
Vie come sportiva in The Colliery

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Tutti 2 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
Access Gully Area
18 Half-Thumb Hero

Start on right at the end of the Access Gully Constriction. Around bulges using flakes and crack to the left as necessary (avoid going off-route to the crack proper for the full tick), move right under roof and up into easy squeeze chimney to top-out. 5 Bolts + Anchors.

FA: P. Thomson, 2012

Sportiva 12m
Far North Cliffs The Shark's Fin
23 Dorsal Fin

Climbs the Eastern side of the prominent knife-blade southern arete. Quite unique at the grade in the Blueys.

Stick clip first bolt, and start from directly below the arete. Desperate moves until past the second roof, then tenuous moves up the knife-blade arete to easy top section. Bring up second and rap-off eastern-side of the Shark's Fin, or lower off from last bolt below the topout to clean.

FA: Paul Thomson, 2013

Sportiva 30m

Tutti 2 vie visualizzati.

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