
Vie in Middle Rocks del grado selezionato

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Tutti 5 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità Falesia
23 White Lie

Start 10 metres left of 'Random Route' on a ledge six metres up. Climb the wall to some wire placements, then awkward moves to the bolt. Pass this with difficult, then up the short diagonal crack.

FA: Richard Watts & Mike Law-Smith, 1983

Trad mista 10m, 1 Orroral area
23 Thermovision

Start on a bushy ledge five metres right of 'Mirage'. Up a brushed streak with two bolts; take some small wires and RPs.

FA: Adam Blizzard, Mike Peck & Ken Luck, 1987

Trad mista 30m, 2 Orroral area
23 Two Minute Hate

Another outstanding sustained wall. A hard start three metres right of 'Morning Thunder'. Climb up to a bolt then move right and up to a short crack. Continue up the wall moving left at the top to belay on the same ledge as 'Morning Thunder'.

FA: Joe Lynch & Mike Peck, 1986

Trad mista 25m, 2 Orroral area
23 Domestic Harmony a.k.a. Walk Like an Egyptian

Originally done with a large cairn (pyramid) and stick to avoid the start, as well as a rest on the third bolt. Start five metres right of Apparitions of a Film Star, below the steep orange wall. The first two bolts are badly positioned. Climb past the first bolt with minor difficulty, then cruise to the top.

FFA: Tony Barten & Mike Peck, 1987

FA: Gordon Poultney & David Graham, 1987

Trad mista 15m, 3 Orroral area
23 Germ Free Adolescents

A good position. Start from the finish of 'Morsehold'. Up the flaky orange corner, then the diagonal crack.

FA: John Stone & John Carlson, 1980

FFA: Richard Watts, 1984

Trad 15m Orroral area

Tutti 5 vie visualizzati.

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