
Second Wall

  • Grade context: FR
  • Ascents: 9




Update 2022-2023: some big corporate build a resort right on top of the Second Wall and materials fall down at any time of the day. It is very dangerous and they seem to not care at all about climbers. Local stakeholders also doesn't do anything.

Just be sure to inform the locals around the entry of the track that you gonna climb there. They often notify the workers on that site or help you watch the construction site from afar and scream at you if they see some materials are going to fall.

Access issues inherited from Parang Ndog

Update 2022-2023: some big corporate build a resort right on top of the Second Wall and materials fall down at any time of the day. It is very dangerous and they seem to not care at all about climbers. Local stakeholders also doesn't do anything. North Parking Lot (Watugupit Sunset Park) & South Parking Lot (Watugupit Sunset Park) area are the only ones have easy access, no permit needed just "izin" (say to the parking lot officers you wanted to climb; and pay for parking only). North Parking Lot (Watugupit Sunset Park) & South Parking Lot (Watugupit Sunset Park) areas are privately owned and the owner is also a climber that develop that area.


Follow the same trail 10 min from the road. Update 2023: from the Sunset Park Parking Lot you have to walkdown (just follow the road) for around 5 minutes because the direct route north has been closed (the direct route is now walled off; privately owned land). There is a "gubug" or a small resting house made from wood owned by locals that marks the way in. Just follow the small track and some 5 minutes hike up and you are there.

Beware: because of low maintanance on the track sometimes you'll come across deep mud spot, slippery track, and on monsoon season some occasional snakes (small and venomous) and scorpions.



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No anchor, use the tree. Bolts in good condition.

5b with 6a finish. Bolts in good condition.

No anchor, last bolt rusty. Abseil against belayer from below.


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Thu 27 Jul
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