
Ascensioni in The Promised Land

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Tutti 12 ascensioni visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Qualità Arrampicatore Data
The Promised Land
14 Mea Culpa Trad 50m Pessima
Paul Badenoch
Dom 15 Apr 2001
50m R of STCFTHOTS. Line passes R of a large triangular roof.

17 Set the Controls For the Heart of the Sun Trad 40m Buona
Paul Badenoch
Dom 16 Mag 1999
Took the line of least resistance, harder options remain to the L.

16 The Call of the Wild Trad 28m Media
Paul Badenoch
Sab 3 Apr 1999
Stepped L at the rooflet, but feel free to go straight up.

12 To Who Knows Where Trad 45m Media
Paul Badenoch
Lun 5 Apr 1999
Mostly easy climbing up an arete, a little runnout in places.

16 Lost World Trad 33m Buona
Paul Badenoch
Sab 3 Apr 1999
Quite good climbing in a sensational position.

17 La Recoleta Trad 52m Media
Paul Badenoch
Dom 16 Mag 1999
A couple nice moves on pitch 1, quite delicate climbing for the grade on pitch 2.

18 A Symphony of Terror Trad 40m Orrenda
Paul Badenoch
Dom 3 Ott 1999
Not my best effort. Pitch 1 has broken rock and is dangerous, pitch 2 has OK rock but is seriously runnout.

19 Into the Heart of Darkness Trad 52m Buona
Paul Badenoch
Dom 3 Ott 1999
The middle bit following a crack is a few metres of excellent climbing, above that is OK.

16 El Diablo Trad 55m Media
Paul Badenoch
Dom 12 Lug 1998
The rock gets a bit scabby on the L half of The Ogre.

13 Get Off My Cloud Trad 45m Media
Paul Badenoch
Sab 15 Mag 1999
On the second pitch, Brett led the L crack while I led the R crack with Greg belaying both of us!

13 Get Off My Cloud Trad 45m Media
Garth Wimbush
Ven 6 Apr 2012
1st pitch a bit scrappy - second pitch managed to pull a rock onto Liz when a hold broke off right at the top. Downclimbed, checked she was alright, then climbed the easier left wall. Almost an epic! Loose rock everywhere.

16 Darklands Trad 32m Molto buona
Paul Badenoch
Dom 20 Apr 2014
Nothing to not like except a little brittle rock at the start.


Tutti 12 ascensioni visualizzati.

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