
Vie in Declaration Crag Area del grado selezionato

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Tutti 5 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità Falesia
20 Brit Milah

High traverse that circumscribes the wall above 'Deck Games'. The original purpose of the 'mystery' bolt.

Start at the top of 'Deck Gully' at the obvious traverse line. There is gear that protects the step out to clip the bolt. Scamper along the traverse line clipping a bolt on Gordy's route till you get to the front of the block. up and belay.

FA: Mark Wood, Ben Storey & Steve Wilson, 2011

Trad mista 12m, 2 Arapiles
20 Little Thor

The lovely right-facing flake corner bordering the left side of the great blankish north-west wall. It's a pity that it gets heavily top-roped.

Climb the right-facing corner with hard moves past the little roof then keep cranking up slightly left to the top. Gear has a habit of unzipping on people; consider placing a directional at the start and being generous with the draws.

FA: Ian Guild & Peter Smith, 1965

FFA: Ian Lewis & Joe Friend, 1974

Trad 12m Arapiles
V1 V1 Problem (b)
Boulder 4m Arapiles
V2 S
Boulder 6m Arapiles
V1 V1 Problem (a)
Boulder 3m Arapiles

Tutti 5 vie visualizzati.

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