
Nodes in Driblet Outcrop

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Driblet Outcrop

The big piece of crag has been bolted by Rick Siu in 2023. Full Details:

HS Mantel Chimney

The climb starts on the extreme right of the crag, at the corner just before the large gully and to the right of a series of overhangs. Mantel on to the ledge and then climb the overhanging chimney. Move right to the slab and ascend the wall.

S Rumpelstiltsken

Start at the large vegetated crack. Climb easily up to the line of overhangs and use the wedged boulder to overcome these. Belay at the good pine tree. Step back in to the crack and continue up the increasingly vegetated groove to the top. Abseil to descend.

VD Giddy Heights

Start to the left of Rumpelstiltsken on top of the ridge. Take the first white rib, which leads obliquely to the right and up to a large scoop. Climb ump and in to the middle of the scoop until it is possible to take a belay in the trees. Lead off right from the belay stance up a well defined crack to a v-shaped slab. Belay on top of the slab or link together with the third pitch. Step left and move straight up to the groove leading to a well-defined crack. Layback up the crack until it is possible to start bridging for the final few feet of steep rock. Finish up the easier angled rocks above.

HVD Club Route

Start 10 feet right of the previous climb at the picnic stone. Use the left crack and follow the broken line just to the right of the slabs. Follow the grassy gully and then climb the natural line. Move right and up to the small ledge and belay in the right corner crack. From the belay move left and up the slab. Climb through the sharp little overhang and scramble to a tree belay.

VD Nine Climb
6b Child's Hill
6b+ Insecure Canyon
6c+ Grown-Up Mountain
6a Trinity
6c Teller-Ulam
7b+ Ivy Mike
7c MAD!
6b Meh

route to access the routes above

7a+ Sunlit Silence
7a Gradient Ascent
7a Gradient Ascent(low start)
7c Radiation Sickness
6a+ Demon Core
6b Surly Bonds
7b I Am, I Wonder
7a+ Paperclip Maximiser
7a Mortal Meatbag
7a+ Brace! Brace!
6c Burning Blue

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