
Nodes in Holzbachtal

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Showing all 35 nodes.


Three minor intensely-bolted cliffs in dense spruce forest


The number "1639" chiseled into the rock suggests that the Kuhstall ("cow stable") served as a hideaway during Thirty Years' War. Arguably, grid-bolting lines at a historic site, which in other places might be considered mere bouldering problems, may not be the most discrete advertisement for our sport. However, it resulted in a climbing spot with excellent protection and stunning athletic, although sadly short routes.

2 Schwedenrampe
4 Morgenstern
3 Klapperstorch
7 In den Staub
5 Hinterhalt
5+ Folterknecht
4+ Pulverdampf

large overhanging dihedral

7 Schwedenfeuer

leftmost route in large overhang

8 Killerinstinkt

central route in large overhang

7- 1639

rightmost route in large overhang

7- Kriegslist
5- Gockelores
4 Kanonenfutter
4 Hahnenschrei
4 Alles wird anders
6 Schwedentrunk
3 Holzmichel
3 Hühnersuppe
3 Alter Schwede
3 Schwedenbecher
3 Wallenstein
3 Meierhofkante

Bolted boulder lines on two crumbly overgrown blocks - not worth the bushwhacking.

7- Galgenhumor
7- Galgenvogel
6+ Galgenfrist
6- Pranger
6 Hellebarde
7+ Eiserne Jungfrau

Bolted boulder with overhanging east face on impressive holds. Unfortunately somewhat brittle, the upper parts with lots of moss. The base is flat and wide, however, overgrown with blackberry vines.

6- Winkelmann

Leftmost route

6 Zackenbarsch

Central route

3 Waldgeist

Showing all 35 nodes.

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