
Nodes in East Bay

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 217 nodes.

East Bay

For any/all access issues at crags in this region, please contact the Bay Area Climbers Coalition.

Unnamed Crag Near Keller Beach

A newly documented crag in need of development. It's next to a beach and hills with hiking trails.

Unnamed Crag Near Keller Beach
V0- Baby Bush

The area is closed from 10 pm to 5 am.

V0 Porlsego

The area is closed from 10 pm to 5 am.

VB Pecan Sandie

The area is closed from 10 pm to 5 am.

Bridges Rock Gym

This is a low-key, laid-back bouldering gym. They do a great job updating climbs and posting it on Facebook. It has additional perks for non-climbing activities (slacklining, yoga, pilates, zumba, kickboxing, acupuncture, and many more).

Great Stone Face Rock Park

For any/all access issues at crags in this region, please contact the Bay Area Climbers Coalition.

Indian & Mortar Rocks

Two classic Bay Area outdoor bouldering areas, located right beside each other.

Indian & Mortar Rocks
Indian Rock

A historic crag in California climbing, and still the best bouldering in the East Bay.

Indian & Mortar Rocks Indian Rock
Sidewalk Boulder

The cute little boulder that greets you as you open your car door.

VB Beginner's Slab

Several options, all easy & pleasant.

V3 Ape Overhang

Low sit start on slippery rail then move right through jugs to tricky top out up arete. Sit start on higher jug is V2.

V6 Ape Traverse

Sit start right of arete, then low traverse left to the Beginner's Slab keeping your butt off the ground with difficulty.

Front and Summit Areas

A variety of problems are found on the boulders and walls on the street side and summit of Indian Rock.

V0- Warm Up Slab

The pleasant white slab on the left side of the front face of the main rock. Has at least 3 different independent lines, all about the same grade.

V2 Left Arete

Sit start. Crack is off.

V0 The Crack

For any/all access issues at crags in this region, please contact the Bay Area Climbers Coalition.

V1 Little Prow

Sit start. Crack is off. Take care of block behind.

V0 Summit Route

Bad Landing

V2 Unnamed Arete

Start as low as you can.

V6 Sloper Traverse

Start on Unnamed Arete and go left, well below the lip.

V3 Unnamed Traverse

Awkward traverse right above a bad landing.

V0 Juggy Prow

Fun steep jugging.

VB- Beginner's Slab 2

Next boulder right of Juggy Prow.

The following 5 routes are located on the huge chockstone looming above The Pit. The first 3 can be

The following 5 routes are located on the huge chockstone looming above The Pit. The first 3 can be bouldered, but the 2 directly above The Pit are best top-roped.

V4 The Block Traverse

Traverse right, staying off the top.

V3 Mechanic's Crack

Start in the cave then traverse right and top out, avoiding the block behind. Scary.

V6 Worm Drive

Stand start is V1. Spotter strongly recommended so you don't fall down into The Pit.

5.11a I-12

Can also be started as for I-11.

5.11a I-11

For any/all access issues at crags in this region, please contact the Bay Area Climbers Coalition.

Stairway Slabs

The pleasant slab above the top set of stairs can be top-roped off a natural anchor.

V0- Slab Left

For any/all access issues at crags in this region, please contact the Bay Area Climbers Coalition.

V0- Slab Center

For any/all access issues at crags in this region, please contact the Bay Area Climbers Coalition.

V0 Slab Right

For any/all access issues at crags in this region, please contact the Bay Area Climbers Coalition.

The Pit

The centrepiece of Indian Rock. This area has numerous variants and eliminates that aren't mentioned here.

Note: this area faces west and gets blasted with afternoon sun, so it's better in the morning or during cooler weather.

V2 Indian Rock Overhang

Mega classic. Two bolts on top for top-roping this and the next 3 routes.

V4 Center Overhang

For any/all access issues at crags in this region, please contact the Bay Area Climbers Coalition.

V1 Right Overhang

For any/all access issues at crags in this region, please contact the Bay Area Climbers Coalition.

V0 Easy Overhang

For any/all access issues at crags in this region, please contact the Bay Area Climbers Coalition.

V4 The Edge

For any/all access issues at crags in this region, please contact the Bay Area Climbers Coalition.

V4 Embryonic Journey Sit Start

Start as for The Edge, then traverse right to join Embryonic Journey.

V0 Embryonic Journey

Start at the chimney then traverse left and up across the slab to a final encounter in the "birth canal"

V2 Watercourse

From the large heuco, can also traverse left on jugs and downclimb the start of Embryonic Journey.

There are numerous classic variants on this panel of rock - ask a local for some pointers!

V0 Beginner's Crack

Tricky start, then easy.

V1 Beginner's Face

Face between Beginner's Crack and Transportation Crack.

VB- Transportation Crack

Handy descent for the Pegboard Wall.

V0+ Edge Slab

Slab right of Transportation Crack.

Pegboard Wall

A steep wall offering a very large number of variants and eliminates. Ask a local for details.

V0 Pegboard Arete

For any/all access issues at crags in this region, please contact the Bay Area Climbers Coalition.

V1 Pegboard

For any/all access issues at crags in this region, please contact the Bay Area Climbers Coalition.

V4 The Flake Traverse

Up the diagonal flake, then big move left into Pegboard.

V5 The Bubble

For any/all access issues at crags in this region, please contact the Bay Area Climbers Coalition.

V0 Far Right

For any/all access issues at crags in this region, please contact the Bay Area Climbers Coalition.

V5 Indian Rock Traverse

While it's possible to go right around Indian Rock, most people start at the very bottom of the path and finish at the top of the top set of stairs (after crossing the Stairway Slabs).

Grinding Hole Wall

The lovely short wall in the park across the road from Indian Rock. A great spot for kids and beginners.

V1 Traverse

Traverse the lovely little wall L to R, staying off the top.

V0 Left Side

For any/all access issues at crags in this region, please contact the Bay Area Climbers Coalition.

V0 Center

For any/all access issues at crags in this region, please contact the Bay Area Climbers Coalition.

V1 Right Side

Up over the little overlap at the right end.

Indian & Mortar Rocks
Mortar Rock

The most concentrated area of hard bouldering in the Bay Area.

Indian & Mortar Rocks Mortar Rock
Hand Traverse Wall

The first wall you come to, directly above the path.

V3 Rimshot

For any/all access issues at crags in this region, please contact the Bay Area Climbers Coalition.

V4 The Girls Problem

For any/all access issues at crags in this region, please contact the Bay Area Climbers Coalition.

V1 Left Arete

For any/all access issues at crags in this region, please contact the Bay Area Climbers Coalition.

V1 Hand Traverse

For any/all access issues at crags in this region, please contact the Bay Area Climbers Coalition.

V5 Pipeline Traverse

Top is off.

Little Half Dome

The small face left of the path, just up from Hand Traverse Wall.

V0 Little Half Dome Traverse

Start on either side and traverse the face

V1 Little Half Dome

Start low and go straight up the middle. Many variations.

Mortar Rock

The steep, dark, imposing main cliff band.

V8 Nat's Traverse

Start far left, traverse low around the prow (jug rail is off) and finish up The Ramp.

V5 Brink of Disaster

Slaps up the prow. Watch the tree.

V11 Mark's Traverse

Start on The Ramp and reverse Nat's Traverse.

V5 The Ramp

For any/all access issues at crags in this region, please contact the Bay Area Climbers Coalition.

V10 New Wave

For any/all access issues at crags in this region, please contact the Bay Area Climbers Coalition.

V11 Don't Worry, Be Snappy

For any/all access issues at crags in this region, please contact the Bay Area Climbers Coalition.

V13 Impossible Traverse

Connects Don't Worry, Be Snappy into the Impossible Wall. The obvious link from 'Nat's Traverse' (yet to be completed) will be a super-hard mega-classic.

V9 Egypt Air

Highball left finish to Impossible Wall.

V9 Impossible Wall

From the stand start. Sit start ("Chinese Connection") is V11.

V10 The Odyssey

Stand start. Sit start is V12.

V1 Bench Crack

Pad this well - the crux is near the top.

V2 Bench Wall

For any/all access issues at crags in this region, please contact the Bay Area Climbers Coalition.

V1 Bench Wall Dihedral

Bad landing.

V0 Edges

For any/all access issues at crags in this region, please contact the Bay Area Climbers Coalition.

Remillard Park

For any/all access issues at crags in this region, please contact the Bay Area Climbers Coalition.

Remillard Park
Main Formation

The main formation in the park. Three separate fixed anchors on top, above 'Bucket Prow' (a long way back from the edge), the plaque face, and the 'Pinnacle Crack' face.

Remillard Park Main Formation
Main Wall

The obvious tall wall covered in large huecos. The belay (a metal pole and a bolt) is 20' back from the edge, so bring a lot of slings, or better yet, a second rope. There are also some opportunities for placing a trad anchor, which can come in handy for the routes to the left of 'Bucket Prow', or if the bolted anchors are in use.

V3 The Diamond

Don't use either arete.

5.8 The Chimney

For any/all access issues at crags in this region, please contact the Bay Area Climbers Coalition.

V3 Right of Crack

Don't use the edge of 'The Chimney'.

5.11a The Scoop

For any/all access issues at crags in this region, please contact the Bay Area Climbers Coalition.

5.10d Pocket Problem

For any/all access issues at crags in this region, please contact the Bay Area Climbers Coalition.

5.6 Bucket Prow

For any/all access issues at crags in this region, please contact the Bay Area Climbers Coalition.

5.9 The Roof

For any/all access issues at crags in this region, please contact the Bay Area Climbers Coalition.

5.10a Aggro Monkey

For any/all access issues at crags in this region, please contact the Bay Area Climbers Coalition.

Plaque Face

The lovely, though short, orange wall with the plaque, to the right of the main wall. Has a bolted top-roping anchor on top - access is up the ramp to the left.

5.9 Left Arete

For any/all access issues at crags in this region, please contact the Bay Area Climbers Coalition.

5.11d Face Left

For any/all access issues at crags in this region, please contact the Bay Area Climbers Coalition.

5.11b Face Right

For any/all access issues at crags in this region, please contact the Bay Area Climbers Coalition.

5.10a Right Arete

For any/all access issues at crags in this region, please contact the Bay Area Climbers Coalition.

Showing 1 - 100 out of 217 nodes.

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