
Echo Gully

  • Grade context: AU
  • Ascents: 18



Access issues inherited from Waipari

Please sign in, there is a logbook at the shelter partway up the track (On the way past hold onto your face wall) . No dogs, no camping or overnighting, no fires. This is a working farm, leave all gates open or closed as you found them.

Ethic inherited from Waipari

Please do not top rope directly through anchor bolts. Please rappel after cleaning anchors, rather than lowering through the bolts (unless the anchor bolts have additional lower-off rings). This is to ensure longevity of the anchor bolts.


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The face to the right of the blunt arete.

Climb the arete to the obvious ledge.

Climb the face to the left of the arete.

Climb up the flat face to the left tending crack.

Start under roof.

Start under roof.

Start under the nose and climb up and over.

Layback off side pulls then pull to the top.

Climb the arete.

Climb up the face.

Traverse left to right.

Sit start, climb to the left of the rock ledge and mantel.

Climb the middle of the face and then mantel.

Climb the right hand end of the face and arete.

Climb up the left hand side of the face.

Climb up the middle of the face.

Climb the right hand side of the face.

Head for the top of the boulder.

Try it.. with no hands!

Climb up the easy slab.

Another slab.

Climb the right hand side of the face.

Climb up the arete.


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Thu 27 Jul
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