
Publications linked to and above Block 3

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Showing all 2 publications.

Author(s): Mariano López

Date: 2018

ISBN: 9788498294187

A selective guidebook describing the bouldering in 9 areas in the western Gredos Mountains. It covers over 2,500 routes at La Dehesa, Agua Dulce, El Puertecito (La Muela), El Travieso, Pena de la Cruz, Valdesangil, Vallejera, La Hoya and Becedas.

Areas: Candelario

Author(s): Mariano López

Date: 2022

ISBN: 9788498295900

A comprehensive guidebook describing the granite bouldering at La Dehesa in the Western Gredos Mountains covering 100's of problems from Fb3 to Fb8a+

Areas: La Dehesa

Showing all 2 publications.

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