

  • Grade context: SA

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Start with hands on the lowest handhold in the crack and feet on the obvious foothold and climb the roof crack/seam. This needs a Sit start!

From the low edges, climb to through the roof to top out.

From the low edge on the left, climb diagonally right through the roof using pockets.

Sit start in the groove, climb diagonally left to the pod on the left..

Sit start on jug climb diagonally left to gaston, then up to the rail.

sit to evan's crack, but climb the compression prow

FA: Marijus Šmigelskis, Feb 2016

Crouch start on 2 incut crimps on wall just to left of Evan's crack start. Climb into crack and then out to lip under belly of bulge. Up on slopers. TO

FA: James (Jimbo) Smith, Apr 2016

Starts just to right of Chuckle Bucket. Moves diagnonally left on crimps to jug, same top out as That's what she said.

FA: Zoe Duby, Aug 2016

Sit start as for "The actress & the bishop", from the jug keep traversing left along the rail, and TO as for Chuckle Bucket

Sharp crimp rail left of chuckle bucket

FA: Marijus Šmigelskis, Mar 2016

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