
Seurat Area

  • Grade context: US
  • Ascents: 1




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Selected Guidebooks more Hide

Author(s): Jamie Emerson

Date: 2022

ISBN: 97818925400492

Sharp End Publishing:
Get all the details and more on some of the best alpine bouldering problems in the country. The Mount Evans Bouldering Guide has everything you need to plan a trip to Blue Sky, a stunning 14er.
  • Features names, grades and detailed directions to over 300 classic problems
  • Guide also includes climbing histories, essays from long-time local climbers and action shots from local photographers to keep you inspired

Author(s): Jason Haas, Kevin Capps

Date: 2020

ISBN: 9780999280300

For a high concentration of classic climbing destinations, it's time you get out to the Golden. The Golden Climbing Guide documents nearly 700 routes along with action photos to get you amped.

  • Includes sport and trad routes at the Golden Cliffs at North Table Mountain, the Lookout Mountain Area, Golden Gate Canyon and Morrison
  • Features over 200 new routes and nearly 700 routes in total
  • Includes action photos to get you psyched for your next climb

Author(s): Gerry Roach

Date: 2022

ISBN: 9781641607759

Providing accurate and comprehensive info, the 4th edition of Fulcrum Colorado's Fourteeners includes standard, alternate and technical routes for all 58 peaks over 14,000 ft. in the Centennial state.

  • Updated to include up-to-date topographic maps, GPS coordinates, expanded route details and alterations to trail access
  • Multiple tables and appendices summarize features for quick reference
  • Author Gerry Roach shares his expertise from over 50 years of mountaineering
  • Includes full colour photos and 31 maps

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Thu 27 Jul
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