
Nodes in Virgin Area

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Virgin Area

Un buen lugar para principiantes en DWS.

A good DWS beginners spot.

6a+ S0 Virgins Are Only Human

Walk up the simple ramp until you reach the roof. Then traverse out right and nip up the right side of the roof.

7b S0 What a Small World
7a S0 Captain Black
7a+ S0 Attack of the Spindly Killer Fish

Climb the arete on the right-hand side of the cave to a break below the bulge. Move up and right to make some hard moves over the bulge.

6a S0 Gen Lock

Starting from the water ledge, make your way up to the roof and find those hidden buckets, then power to the top.

4c S0 I Tell Thee

Start as for Gen Lock and then make a rising traverse right to the exit.

5a S0 Coldron

Start slightly right of I Tell Thee and make a direct ascent of the wall to the same exit.

4+ S1 Frogger

Start from the same ledge as Coldron, traverse right-wards to the arete and then climb to the top. Watch out for the little ledge below.

4+ S0 C++

Start as for Frogger, and then climb the faint arete.

5+ S2 Little Fish

Start as for Frogger and make your way along the cliff until you reach the sandy arete, which you finish up. Half way through the traverse is a little cave.

The climbing here is above a small ledge, so take care!

Showing all 11 nodes.

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