
Északi / Nagy-fal



Access issues inherited from Csókakő

Due to bird nesting there are temporary restriction in the following sectors:

  • February 15 - June 30 : Északkeleti pillér, Északkeleti fal, Bástya, Hátsó fal

  • March 1-20: Bölcsöde, Óvoda, Északkeleti fal, Északkeleti pillér, Északi fal, Bástya, Hátsó fal


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Technical route, classic crack climbing

FA: Szarka István, 1991

Get on the overhanging board, then straight up under the impressive overhang, which is visible from below. A nice and technical climb from start to finish

FA: Horváth Emil, Temesvári Tibor & Csutorás Gergely, 1983

Get off 3 metres from the Winter Road (Téli út), on the right. After the lower grip, which is visible from the ground, you will find beautiful compact rock and solution holes

FA: Csutorás Gergely, 2004

FA: Szarka István, 1990

FA: Szarka István, 1990

FA: Horváth Emil & Temesvári Tibor, 1982

The route of the road is the same as the Moses route. At the bottom, start at the right edge of the mirror-like overpass sign, then straight up the left edge of the top two overpasses to the stand. A rich set of holds, technical climbing.

FA: Abonyi Gábor, 2015

Boarding the inward sloping flat board, then straight up the vertical wall by climbing under the stand directly

FA: Szarka István, 1990

FA: Szarka István, 1990

FA: Szarka István, 1990

FA: Gond Ferenc, 1980

FA: Abonyi Gábor, 2016

FA: Urbanics Áron, 2000

FA: Farkas Tamás, 2016

FA: Abonyi Gábor, 2014

FA: Csutorás Gergely, 2011

FA: Kovács Balázs, 1989

FA: Abonyi Gábor, 2011

FA: Abonyi Gábor, 2012


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Date: 2021

Climbing close to the castle of Csókakő, 50 km (west) from Budapest - 77 routes at small crags.

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Thu 27 Jul
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