
Sector A

  • Grade context: FR
  • Photos: 5
  • Ascents: 917
  • Aka: Settore Basso

Access: Spike in break ins

For anyone wanting to park around the suggested car parks, over the past few weeks there has been a spike in people’s cars getting robbed while they are out at the crag. This happened to me and the local police says it has happened quite a bit recently. So I’m raising this warning for you to be aware

Ensure you have anything valuable with you and do no leave it in the car visible. If it does happen, look around the area as there have previously been cases where they’ve ditched the bags or some belongings in nearby bins (no luck with me though)

See warning details and discuss

Created 13 weeks ago



Access issues inherited from Belvedere

The guide book access has been changed. Do not park on the arco-Nago roadside. There is a large parking area (45.878839, 10.889349) at the major Nago roundabout. The path leads uphill if you walk out the west side of the car park. There is a signboard, red dots and crag information. the path meets the crag between sectors 1 and 2 and all routes are numbered as per the free tourist office brochure "climbing".


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Warning Fixed Gear: Loose bolt


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Author(s): Mario Manica, Antonella Cicogna, Roni Andres

Date: 2022

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A comprehensive guidebook describing the sport climbing around Arco and the surrounding area, covering over 4,400 routes, with the majority of these being single pitch routes.

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Date: 2023

ISBN: 978-3-95611-182-2

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