
Hangover Buttress

  • Grade context: FR

Access issues inherited from Repubblika ta’ Malta

Most crags enjoy easy access with short walk-ins, and most are accessible by bus. Be careful not to cross farmlands without permission.

Ethic inherited from Victoria Lines

As with most of Malta bolting is discouraged, a few exceptions are allowed

  1. As rap points, and

  2. where ground strikes are likely

but otherwise there are enough points to place gear


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The slab and deep cleft beneath the fig tree

The pocketed wall and small overhang directly behind the WD No. 24 marker stone.

To the right is an overhang above two black streaks. Past these to a bush, then up a groove

The right hand end of the overhangs


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Selected Guidebooks more Hide

Author(s): Simon Alden, Jeffery Camilleri, and Stevie Hasten

Date: 2013

ISBN: 9789995706197

A comprehensive guidebook describing the sport climbing found on the Maltese Islands of Malta and Gozo, covering 21 crags and over 500 fully bolted sport routes, across a wide range of grades up to F8c+.

Author(s): J. Codling, A. Warrington & R. Abela

Date: 2022

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Thu 27 Jul
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