

A nice flowy climb interrupted by a few satisfying power moves in the middle.

Route history

Feb 2023Route setter: Ravi waddar & Gowri Varanashi
Mar 2023First ascent: Gowri Varanashi



Lat/Lon: 15.92674, 75.68161

Grade citation

6a+ Assigned grade
6c [6b - 6c] ++ grAId


PowerStar is a crag built by the community for the community with love and respect. We understand that rock climbing can have an ecological impact, so we have tried to minimise our footprint while pursuing our passion. Here are a few things to keep in mind for visitors, climbers, belayers, onlookers, future bolters, and friends.

(1) Monkey business: - We share the crag with a troop of monkeys who visit between 12 pm to 3 pm to escape the heat. - We urge you not to feed the monkeys as they can become aggressive and territorial. - The monkeys also have a habit of stealing things, so keep all gear, food, and valuables in a closed bag and within your sight. - We recommend not climbing in the Gully and Corner areas from 12 to 3pm as we want both climbers and the monkeys to feel safe. Take a break and relax in the shade!"

(2) Other flora and fauna - The crags deeper inside the gully area is a nesting spot for birds (beyond where the bolted routes end). Do take care to not disturb or harm the birds. - Badami is home to rare species of geckos, snakes and native fauna. - There are snakes in some of the cracks and crevices on routes, especially in summers when there aren't as many visitors. Although this is rare, it does happen, so watch out. - There are also native species of plants around the base of some climbs. Pruning these overgrown sections is fine but do not completely unroot them. "

(3) Leave no trace: - We are already impacting the rocks by bolting them, so let’s try to minimise further impact. - Please do not leaving any food waste, plastic bags, coconuts, paper bags, water bottles, etc behind - take your trash with you! - We highly recommend taking back fruit and food leftovers so the monkeys don't become dependent on them. - Do not write or paint route names (or anything else) on the crags. - Follow rough trails created as much as possible to allow surrounding grass and other vegetation to grow."

(4) Respect the locals: - The crag is a few hundred meters away from Tipu Nagar, so you can expect locals to pay you a visit. - The local kids are harmless to a large extent but quite naughty. Expect to be made fun of and asked for pens or cigarettes. Refrain from doing this to not create a habit. - A few local boys offer to get coconut water. Highly recommended (pay after receiving, though)."

(5) Safety First: Powerstar is a new crag, so there are chances of rockfall and choss. We recommend both climbers and belayers wear helmets."

Please enjoy your time at Powerstar while keeping in mind these guidelines. Thank you for helping us preserve this beautiful crag!

inherited from Power Star Community Crag





Mega Classic
Very Good
Don't Bother

Based on 0 ratings.

Difficulty - 6a+

Soft Touch

Based on 1 ratings.

Suggested Grade


Based on 1 ratings.

Tick Types

Red point 1
Attempt 1

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