
Nodes in Great Buttress

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Great Buttress
5.5 Three Buttresses

A nice route with an exposed second pitch. The sheer mankiness of the pitons near the top adds additional spice. Start below a shallow open block which starts 8 feet above the trail. Pitch 1: (5.4 G) 60 feet. Climb the open book most of the way and step right onto a ledge. Move up to a tree belay. Pitch 2: (5.5 PG/R) 55 feet. Climb a corner/crack to a small ledge, then move up a steep and crumbly face past an old piton to an overhang. Move out right (exposed) and up to the top.

5.10a Tales from the Crypt
5.9 Dean's List
5.11a Dean's List No Arete Variant

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