
Vie come trad in Preludes Wall

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12 Josie's Climb

Start at the top left end of the wall, 3m R of the major chimney (Red Parrot Chasm - described on the Reaper Buttress page).

  1. 30m 12. Up the wide crack then through sculpted territory, eventually stepping left to rap anchor on ledge.

  2. 20m 11. Finish up the gross wall with no pro, or move L to finish up the chimney.

First pitch/rap off point is a little longer than the 25m mentioned in the 2008 Arapiles Selected Climbs guidebook. A 60m rope still easily touches ground though.

FA: Josie Ley & late 80s, 2000

Trad 50m, 2
18 Subliminal Cut

Start 5m R of Red Parrot Chasm on the juggy water-washed slab. Climb the white streak to a two bolt lower-off.

FA: Glenn Tempest, 1982

Trad 18m
19 Taking Aspirin for Despair

Start 1m R of SC. Trend a bit R to a smooth grey bulge with no pro (the gully just to the R is NOT an escape gully despite appearances). Walk R to the rap station at the L end of the Pillars.

FA: Louise Shepherd & Michelle Doherty, 1992

Trad 18m
11 Transylvania

Quite good. The abseil route comes down the first pitch so watch out for traffic and don't monopolise the bolt anchors if the area is busy. Start at a wide crack just left of the block leaning against the cliff.

  1. 20m (11) Up crack and bulge then dicky moves past bolt to ledge and bolt anchors.

  2. 40m (10) Steep groove on left then up wall, veering right-wards to finish.

FA: Keith Lockwood, Fiona Lockwood & Tim Lockwood, 1999

Trad mista 60m, 2, 1
11 Vampire Arete

This airy arête can be a second pitch to Native Companion, or an alternative finish to Transylvania. It’s the prominently visible arête directly above Subliminal Cut.

From the first belay of Transylvania, move left and climb arête all the way.

FA: Keith Lockwood, Andy Schmutter, Steve Findlay & Ken Wilkinson, 31 Gen 2017

Trad 40m
12 Native Companion

Good fun with fairly good protection. Start 12m R of Subliminal Cut, just right of the large block leaning against the cliff, or under the block itself. Up the wall past the right side of the block. Smooth slab, crux, from ledge on top of the block (there is a wire but short people will have to get up to it) then easier ground up line of least resistance to the headwall. Step left and climb diagonally left to the rap anchors.

FA: Keith Lockwood & Sonia Jones, 1989

Trad 25m
16 Mug's Game

Start 3m R of the big block. Short thin seam and up to ledge.

FA: Kevin Lindorff & Eddy Ozols, 1979

Trad 27m
17 About Face

Start 2m R of MG. Up the wall for 8m then step R across cleft, up past small overhang and the unprotected wall to finish.

FA: Kevin Lindorff & Eddy Ozols, 1979

Trad 30m
9 Diagonal Crack

The major skanky diagonal cleft.

Trad 35m
19 Rosy Shy

A fine balancy slab which is harder for the vertically challenged. Start 1m R of Diagonal Crack.

The thin crack. After the crack eases the easiest finish is on the L, but pulling direct over the little overlap and up the short wall above is better.

FA: Eddy Ozols & Chris Stroud, 1979

Trad 35m
20 R Man Shy

Start 2m R of RS.

  1. 25m (20) Boldly up the face to the cave.

  2. 10m (-) Move L and up short face to the Pillars.

FA: Kim Carrigan & Louise Shepherd, 1979

Trad 35m, 2
11 Dracula
1 11 25m
2 8 15m

Start 10m L of Minstrel Pinnacle, at the easy crack just L of a perched block. Can be lead in one pitch at the same grade if you leave the crack and head diagonally R about 8m below the top of p1. However this increases the risk of a grounder on rope stretch when the second is on the crux start.

  1. 25m (11) A tough start gains the deep crack, which is followed to a ledge.

  2. 15m (8) Wander R along the ledge for a few metres to the next line, and head up this to the Pillars.

FA: Chris Baxter & Laurie Beesley, 1965

Trad 40m, 2
19 Energy Crisis

Start 8m R of D. The wide crack, then the roof and wall.

FA: Mark Moorhead & Kim Carrigan, 1979

Trad 35m
13 Stalagmite

Start directly opposite the L (western) side of Minstrel Pinnacle, on the main wall. The crack for 7m to tricky roof. Onwards to ledge then steep crack. Step R across a gap then more easily.

FA: Jerry Grandage, Daryl Carr & Rob Taylor, 1966

Trad 36m
16 Helictite

Start at the Pillars (i.e. at the top of the previous routes). The overhang above the cave.

FA: Derek Lord, Bruno Zielke & Fred Langenhorst, 1968

Trad 8m
18 Interlude

Start at the line between Stalagmite and Preludes. The crack to break, then tiny R-facing corner past a bolt. Continue past R side of prominent nose and up the buttress to ledge. Finish past a bolt through the pumpy overhang.

FA: Keith Lockwood & Steve Williams, 1987

Trad mista 35m, 2
17 Preludes

Start at the beginning of the gully, in the gap behind Minstrel Pinnacle. Good tricky and enjoyable crack climbing, but with some questionable rock.

FA: Phillip Stranger & Rob Taylor, 1967

Trad 35m
20 Dry Reach

Start 1m R of Preludes. Up to small stance. A couple of commiting moves lead up to a bolt, then a slippery crux gains a shallow R-facing corner to rap anchors on the ledge. Lower off.

Alternatively at the top go up the finger crack of Stalagmite for a few moves and then right up the headwall. It feels a bit loose up there so take care and warn people below.

FA: Glenn Tempest & Karen Tempest, Gen 2015

Trad mista 18m, 1
20 R Atrophy

Thin and bold. Start R of Preludes, and directly opposite Scourge (which is on Minstrel Pinnacle).

Short crack, then trend R at bulge to large flake. Up L to 2nd bulge then roof.

FA: Kim Carrigan & Louise Shepherd, 1979

Trad 30m
13 Marginal Error

Start as for Marginal Era but instead of traversing right, head straight up slab (limited pro). Climb R of chossy blocks to rap ledge.

FA: Brandon MG, 9 Dic 2022

Trad 20m
20 Marginal Era

Start R of A. The rib on the L of the smooth wall, past break, until it eases off. Now traverse R then go up.

FA: Keith Lockwood & Graham Jones, 1985

Trad 25m
16 Frankenstein

Start on the featured arête just right of the overgrown corner crack down and right of the gully, opposite the broken east edge of Minstrel Pinnacle. Easy climbing leads to a distinct crux off a ledge. More easy climbing follows.

FA: Keith Lockwood & Garry Sudholtz, 1968

Trad 38m
18 Smeg and the Heads

Start around corner from 'Frankenstein'. Up wall on left through steep bulge.

FA: Smith & Pritchard, 1995

Trad 20m
17 Amateur Talent Quest

Start right of Smeg and the Heads just left of crack. Up wall to break then up more.

FA: Smith, Pritchard & Mudie, 1995

Trad 20m
11 Red Parrot Jism

This is on the lower tier of the Minstrel Pinnacle. The obvious chimney.

FA: Hoskins & Pritchard, 1995

Trad 15m
17 Egg on Your Face

Start about five metres right of Red Parrot Jism. Up onto slab then left into short crack. Up this to top.

FA: Hoskins & Pritchard, 1995

Trad 15m

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