
Vie in Lake Bellfield del grado selezionato

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Tutti 9 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità Falesia
16 Glory Box

The crack just right of the descent gully above lake. Follow this track until it (below Sue’s Climb). Tricky start, then crosses a creek in the bed of the gully easy climbing.

FA: Chris Baxter & David Gairns, 1988

Trad 15m Halls Gap Area
16 Male Bonding

Good sustained 2nd pitch. The grade is very dependant on how well you can jam. 25m right of Open Range is a flared crack leading to a ledge.

  1. 15m Easily up crack to ledge.

  2. 25m Crux. The attractive diagonal crack, then slightly L over ledges to climb seam and tiny R facing corner. Finish at the abseil chains. 40m abseil to ground or 25m to ledge and treed ledge on Male Bonding.

FA: Mike Wust, James McIntosh & alts

FFA: 1993

Trad 35m Halls Gap Area
16 Bond Away

An alternate 2nd Pitch to Male Bonding. Start just L of P2 of MB. Mantle up to small ledge 2m up, then up flake to ledge. Finish up line 2-3m L of the corner/seam of MB. The start looks fierce and unprotected.

FA: Jeremy Boreham, Mike Wust & James McIntosh

FFA: 1993

Trad 25m Halls Gap Area
16 Back to Scratch

Around the RH end of the cliff is a major corner-chimney facing the valley. Use the native pine tree to make an awkward entry into the line. A bit of a thrutch.

FA: Chris Baxter & David Gairns

FFA: 1988

Trad 25m Halls Gap Area
16 Spring Fever
Trad 38m Halls Gap Area
16 Hot Dogs
Trad 37m Halls Gap Area
16 When Push Comes to Shove

Scramble up chimney/gully below northwest corner of pinnacle, then over blocks to stance below crack in middle of west face. Crack.

FA: Chris Baxter & David Gairns, 1997

Trad 20m Halls Gap Area
16 New Wave? Microwave!

The prominent diagonal heading L to R starting behind the pinnacle at LH end of cliff. Up groove with detached flake then follow diagonal up right.

FA: Chris Baxter, David Gairns & Maureen Gallagher, 1987

Trad 25m Halls Gap Area
16 Cross Dressing

Start as for 'New Wave? Microwave!' below the small broken roof. Up, passing vegetation and some suspect rock.

FA: Geoff Butcher, Michael Hampton & Rhyl Shaw, 1993

Trad 15m Halls Gap Area

Tutti 9 vie visualizzati.

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