
Nodes in Pferchfeldfels

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Showing all 54 nodes.


Always check for temporary closed crags due to environmental protection. There is a dedicated homepage from the 'Pfälzer Kletterer', that shows all currently closed crags:

Please stick to it or some crags could be closed permanently, which happened in the past.


the Northface of the Crag

8 Siegfried

Always check for temporary closed crags due to environmental protection. There is a dedicated homepage from the 'Pfälzer Kletterer', that shows all currently closed crags:

Please stick to it or some crags could be closed permanently, which happened in the past.

8- Glücksritter und Träumer

Always check for temporary closed crags due to environmental protection. There is a dedicated homepage from the 'Pfälzer Kletterer', that shows all currently closed crags:

Please stick to it or some crags could be closed permanently, which happened in the past.

7 Ganz Nett Variane

Always check for temporary closed crags due to environmental protection. There is a dedicated homepage from the 'Pfälzer Kletterer', that shows all currently closed crags:

Please stick to it or some crags could be closed permanently, which happened in the past.

6- Holzfäller

Always check for temporary closed crags due to environmental protection. There is a dedicated homepage from the 'Pfälzer Kletterer', that shows all currently closed crags:

Please stick to it or some crags could be closed permanently, which happened in the past.


The Southface of the Crag

6+ Südwestwand

Always check for temporary closed crags due to environmental protection. There is a dedicated homepage from the 'Pfälzer Kletterer', that shows all currently closed crags:

Please stick to it or some crags could be closed permanently, which happened in the past.

5.10d Genießerkäntel

Always check for temporary closed crags due to environmental protection. There is a dedicated homepage from the 'Pfälzer Kletterer', that shows all currently closed crags:

Please stick to it or some crags could be closed permanently, which happened in the past.

5.10a Falkenweg

Always check for temporary closed crags due to environmental protection. There is a dedicated homepage from the 'Pfälzer Kletterer', that shows all currently closed crags:

Please stick to it or some crags could be closed permanently, which happened in the past.

5.11d Südpfeiler

Always check for temporary closed crags due to environmental protection. There is a dedicated homepage from the 'Pfälzer Kletterer', that shows all currently closed crags:

Please stick to it or some crags could be closed permanently, which happened in the past.

6 Großer Südriss

Always check for temporary closed crags due to environmental protection. There is a dedicated homepage from the 'Pfälzer Kletterer', that shows all currently closed crags:

Please stick to it or some crags could be closed permanently, which happened in the past.

5.12a Direkte Zentrale Südwand

Always check for temporary closed crags due to environmental protection. There is a dedicated homepage from the 'Pfälzer Kletterer', that shows all currently closed crags:

Please stick to it or some crags could be closed permanently, which happened in the past.

7 Zentrale Südwand

Always check for temporary closed crags due to environmental protection. There is a dedicated homepage from the 'Pfälzer Kletterer', that shows all currently closed crags:

Please stick to it or some crags could be closed permanently, which happened in the past.

6+ Kleiner Südriß

Always check for temporary closed crags due to environmental protection. There is a dedicated homepage from the 'Pfälzer Kletterer', that shows all currently closed crags:

Please stick to it or some crags could be closed permanently, which happened in the past.

5.11c Aktion Tagwerk

Always check for temporary closed crags due to environmental protection. There is a dedicated homepage from the 'Pfälzer Kletterer', that shows all currently closed crags:

Please stick to it or some crags could be closed permanently, which happened in the past.

4 Westgrat

Always check for temporary closed crags due to environmental protection. There is a dedicated homepage from the 'Pfälzer Kletterer', that shows all currently closed crags:

Please stick to it or some crags could be closed permanently, which happened in the past.

7- Graskante

Always check for temporary closed crags due to environmental protection. There is a dedicated homepage from the 'Pfälzer Kletterer', that shows all currently closed crags:

Please stick to it or some crags could be closed permanently, which happened in the past.

8- Frohnarbeit

Always check for temporary closed crags due to environmental protection. There is a dedicated homepage from the 'Pfälzer Kletterer', that shows all currently closed crags:

Please stick to it or some crags could be closed permanently, which happened in the past.

7- Quintessenz

Always check for temporary closed crags due to environmental protection. There is a dedicated homepage from the 'Pfälzer Kletterer', that shows all currently closed crags:

Please stick to it or some crags could be closed permanently, which happened in the past.

8 Sonnenanbeter

Always check for temporary closed crags due to environmental protection. There is a dedicated homepage from the 'Pfälzer Kletterer', that shows all currently closed crags:

Please stick to it or some crags could be closed permanently, which happened in the past.

8 Lall im All

Always check for temporary closed crags due to environmental protection. There is a dedicated homepage from the 'Pfälzer Kletterer', that shows all currently closed crags:

Please stick to it or some crags could be closed permanently, which happened in the past.

9 El Condor Pasta

Always check for temporary closed crags due to environmental protection. There is a dedicated homepage from the 'Pfälzer Kletterer', that shows all currently closed crags:

Please stick to it or some crags could be closed permanently, which happened in the past.

9- Lügendetektor

Always check for temporary closed crags due to environmental protection. There is a dedicated homepage from the 'Pfälzer Kletterer', that shows all currently closed crags:

Please stick to it or some crags could be closed permanently, which happened in the past.

9- Preußenschleuder

Always check for temporary closed crags due to environmental protection. There is a dedicated homepage from the 'Pfälzer Kletterer', that shows all currently closed crags:

Please stick to it or some crags could be closed permanently, which happened in the past.

8+ Kreuz Bube

Always check for temporary closed crags due to environmental protection. There is a dedicated homepage from the 'Pfälzer Kletterer', that shows all currently closed crags:

Please stick to it or some crags could be closed permanently, which happened in the past.

7+ Boxenluder

Always check for temporary closed crags due to environmental protection. There is a dedicated homepage from the 'Pfälzer Kletterer', that shows all currently closed crags:

Please stick to it or some crags could be closed permanently, which happened in the past.

7- Direkter Alpinistenweg

Always check for temporary closed crags due to environmental protection. There is a dedicated homepage from the 'Pfälzer Kletterer', that shows all currently closed crags:

Please stick to it or some crags could be closed permanently, which happened in the past.

7 Direkte Eichornwand

Always check for temporary closed crags due to environmental protection. There is a dedicated homepage from the 'Pfälzer Kletterer', that shows all currently closed crags:

Please stick to it or some crags could be closed permanently, which happened in the past.

6+ Bastelstunde

Always check for temporary closed crags due to environmental protection. There is a dedicated homepage from the 'Pfälzer Kletterer', that shows all currently closed crags:

Please stick to it or some crags could be closed permanently, which happened in the past.

6+ Seitenwagen

Take some friends if it looks too run out for you

6+ Sandbahnrennen

Always check for temporary closed crags due to environmental protection. There is a dedicated homepage from the 'Pfälzer Kletterer', that shows all currently closed crags:

Please stick to it or some crags could be closed permanently, which happened in the past.

5+ Waschzwang

Always check for temporary closed crags due to environmental protection. There is a dedicated homepage from the 'Pfälzer Kletterer', that shows all currently closed crags:

Please stick to it or some crags could be closed permanently, which happened in the past.

4 Erste Rampe

Always check for temporary closed crags due to environmental protection. There is a dedicated homepage from the 'Pfälzer Kletterer', that shows all currently closed crags:

Please stick to it or some crags could be closed permanently, which happened in the past.

5+ Zweite Rampe

Always check for temporary closed crags due to environmental protection. There is a dedicated homepage from the 'Pfälzer Kletterer', that shows all currently closed crags:

Please stick to it or some crags could be closed permanently, which happened in the past.

5 Dritte Rampe

Always check for temporary closed crags due to environmental protection. There is a dedicated homepage from the 'Pfälzer Kletterer', that shows all currently closed crags:

Please stick to it or some crags could be closed permanently, which happened in the past.

8 Zweiteiler

Always check for temporary closed crags due to environmental protection. There is a dedicated homepage from the 'Pfälzer Kletterer', that shows all currently closed crags:

Please stick to it or some crags could be closed permanently, which happened in the past.

7 Kubiks Tour

Always check for temporary closed crags due to environmental protection. There is a dedicated homepage from the 'Pfälzer Kletterer', that shows all currently closed crags:

Please stick to it or some crags could be closed permanently, which happened in the past.

8 Berghutzenweg

Always check for temporary closed crags due to environmental protection. There is a dedicated homepage from the 'Pfälzer Kletterer', that shows all currently closed crags:

Please stick to it or some crags could be closed permanently, which happened in the past.

9 Süße Wüste

Always check for temporary closed crags due to environmental protection. There is a dedicated homepage from the 'Pfälzer Kletterer', that shows all currently closed crags:

Please stick to it or some crags could be closed permanently, which happened in the past.

8+ Streng Vertraulich

Always check for temporary closed crags due to environmental protection. There is a dedicated homepage from the 'Pfälzer Kletterer', that shows all currently closed crags:

Please stick to it or some crags could be closed permanently, which happened in the past.

7 Direttissima

Always check for temporary closed crags due to environmental protection. There is a dedicated homepage from the 'Pfälzer Kletterer', that shows all currently closed crags:

Please stick to it or some crags could be closed permanently, which happened in the past.

7+ Hexenstunde

Always check for temporary closed crags due to environmental protection. There is a dedicated homepage from the 'Pfälzer Kletterer', that shows all currently closed crags:

Please stick to it or some crags could be closed permanently, which happened in the past.

7- Großes Dach

Always check for temporary closed crags due to environmental protection. There is a dedicated homepage from the 'Pfälzer Kletterer', that shows all currently closed crags:

Please stick to it or some crags could be closed permanently, which happened in the past.

6 Eckverschneidung

Always check for temporary closed crags due to environmental protection. There is a dedicated homepage from the 'Pfälzer Kletterer', that shows all currently closed crags:

Please stick to it or some crags could be closed permanently, which happened in the past.

7+ Geheime Verschlußsache

Always check for temporary closed crags due to environmental protection. There is a dedicated homepage from the 'Pfälzer Kletterer', that shows all currently closed crags:

Please stick to it or some crags could be closed permanently, which happened in the past.

7- Frühlingsweg

Always check for temporary closed crags due to environmental protection. There is a dedicated homepage from the 'Pfälzer Kletterer', that shows all currently closed crags:

Please stick to it or some crags could be closed permanently, which happened in the past.

6+ Sonnenwand

Always check for temporary closed crags due to environmental protection. There is a dedicated homepage from the 'Pfälzer Kletterer', that shows all currently closed crags:

Please stick to it or some crags could be closed permanently, which happened in the past.

7- Push It, Cucuruchini

Always check for temporary closed crags due to environmental protection. There is a dedicated homepage from the 'Pfälzer Kletterer', that shows all currently closed crags:

Please stick to it or some crags could be closed permanently, which happened in the past.

7 Krimhilde

Always check for temporary closed crags due to environmental protection. There is a dedicated homepage from the 'Pfälzer Kletterer', that shows all currently closed crags:

Please stick to it or some crags could be closed permanently, which happened in the past.

5.11a Vogonengedicht

Always check for temporary closed crags due to environmental protection. There is a dedicated homepage from the 'Pfälzer Kletterer', that shows all currently closed crags:

Please stick to it or some crags could be closed permanently, which happened in the past.

5.11a Freie Wand

Always check for temporary closed crags due to environmental protection. There is a dedicated homepage from the 'Pfälzer Kletterer', that shows all currently closed crags:

Please stick to it or some crags could be closed permanently, which happened in the past.

5.11d Elixiere des Teufels

Always check for temporary closed crags due to environmental protection. There is a dedicated homepage from the 'Pfälzer Kletterer', that shows all currently closed crags:

Please stick to it or some crags could be closed permanently, which happened in the past.

8- Yosar

Always check for temporary closed crags due to environmental protection. There is a dedicated homepage from the 'Pfälzer Kletterer', that shows all currently closed crags:

Please stick to it or some crags could be closed permanently, which happened in the past.

Showing all 54 nodes.

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