
Ascents in 傈僳区 Lisu as various tick types by Zhangter P

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Showing all 11 ascents.

Grade Route Gear style Quality
Sun 10th Nov 2019 - 黎明 Liming
傈僳区 Lisu 松顶拱壁区 Pinecrest Buttress
5.12a The Reckoning-half 终审判决第一段 (The Reckoning) Trad 20m Very Good
Relatively short. Managed to get a kneebar rest before the 0.5 section and then punched it through the final finger crack.

Sun 10th Nov 2019 - 黎明 Liming
傈僳区 Lisu 原始北区 Primitive Area North
5.8 Through the Looking Glass Trad 14m Very Good
Found it hard to warm up on. Was fun to it again to practice 0.75s

Sat 9th Nov 2019 - 黎明 Liming
傈僳区 Lisu 松顶拱壁区 Pinecrest Buttress
5.10+ Scarface 2 Trad 25m Classic
Was good to get back on it. Noticed I moved more efficiently on the jams.

5.9 The Great Owl Trad 28m Very Good
Nice warm up

Wed 6th Nov 2019 - 黎明 Liming
傈僳区 Lisu 立柱区 Pillars Area
5.11+ Back to the Primitive Trad 180m Classic
Pitch 1 was short warm up, it was pretty average climbing. At the top of the pitch you reach a terrace where you can walk to the right for 5m for the start of the 2nd pitch. The 2nd pitch was awesome. Started balancy with small gear then a ledge for a rest before the hard fingers. There was no easing into it, it was straight in there and got harder the higher you get. You reach a "jug" but still have some hard moves before you are home. I ended up falling after pumping out on the jug. Got it 2nd try. Abby lead pitch 3 & 4 which I thought was harder than 5.10. The 5th pitch was awesome fun, cool balancy traverse after a chimney that you can't fall into. The last section of the pitch ends with a sting with a short section of fingers. The 6th pitch was the aid pitch. The bolts are spaced far apart. I found that I used a 60cm sling for foot loop, went it hard to the bolt with a quick draw and then stood up high like you would high stepping when aid climbing worked well. The 7th pitch was harder than it looks. The flakes were a mixture of lay backing and jamming. The final pitch was exciting, slabby. We got lost trying to follow the descent in the guide. Ended up just following a track all the way right to the end of the wall and down the gully at the end via a track with switchbacks. The gear beta in the guidebook was spot on!

Mon 28th Oct 2019 - 黎明 Liming
傈僳区 Lisu 立柱区 Pillars Area
5.10c Morass Trad 20m Classic
Really nice warm up

5.10 Dancing with Dragons Trad 20m Very Good
Tricky sections where the crack narrows down to 0.75

5.10+ Faraway Corner Trad 15m Mega Classic
So so good! Bouldery traverse to establish the crack and then rest half way.

Mon 21st Oct 2019 - 黎明 Liming
傈僳区 Lisu 松顶拱壁区 Pinecrest Buttress
5.10+ Scarface 2 Trad 25m
Forgot how painful crack climbing is on the feet =P

5.11 Gore Trad
This was short but super fun! Steep moves on solid jams

Mon 21st Oct 2019 - 黎明 Liming
傈僳区 Lisu 立柱区 Pillars Area
5.10a Screaming at the Moon Trad 30m Very Good
Pretty cool first pitch but loved the second pitch with sections of secure offwidthing!


Showing all 11 ascents.

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