
Vie in The Scones

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1 - 100 di 117 vie.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità Falesia
V2 A Volley of Dunlops

SDS, LH arete

Boulder 3m Coffs Harbour
Project 39


Boulder 6m Coffs Harbour
Project 14


Boulder 5m Coffs Harbour
V0 Snootch

Start left of the tree

Boulder 2m Coffs Harbour
V4 Mini Ninja

SDS at big hueco. Traverse R and up.

FFA: Rhys Van Gastel

Boulder 4m Coffs Harbour
Project 40

Highball face left of descent gully

Boulder 6m Coffs Harbour
V0 Slabba Dabba Doo

Short, slabby face

Boulder 3m Coffs Harbour
V2 Rumplesgotskillskin

A cool traverse under the lip left of the Scarlet Manuka, cool slopers.

FFA: Artie Schultz & Brian Cork, 2012

Boulder 3m Coffs Harbour
V5 The Kremonator

SDS at big hueco. Straight up. Probably harder now that the starting foothold has broken

FFA: Artie Schultz

Boulder 4m Coffs Harbour
V1 Face-scooped

Face to scoop

FFA: Artie Schultz & Brian Cork, 2012

Boulder 4m Coffs Harbour
V0 Shaggy

Prominent crack left of tree

Boulder 4m Coffs Harbour
V0 Thread

The southern side of the boulder with the cool thread. Don't break it.

Boulder 3m Coffs Harbour
V4 Anti Power

Slabby face/scoop right of tree

Boulder 4m Coffs Harbour

The western side of the boulder

Boulder 3m Coffs Harbour
V1 The Scarlet Manuka

SDS. Up central, juggy arete.

Boulder 4m Coffs Harbour
V1 Fed-ex

Face with letterbox slot, thus the name

FFA: Artie Schultz & Brian Cork, 2012

Boulder 4m Coffs Harbour
V1 Block Head

Blocky face right of corner/chimney

Boulder 4m Coffs Harbour
Boulder 2m Coffs Harbour
V0 Cecil

SDS as per Scarlet Manuka but traverse R onto ramp.

Boulder 4m Coffs Harbour
Project 43

Highball face right of dead log

Boulder 5m Coffs Harbour
V3 Low Boy

SDS Short flake

Boulder 2m Coffs Harbour
V1 Gloria's Jeans

Low Traverse right to left.

FA: David Michael & Matt Miller, 2013

Boulder Coffs Harbour
V2 Slap and Tickle

SDS overhanging wall L of RH arete.

Boulder 2m Coffs Harbour
V0 Left Oreo

Lefthand side of juggy face to ledge

Boulder 3m Coffs Harbour
V1 Low Blow

SDS just right of corner. Up to jugs and mantle

Boulder 2m Coffs Harbour
V6 Mind the Dab

Low traverse begins near Cecil and finishes up on Iron Paw. Crux is a drop down move into the base of Iron Paw, mind the dab - hence the name.

FA: 6 Giu 2015

Boulder 5m Coffs Harbour
V0 Iron Paw

SDS, face to R of arete.

Boulder 3m Coffs Harbour
V0 Oreo

Centre of juggy face to ledge

Boulder 3m Coffs Harbour
V2 Loafer

Rounded arete left of corner

Boulder 2m Coffs Harbour
V0+ Rock Orchid Roof

Juggy roof on right hand end of the crag, past rock orchids.

Boulder 3m Coffs Harbour
V0 Cooch

Face left of arete

Boulder 3m Coffs Harbour
V0 Oreo Traverse

Traverse the prominent rail

Boulder 4m Coffs Harbour
V0 Horn Dog

SDS to large, prominent horn feature. There are many variations of this problem.

Boulder 3m Coffs Harbour
V0 I Fart In Your General Direction.

Short, easy wall between the grass trees at the top of the little hill.

Boulder 2m Coffs Harbour
V1 Smoulder

SDS face/arete

Boulder 4m Coffs Harbour
V0 Super Cruise

Highball arete right of the Oreo

Boulder 5m Coffs Harbour
V0 Jugville Central

Loads of V0 variations

Boulder 2m Coffs Harbour
V0 Electric Donkey Bottom Biter

Another fun, easy kiddy route.

Boulder 2m Coffs Harbour
V3 Donkey

Face above roof. Painful.

Boulder 4m Coffs Harbour
V0+ Your Mother was a Hamster

Left side of roof.

Boulder 2m Coffs Harbour
V0 Rangi

Slab in centre of face, left of chimney

Boulder 3m Coffs Harbour
V0 BuG

SDS at far right arete. trend slightly R, then L and stick to LH face at rooflet.

Tracciata: Keiron Sames, 10 Apr 2022

FA: Lila Sames, 10 Apr 2022

Boulder 3m Coffs Harbour
V0 Horse

RH arete

Boulder 3m Coffs Harbour
V0 Your Father Smelt of Elderberries

Right side of roof.

Boulder 2m Coffs Harbour
V1 Footrot

Right side of slab, left of chimney

Boulder 3m Coffs Harbour
V0+ Crack n Stack

Crack. Stay off the faces for full value.

FA: Keiron Sames, 10 Apr 2022

Boulder 2m Coffs Harbour
V0 Pew
Boulder 3m Coffs Harbour
V0 Wombling Free

Easy wall left of crack.

Boulder 2m Coffs Harbour
Project 22

LH arete of amazing, blank looking wall. Probably quite hard.

Boulder 4m Coffs Harbour
V0+ Your Brother Tickles Trout

SDS in under roof on L side of flake/crack. Jug on R-side of flake is out. To horn on lip and up.

FA: Keiron Sames, 10 Apr 2022

Boulder 2m Coffs Harbour
V0 Prince Charles

Face R of tree

Boulder 3m Coffs Harbour
V0 The Wombles of Wimbledon

Easy wall right of crack.

Boulder 2m Coffs Harbour
Project 23

Centre of face. Looks impossible.

Boulder 4m Coffs Harbour
VB secret love heart

sds and up. FA done by 7 yo.

Tracciata: Keiron Sames, 8 Mag 2022

FA: gabrielle, 8 Mag 2022

Boulder 2m Coffs Harbour
Project 4

Face R of corner

Boulder Coffs Harbour
V0+ Minotaur

Slopers and undercling to juggy top. A grade harder without the underclings.

Boulder 2m Coffs Harbour
Project 24

RH arete of Impossibe Wall. Probably pretty hard too.

Boulder 4m Coffs Harbour
Boulder Coffs Harbour
Project 5
Boulder Coffs Harbour
V0+ Manticore

Crouch start below the obvious roof to mantle top out.

Boulder 2m Coffs Harbour
V0 Dolores

Highball face left of crack

Boulder 6m Coffs Harbour
Project 1
BoulderProgetto Coffs Harbour
V1 Jambalaya

SDS, up to good sidepull and long move to the top

FFA: Brian Cork & Artie Schultz, 2012

Boulder Coffs Harbour
V0 Flight of the Finches

Easy, juggy wall to the right of the roof.

Boulder 3m Coffs Harbour
V1 Clucky

Highball face right of crack.

FA: Travis, 21 Gen 2015

Boulder 6m Coffs Harbour
V0 Vert Fin

SDS. layback vert rail jugs.

FA: Keiron Sames, 8 Mag 2022

Boulder 3m Coffs Harbour
V1 Skinless

SDS on angled rail, up to finish on massive horn

FFA: Artie Schultz & Brian Cork, 2012

Boulder 3m Coffs Harbour
V1 Skip's Highball

Start on left block, up into break below big roof, then over the lip to huge pocket and up wall above

FFA: Brendan Heywood

Boulder 5m Coffs Harbour
V0 Jess

Highball corner crack/slab

Boulder 5m Coffs Harbour
V0+ Pocket Fin

SDS on pockety crimps, straight up. no slope rail.

FA: Keiron Sames, 8 Mag 2022

Boulder Coffs Harbour
V0 C'mon Mate

SDS Horizontal flake to jug

Boulder 2m Coffs Harbour
V3 Rhys's Highball

Start on right hand block, through the right side of the overhang and up the wall

FFA: Rhys Van Gastel & Artie Schultz

Boulder 5m Coffs Harbour
Project 26

Highball face right of corner. Looks hard.

Boulder Coffs Harbour
V0+ under fin

SDS and up to the sloper rail, left and up.

FA: Keiron Sames, 8 Mag 2022

Boulder 3m Coffs Harbour
V0 Aussie Mateship

SDS Vertical flake to jug

Boulder 2m Coffs Harbour
V1 Ben's arete

SDS on the left side of the boulder, up the arete on sidepulls and crimps.

FA: Ben Whittaker

Boulder 3m Coffs Harbour
V0 The Cry of the Grey Ghost

Highball crack

Boulder Coffs Harbour
V0+ green ant traverse

SDS right down on jugs and travere slopy jug rail round to secret love heart face.

FA: Keiron Sames, 8 Mag 2022

Boulder Coffs Harbour
V0 Onya Mate

SDS Huge arete/flake. Up the flake and then traverse the rail right across the boulder.

Boulder 6m Coffs Harbour
V4 Have a Blow Job Boys

Hard, use the tiny two finger nubbin, huck for the top.

FFA: Artie Schultz

Boulder 3m Coffs Harbour

Highball crack to Offwidth. Yeesh!

FA: JJ, 8 Mar 2018

Boulder 6m Coffs Harbour
V0 around the jug

Couple of variants from a start on the arete, moving right onto south face then up leaning crack ramp in middle or keep moving R to next arete and up.

FA: Keiron Sames, 8 Mag 2022

Boulder 2m Coffs Harbour
V0 Yeah Mate


Boulder 3m Coffs Harbour
V3 Have a Blow Boys

Stand start on sidepulls, too slopey hold in the middle of the wall, huck for the top

FFA: Artie Schultz

Boulder 3m Coffs Harbour
V1 Lick My Greasy Crack

Highball, orange crack.

Boulder 6m Coffs Harbour
V0 Sugar

Featured grey face left of tree

Boulder 6m Coffs Harbour
V1 After the Blow

Not as good as the rest of the problems on this boulder

FFA: Artie Schultz

Boulder 3m Coffs Harbour
V1 Fallen Figures

Highball arête. Not as hard as it looks, but a couple of scary moves near the top will get you thinking. Named to honour the loss of Marty and Denali Schmitt who passed away on K2 not long before the FA.

FA: Artie Schultz, 2013

Boulder 6m Coffs Harbour
V1 HoCho

Orange face to roof

Boulder 6m Coffs Harbour
V1 Leftest

SDS on the left of the overhang.

FFA: Probably Ben Whittaker

Boulder 2m Coffs Harbour
Not as thick as some

Highball face.

FA: JJ, 8 Mar 2018

Boulder 6m Coffs Harbour
V1 Choccybiccy

Face to roof

Boulder 6m Coffs Harbour
V1 Underhang

SDS right of overhang, traverse under.

FFA: Probably Ben Whittaker

Boulder Coffs Harbour
Project 31

Highball face/arete

Boulder 6m Coffs Harbour
V2 Cream Puff


Boulder 4m Coffs Harbour
V2 Overslap

SDS right of overhang up to obvious pocket, up and left along the lip

FFA: Artie Schultz

Boulder Coffs Harbour
V1 Scared Frog

Highball corner crack

FFA: Brenton Owens, 2014

Boulder 6m Coffs Harbour
V0 Jam and Cream

Face 1 m right of arete

Boulder 4m Coffs Harbour
V1 Cool pocket

SDS right of overhang up to obvious pocket, exit right

FFA: Ben Whittaker

Boulder Coffs Harbour
V0 One Eye and the Optometrist

Highball face, excellent climbing

FFA: Artie Schultz, 2013

Boulder 7m Coffs Harbour

1 - 100 di 117 vie.

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