
Nodes in Elephant Buttress

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Elephant Buttress

NO NEW BOLTED ROUTES BEYOND ELEPHANT BUTTRESS. No fires at any time of year. Carry all rubbish out with you. Dogs are permitted but must be kept under control at all times, do not allow your dog to roam.

Lower tier

NO NEW BOLTED ROUTES BEYOND ELEPHANT BUTTRESS. No fires at any time of year. Carry all rubbish out with you. Dogs are permitted but must be kept under control at all times, do not allow your dog to roam.

Lower tier
17 Taniwha Crackdown

Traverse diagonally left behind the trees, then up through the disconnected crack system then tend right to reach a reasonably stout manuka tree (possible belay). If rope drag has been well-managed it is possible to continue up to the Elephant Hunting chains to belay, and possibly up the final short pitch of that to rap anchors.

19 Elephant Hunting

The obvious left-leaning crack line starting at the corner of the buttress.

16 Nogasang

Start around the arete from Elephant Hunting on cams in pockets, then follow 2 bolts leftward through balancy moves on the slab, more gear, then a few more bolts to finish at the anchor behind the manuka tree. You can continue up the left corner (13) to a tree belay in the bush to gain the middle tier.

17 Pet Shop Shark Attack 1981

Right of Nogasang sharing its first 2 bolts. Stay left of the line of bolts on The Nose

15 The Nose

The easy slab/arete. Much easier and shorter than its Californian cousin.

16 Trunk Line

The obvious corner crack with the huge triangular detached flake and tree up top. Tree anchor, descent via the hand line down the steep gully.

23 Flight Of The Pachyderm

An impressive line up the easier slab then through two overhangs (crux at first). Lower off the anchor above the second overhang at 30m or continue to a shady ledge belay and scramble off.

16 Claim Jumper

Better than it looks. The broken corner and crack system - take a full range of gear. Traverse left to reach the Flight of the Pachyderm rap anchor (recommended), or scramble off up the loose gully.

15 Irrelephant

The flaring broken chimney at the top of the buttress. Access to the upper tier.

Middle tier

NO NEW BOLTED ROUTES BEYOND ELEPHANT BUTTRESS. No fires at any time of year. Carry all rubbish out with you. Dogs are permitted but must be kept under control at all times, do not allow your dog to roam.

Middle tier
15 Irrelephant

The flaring broken chimney. Probably the best protected way to get to the upper tier.

10 Hooptedoodle Slab

A low angle slab with the crux getting onto the slab, and no protection until near the top.

Upper tier

NO NEW BOLTED ROUTES BEYOND ELEPHANT BUTTRESS. No fires at any time of year. Carry all rubbish out with you. Dogs are permitted but must be kept under control at all times, do not allow your dog to roam.

Upper tier
17 Elephant's Revenge

An offwidth start leads to a left facing corner and layback offwidth finish, all on excellent rock. Take your big cams.

22 Cicada Death March

The snaking crack with cruxes at each bulge with good gear. 5 meters right of Elephant's Revenge.

21 Lions, Tigers and Bears

Access by traversing across the bushy ledge from Cicada Death March. Goes up the steep hand crack

Showing all 18 nodes.

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