

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

4+ Socrate

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

5b Aristote

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

6b Petite Anje / Le S direct

Some of the sectors are closed to the public. The most important ones are open.

Showing 1 - 100 out of 2,779 nodes.

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