
Vie in Lake Bellfield del grado selezionato

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Tutti 8 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità Falesia
13 Ernest Tidyman

The next line of bolts right of HPD to lower off rings. More lovely clean rock.

FA: Philip Armstrong & David Lia, 8 Ott 2016

Sportiva 12m, 3 Halls Gap Area
13 Free Range

Can be done as a second pitch to Open Range. Quite airy and interesting. From the RH end of the ledge above Open Range. Step out right and climb up just right of the arête for about 7m until level with a traverse line across the middle of the wall. Traverse right to the second crack. Up this passing an unusual pillar, through a small overhang and on up easier ground to belay. The abseil chains above Male Bonding are just 15m to the right.

FA: Philip Armstrong & Jerry Maddox, 13 Ott 2016

Trad 25m Halls Gap Area
13 Stumpy

Start 8m right of the LH end of the cliff. Climb the short crack and its right wall.

FA: Peter Cody, Philip Armstrong & Jerry Maddox, 17 Lug 2016

Trad 10m Halls Gap Area
13 Rio Lobo

There is a cave formed by a large boulder leaning against the face. Walk through this. Start on a boulder 4m R of the cave exit. Head boldly up to a prominent jug, then continue up the featured wall above.

FA: Jerry Maddox, Peter Cody & Philip Armstrong, 17 Lug 2016

Trad 18m Halls Gap Area
13 Lifters and Leaners

8m right of Credibility Gap. Balancey moves up to a ledge below a thin crack. Climb the detached flakes at the left end of the ledge. From the top of the flakes step right and up the thin crack.

FA: Jerry Maddox & Philip Armstrong, 6 Ott 2016

Trad 12m Halls Gap Area
13 Over Range

Start up the chimney at the right hand end of the ledge above Open Range. There is a shallow flake crack on the right wall about 7m up. Chimney out next to this to a ledge on the arête. Move up and right about 2m to a concealed crack. Up this and the easier ground above.

FA: Philip Armstrong & David Lia, 21 Gen 2017

Trad 25m Halls Gap Area
13 Hop Sing

This is at the LH edge of the very LH buttress just L of an obvious crack in the headwall [Ponderosa]. Climb thin L leaning seam to ledge. Step L and up headwall past the block with a crack behind it.

FA: Peter Cody & Philip Armstrong, 20 Mar 2016

Trad 10m Halls Gap Area
13 Girls Like Us

Jam and layback right crack, back of Girls Wall. Beware loose block.

FA: Peter Thomson & Peter Smith, 1993

Trad 5m Halls Gap Area

Tutti 8 vie visualizzati.

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