
Nodes in Little Monkey Cove

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Little Monkey Cove

Afternoon shade. There are many new routes that look like they are in the 4c to 6b grade range. Please update if you know the names or grades.

5c unknown1

Far left of the wall starting with a small roof. It runs very close to the Unknown2 route. Unknown route name. Easy 6a (most probably bolted by F.Haden)

6a unknown2

Unknown route starting near the bush on the wall and up through a gap between rocks.

6a Unknown3

Climbs on large features and splits off left from another route just before an overhang.

6a unknown4

Splits off to the right just before the overhang.

6a+ Ling Jaw Jaw

Interesting route with some nice moves

6b Jesse James

This route shares the first bolt with the 7a+ on its right. For the 6b stay Left and follow the bolts straight up

7a+ Jesse James

The first bolt is in common with the 6b. Follow the Right line of bolts, up onto the overhanging bulge, and up

7a unknown5

Climbs into the large crack. The first two bolts are in common with the 6a. Split left immediately above the third bolt onto the bulge if you want to keep the grade. Stay on the line of bolts on the arete and DO NOT veer right on the 6a. The start and finish is the same as the 6a on the right.

6a Noname1

Climb up into the wide crack, then split right and climb the face with mantel ledges. Same start and finish as the 7a on the left.

5b Monkey Around
5b unknown6

A couple of meters to the right of "Monkey Around"


Left of two routes on the north facing corner. Grade not known but looks like 4c/5a.


Right of two routes on the north facing corner. Grade not known but looks like 4c/5a.


Lefthand route on the back wall. Grade not known but it looks like about 4a-c

5a unknown10

Second route from the left of the back wall.

5b Miya Arom Siya
5c+ Ling Leum
6a+ Ling Ling
6a+ Shock the Monkey

Showing all 20 nodes.

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