
Vie in Voodoo Area del grado selezionato

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Tutti 14 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
Looking Glass Wall
20 Final Blow

Follow intermittent cracks on wall. Finish up lovely twin orange and black streaked rock through short roof. Goes straight to new abseil anchors at 23 m

Start: Start between 'Hand Job' and Menage A Trois.

FA: Darren Williams & Kylie Burford, 1995

Trad 55m
Dead-point Wall
20 Outlaw Oats

Twin seams up the grey nose.

FA: Doug Fife & Chris Shepherd, 1982

Trad 15m
Voodoo Buttress
20 Porcupine

Short crack through overlap.

Start: 5m R of BO.

FA: Wendy Eden & Jo Williams, 1994

Trad 10m
20 Social Darwinism Direct Finish

Start: As for original.

FA: Michael O'Reilly, Heather Phillips & Melanie O'Reilly, 1997

Trad mista 15m, 1
20 Silk Ties, Candle Wax and Ice

Boulder up on slopes and crimpers, till you can traverse L for 4m and into obvious corner (Spider LH Variant).

Start: Start 3m L of 'Spider'.

FA: Michael Woodrow & Marc Sydnot, 1997

Trad 25m
20 Sound Chaser Direct Start

Up to and through overhang. Join original and finish as for that. This is 22 in Lou's guide.

Start: 2m L of original.

FA: Chris Shepherd & Rod Young, 1980

Trad 30m
20 Warped

Climb the prominent R-leaning diagonal line to join 'Wurlitzer' below roof. Up to roof, then break L, turn roof and up face.

Start: As for Wasp.

FA: Kim Carrigan & Eddy Ozols, 1979

Trad 20m
20 Warped Wasp

Half way up 'Wasp' there is a large flake leading right. Follow this to join 'Warped'.

20 Wasp

Straight up pocketed corner to flake. Take LH fork through the bulge.

Start: At base of diagonal line uphill from 'Voodoo'.

FA: Keith Bell & Keith Lockwood, 1974

Trad 30m
New Image Wall
20 Je Suis un Legend

Start left of 'Hidden Secrets'. Up rightwards ramp to corner, step right and head then up until above rooflet. Traverse left and finish up 'Loading Zone'.

FA: Douglas Hockly

Trad 25m
20 New Image

A reachy start, then sustained climbing straight up on great rock.

Start: 8m L of 'Fault Line' at a brushed line, marked "NL".

FA: Mark Moorhead, Kim Carrigan & Peter Newman, 1979

Trad 25m
Argyle St Clump
20 Deer Park Revisited

A short hard layback to L arete (rest). Move back R and up seam.

Start: From L end of ledge at half-height, near orange patch.

FA: Kieran Loughran & Terry Tremble, 1984

Trad 15m
20 X
Rats Alley
20 X Striptease Parade

Shares the start of 'Glory Road', but goes straight up from half-height instead of escaping off left into the mossy ramble.

Start at L end of ledge, up to a couple of large pockets at 3m. Traverse left then boldy up to a horizontal break. From this ledge continue straight up without escaping left.

FA: Craig Peacock & Malcolm Matheson, 1980

Trad 30m
20 X Glory Road

Superseded by 'Striptease Parade' now, but this was a bold effort back in the day. From the 1978 Lockwood guide: "Necky as anything, committing and sparsely protected." Start: At L end of wall, on a sloping ledge.

FA: Andrew Thomson & Greg Child, 1976

Trad 30m

Tutti 14 vie visualizzati.

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