
Vie come sconosciuto in North East

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1 - 100 di 604 vie.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
Mount Buffalo The Horn Area The Horn
28 Short Sharp Shocked
Sconosciuto 9m
Mount Buffalo The Gorge - North Side North Wall
28 Rough Justice
Sconosciuto 170m
Mount Buffalo The Gorge - North Side North Wall
27 Forgotten Playground

An outstanding, sustained and varied free climb that challenges the full gamut of granite styles. This is a distinctly more approachable prospect than the other free routes on this end of the wall consisting of generally easier cruxes, fewer run-outs and less small gear. The route follows a logical line of features incorporating sections of the aid routes Knocking on Heavens Door, She, Clouded Queen, Ozymandias and Strange Ritual. Most pitches include a mix of natural gear and bolts. Take a standard rack up to a 3 Camalot including some micro cams, small and medium wires.

  1. 27, 35m. Start as for Knockin’ on Heavens Door and Free Reign in right facing corner. Continue up this for roughly 8m then move slightly left and over bulge. Continue up the right facing features above the initial corner until it becomes possible to climb rightward across a sequence of underclings toward more sustained climbing and a mix of bolts and natural gear placements.

  2. 27, 50m. Follow the obvious right facing sickle-shaped tips layback until it peters out and leaves you in apparent blankness. Solve the puzzle then continue for 30+ meters up the shallow open scoop with many block holds and carrot bolts.

  3. 27, 40m. As for pitch 5 of Free Reign up interesting weakness’s past aid belay and fixed hanger then continue up slab and slightly left over small overlap with powerful, thin climbing past two more fixed hangers. Finally, step right into crack and chunky features that lead to large ledge system on Ozymandias original to belay with two #2 Camalots.

  4. 22, 35m. As for pitch 6 of Ozymandias Original. Follow obvious crack to the left and up through steepness to the sloping ledge and triple bolt belay.

  5. 27, 50m. Follow the traverse pitch of Ozymandias Original pitch 7 for approximately 5 meters until it becomes possible to climb straight up a series of positive cracks toward the large, steep right facing corner above. Continue up corner until it becomes a roof and it is possible to clip a fixed hanger straight out the roof. Climb past this and over the headwall for the last of the routes' difficult climbing. Enjoy the wild position and hard climbing beneath your feet! Once a large ledge is reached either belay from here to break pitch into two or pick your way through the wide climbing to the top of the cliff.

FFA: lee cossey & Andrea Hah, 15 Gen 2017

Sconosciuto 220m, 5
Mount Buffalo The Gorge - South Side Bent's Lookout
27 Flair
Sconosciuto 50m
Mount Buffalo The Gorge - South Side Isotope Wall
27 Oppenheimer's Monster

A rough/crystalline, flaring, diagonal crack... hmmm! Starts at the double rap ring at the end of p1 of Manhattan Project.

  1. Up face (FH) to the right-leaning flared crack. Up this and thin crack (many cams and wires) to where it peters out. Up bulge (FH) to a small ledge. Up short wall (BR) to gain another ledge. Follow this for approximately 20m until an exit is possible.

FA: Malcolm Matheson & Ian Anger, 1994

Sconosciuto 45m
Mount Buffalo The Horn Area Dreamworld
26 The Lesbian Dyke (Project)
Sconosciuto 10m
Mount Buffalo Lake Catani The Monolith
26 Rubber Neck
Sconosciuto 10m
Mount Buffalo The Gorge - North Side Queen Victoria Buttress
26 Heaven On A Stick

Fix a rope from the top of the first abseil in order to exit the route. From the chain at the top of the slab immediately behind (west) of the top of Queen Victoria pinnacle, abseil 40m to reach the notch behind the pinnacle. From the outer edge of the ledge on the north side of the pinnacle, abseil from the chain, down the route to a grassy ledge. Up the finger crack and seam, past a peg runner (not in situ) to the base of a corner. Up this and slab to the chain (belay).

FA: Ian Anger, Malcolm Matheson & Rene ?, 1992

Sconosciuto 45m
Mount Buffalo The Gorge - South Side Isotope Wall
26 Manhattan Project

Looks good.

  1. 35m. Start as for Diamond Dogs Direct Start. Up DDDS to its fourth bolt then straight up, through the traverse line of DD, and the headwall above (fixed hangers) to a double ring belay.

  2. 45m. Step L and up into a thin flake (bolts). From the top of the flake, hard moves right up a series of edges. Up leftwards (bolts) to drop down left around the base of blunt arete and up into the gully to belay.

FA: Ian Anger & Steve Monks, 1993

Sconosciuto 80m, 2
Mount Buffalo The Horn Area Post Lament Boulder
25 Letter From America
Sconosciuto 20m
Mount Buffalo Tatra Inn Tatra Rocks
25 Rough Cut
Sconosciuto 20m
Mount Buffalo The Hump Area Dead Ringers Block
25 Spitting Image

FA: Malcolm Matheson, 1992

Sconosciuto 15m
25 White Chemical Dustbins

On the L side of the arete. One carrot and two FHs.

FA: Nick White, 1992

Sconosciuto 18m, 3
Mount Buffalo The Hump Area The Hump
25 Staple Diet

Abseil from trad gear about 8m to the right of the anchors atop 'Glossop Skins', down over the traverse of 'The Initiation', to a semi-hanging belay off two bolts in a gently-angled scoop. Easy slabbing past a couple of bolts, then up through the traverse of 'The Initiation' (BR), to gain a rightward-leaning groove (wires and small/medium cams). When this fizzles out, head up via three bolts (crux) to the top.

FA: Kevin Lindorff 2008

Sconosciuto 30m, 6
25 Glossop Skins

Start 15m right of 'Glossop Skins' (and 15 down left of 'The Initiation'.

Sconosciuto 90m
Mount Buffalo Lake Catani Viewpoint Area
25 Memoirs Of An Iconoclast

To access these next four routes it is worth doing a quick reconnaissance from the tourist lookout to locate the top of the buttress (down approximately west-southwest from the lookout) and the easiest way down to it. Scramble down then abseil from 3 bolts at the top of the buttress.

  1. Starts a little L of Arachnophobia (which is the R crack-line). Up small corner then R at FH to horizontal flake/ledge. Up past 3 FH and a BR to the top.

FA: Kevin Lindorff & Jeremy Boreham, 1995

Sconosciuto 35m
Mount Buffalo The Gorge - North Side Queen Victoria Buttress
25 The Devil Made Me Do It
Sconosciuto 95m
Mount Buffalo The Gorge - North Side The False Modesty Pinnacle
25 Modesty Blaise
Sconosciuto 30m
Mount Buffalo The Gorge - North Side North Wall
25 Straight Edge
Sconosciuto 160m
Mount Buffalo The Gorge - South Side The Waterfall South Side
25 Salt Lake City
Sconosciuto 170m
Mount Buffalo The Gorge - South Side Burston's Crevasse
25 Stone Believer
Sconosciuto 37m
Mount Buffalo The Gorge - South Side Devilled Cream Buttress
25 The Devil Rides Out
Sconosciuto 72m
Mount Buffalo The Gorge - South Side Glass Gully
25 Pathway to Mass Consumption

FA: 2005

Sconosciuto 15m
25 Rappiles Rules
Sconosciuto 44m
Mount Buffalo The Horn Area Post Lament Boulder
24 Post Lament
Sconosciuto 15m
Mount Buffalo The Hump Area Dead Ringers Block
24 Assume The Position

Starts 8m L of White Chemical Dustbins, following some carrots.

FA: Nick White, 1992

Sconosciuto 18m
Mount Buffalo The Hump Area The Hump
24 Whitetails

Climbs the Redbacks wall to the left of that route; the 'hole' 2/3 the way up the wall is a landmark. Up past a few bolts.

FA: Bob Cowan & John Schwerdfeger, 1999

24 The Initiation Direct Finish
Sconosciuto 35m
24 Glossop Skins Direct

Starts 5m R of the original first pitch (10m down L of the Initiation)

Sconosciuto 90m, 2, 7
24 They Might Be Giants
Sconosciuto 90m
Mount Buffalo The Cathedral
24 Sideshow

Start as for Twin Cracks. Climb the first (right) crack of Twin Cracks to a bolt runner. Step right onto the face and up past 5 more bolt runners. Abseil chains .

FA: Bob Cowan, John Schwerdfeger & Martin Kell, 1996

Sconosciuto 35m, 6
24 Critical Mass

On the buttress down approximately north-easterly below Maharajah, this route starts 5m left of Contact Sport (which, in turn, takes the left arete of Compulsion). Up to the ledge at 4m. Boulder past the bolt runner to the small rising ramp. Move rightward up this to and past the final bolt on Contact Sport.

FA: Kevin Lindorff & Alan Hope, 1994

Sconosciuto 15m, 2
24 Ravi Variant

Start as for Maharajah LHV Start. Up corner-crack until able to reach L to the steep flake. Up this to easier ground, then into Maharajah.

FA: Mike Law-Smith & J Wild, 1987

Sconosciuto 40m
Mount Buffalo Lake Catani Viewpoint Area
24 Arachnaphobia

The R crack-line. Up this. Where it finishes, step R past a BR then up past a FH.

FA: Jeremy Boreham & Mike Wust, 1991

FFA: Kevin Lindorff, 1994

Sconosciuto 30m
Mount Buffalo Lake Catani The Monolith
24 The Tourist Route
Sconosciuto 10m
Mount Buffalo The Gorge - North Side Queen Victoria Buttress
24 Statute Of Limitations

Access as for Gaia and White Knuckle Days or by using a sizeable gumtree a little further northward along the gorge rim. Best to leave an abseil rope in place in case retreat needs to be sounded. Start approx 20m right of Gaia (and a few metres around right from the start of White Knuckle days) at a 2BB.

  1. 15m (21). Step right into thin crack and up to the belay ledge.

  2. 35m (24). Out L (BR), then slab up following 4 more BRs, tending slightly rightward on some beautiful, if disconcertingly polished, rock. Belay off abseil tree.

FA: Kevin Lindorff & Jeremy Boreham, 1995

Sconosciuto 50m, 2, 5
24 White-knuckle Days

An exceptional first pitch - sustained, varied and continuously engaging. Access via 80m of abseiling from the top of Gaia (there is a new set of rap chains at the top showing the way. The 80m can be broken into two abseils by using the new belay station 40m down on Gaia, though a single 100m static rope makes life easier and provides a retreat option if required). Starts from the double carrot bolt belay between Gaia and Statute of Limitations (see p112 of the 2006 comprehensive Mt Buffalo guidebook).

  1. 45m (24) Follow the bolt runners up the shallow closed corner, trending a little leftward at a couple of overlaps, to join into the top section of the first pitch of Gaia. A carrot bolt then another FH as for Gaia lead to a 2FH belay (up right from the last FH runner, on a blunt nose).

  2. 35m (21) Step right and easily up to the base of a slightly overhanging open-book corner (the original belay spot for the top of Gaia’s first pitch). Up this (a few medium cams – gold, red, green and purple Camelots or equivalent - can be placed). Continue straight up via 2 FHs – one at each of two short, steep bulges - to belay at the abseil chains.

FA: Kevin Lindorff & Andy Schmutter January 2018

Sconosciuto 80m, 2, 10
24 Gaia

Access via a 75-80m abseil from chains. This rap station is located beside a huge gum tree that leans out precariously (and no doubt is destined to fall into the depths of the gorge under its own weight), on the rim of the gorge around about 50m (?) around northward and down a little from the north edge of the top of the Queen Victoria buttress. This rap station can be used to access Wall to Wall, Send out for More Pizza, Gaia, White Knuckle Days and Statute of Limitations. The abseil can be broken into two, utilising the double bolt belay at the top of the first pitch of Gaia and WKD. There is now a bolted, independent, direct start to the original version of Gaia, as well as an extra bolt in the top of the first pitch, and two bolts in the top pitch. This new reincarnation provides a more even, sustained, but less death-defying route than the original. The first pitch, in particular, is one to savour. Start at the double hangers, mid-way between the original start of Gaia (in the corner) and White Knuckle Days.

  1. 40m. 24. Up via 3 fixed hangers to the steepening. Continue on via 3 more fixed hangers through the crux section, then a high carrot and a more recently added higher fixed hanger to reach the new belay station up right on a blunt nose (the original belay was a further 8m or so up at the base of a short overhanging corner).

  2. 35m. 21. Up to and up the overhanging corner crack (takes a few medium cams), then straight up via two bolt-protected bulges to the rap chains.

FA: Kevin Lindorff & Tony Marian, 1989

FA: Kevin Lindorff, Malcolm Matheson & Andy Schmutter, Feb 2018

Sconosciuto 75m, 2, 10
24 Send Out For More Pizza

The prominent right-leaning crack-line with an orange right wall. 15m down L of the original (corner) start of Gaia.

  1. 35m (crux). The crack.

  2. 50m. The slab on the left.

FA: Kevin Lindorff & Russell Crow, 1991

Sconosciuto 85m, 2
Mount Buffalo The Gorge - South Side The Waterfall South Side
24 The Mormon Sanction
Sconosciuto 85m
Mount Buffalo The Gorge - South Side Bent's Lookout
24 Gnarly Clips And Nothing Grips
Sconosciuto 12m
Mount Buffalo The Gorge - South Side Devilled Cream Buttress
24 Malicious Gossip
Sconosciuto 40m
Mount Buffalo The Gorge - South Side Chaos Gully
24 Loose Lips Sink Ships
Sconosciuto 25m
Mount Buffalo Eurobin Falls
24 Zero Rose
Sconosciuto 85m
Buchan The Pyramids
23 P3
Buchan Buchan Rocks
23 Death Sconosciuto 10m
Mount Buffalo The Horn Area The Horn
23 Artful Doger
Sconosciuto 14m
23 Miss Otis Regrets
Sconosciuto 12m
23 Things That Go Bump In The Night
Sconosciuto 15m
23 Heart Starter
Sconosciuto 40m
Mount Buffalo The Horn Area Dreamworld
23 Death Can Be Fatal
Sconosciuto 25m
Mount Buffalo Tatra Inn Tatra Rocks
23 Basic Instinct
Sconosciuto 25m
Mount Buffalo The Hump Area The Hump
23 Cobblers
Sconosciuto 65m, 2, 11
Mount Buffalo The Cathedral
23 Contact Sport

Climbs the left arete of Compulsion. Slick/polished so best avoided when it is in full sun. Start immediately left of the arete at the left-leaning flake/seam. Up this, then past a fixed hanger and 3 more bolts.

FA: Kevin Lindorff, Alan Hope & Martin Hallett, 1994

Sconosciuto 20m, 4
23 Cowboy Logic

Start up Maharajah LHV start, reach left as for Ravi Variant. L past BR to the arete, then up the right side of the flake. Slab past 2BRs to the belay on Maharajah. Finish as for Castles in the Sand to summit chains. Abseil 25moff the back.

FA: Tim Day & Wade Stevens, 1999

Sconosciuto 30m, 3
Mount Buffalo Le Souef Plateau The Castle
23 Public Enema
Sconosciuto 15m
Mount Buffalo Lake Catani Chalwell Galleries
23 Zorro
Sconosciuto 15m
Mount Buffalo Reservoir Environs Devil's Couch
23 Loose Fit
Sconosciuto 40m
Mount Buffalo The Gorge - North Side Queen Victoria Gully
23 Purple Heart
Sconosciuto 45m
Mount Buffalo The Gorge - North Side Queen Victoria Summit Rim
23 Blowbak
Sconosciuto 25m
Mount Buffalo The Gorge - North Side Queen Victoria Buttress
23 Wall To Wall

Start from a small ledge (single bolt plus wire belay) below the small corner just up L from the original (corner) start of Gaia. Approach via a 50m abseil from gums close to the edge at the top of the buttress. Alternatively, abseil as per the access to Gaia.

  1. 25m (crux). Up the elegant thin corner then the little roof to tea-tree.

  2. 25m. Up with increasing ease.

FA: Kevin Lindorff & David Jurke, 1991

Sconosciuto 50m
Mount Buffalo The Gorge - North Side The False Modesty Pinnacle
23 Flight Of The Pterodactyl
Sconosciuto 60m
23 Brontosaurus
Sconosciuto 60m
Mount Buffalo The Gorge - North Side North Wall
23 Primary Variant
Sconosciuto 40m
23 Primary

Brilliant hand jamming! Start 60 m below Wilkinsons Lookout on grassy ledge. Curving hand crack ....

FA: Eddie Ozols & Greg Pritchard, 1982

FFA: Peter Croft & M Matheson, 1990

Sconosciuto 40m
Mount Buffalo The Gorge - South Side The Waterfall South Side
23 Interstellar Boredom
Sconosciuto 38m
23 Commander Dildo

Start on a detached block about 5m left of Pussy On the Prowl. A flake came off at the start, probably adding a grade or two.

  1. 25m hard slab start, easing off after the steepening. Belay under the roof

  2. 25m Traverse right of the belay, steep move past a fixed hanger to overcome the roof. Up slab past another bolt.

FA: Illawara Rock Climber Association, 1982

Sconosciuto 50m, 2, 5
23 Dizzy Limits
Sconosciuto 40m
23 True Dinks
Sconosciuto 35m
Mount Buffalo The Gorge - South Side Bent's Lookout
23 The Establishment Dyke Finish
Sconosciuto 120m
23 Hurricane
Sconosciuto 38m
Mount Buffalo The Gorge - South Side Angels' Buttress
23 Pearly Gates
Sconosciuto 110m
Mount Buffalo The Gorge - South Side Devilled Cream Buttress
23 Pooky
Sconosciuto 25m
Mount Buffalo The Gorge - South Side Mushroom Rock
23 Maverick
Sconosciuto 30m
Mount Buffalo The Gorge - South Side Chaos Gully
23 Pretty Girls With Long Knives
Sconosciuto 130m
23 Show And Tell

The top half of this route was destroyed by the Sep 2021 Earthquake, See route 'shake and quake" for the new re-established route.

Sconosciuto 30m
Mount Buffalo The Gorge - South Side Summit Rim
23 Cyborg
Sconosciuto 20m
Mount Buffalo Eurobin Falls
23 Tiger Angel
Sconosciuto 45m
Buchan The Pyramids
22 Constant Fear

FA: K Carrigan & P Bigg, 1984

Sconosciuto 15m
Mount Buffalo The Back Wall Area Back Wall
22 Josephine
Sconosciuto 140m
22 Her Majesty
Sconosciuto 95m
Mount Buffalo Tatra Inn Tatra Rocks
22 Beer 'N' Nrie
Sconosciuto 25m
Mount Buffalo Buckland Slabs Upper Cliff
22 Vapour Trail
Sconosciuto 30m
Mount Buffalo The Hump Area Desperate and Dateless
22 Desperate
Sconosciuto 15m
Mount Buffalo The Hump Area The Hump
22 Sticky Chicken
Sconosciuto 65m, 2, 12
22 Arse Transplant

From VCC 2008 update: "Improved route description from Ian Anger: "It’s a line from a Cold Chisel song: They’ll transplant his arse on his shoulders". The buttress between Kraut and Talbingo. (1) 55m (22) Head up the centre of the slab past 2 BR to RHS of the steepening. Pass bulge via 3 BR then paddle up easily till it’s possible to dive into the crack on L and belay off cams. (2) 40m (20) Dive out of crack and head straight up past BR above ledge."

FA: Russel Chudleigh & Ian Anger, 1984

Sconosciuto 90m
Mount Buffalo The Hump Area Ariel Buttress
22 Cresta Crack
Sconosciuto 15m
Mount Buffalo The Cathedral
22 Woodpecker Wall
Sconosciuto 90m
22 Sunrunner

Reasonably well protected for a Buffalo slab. Rap in from the anchors directly down from the exit of the gulch. The corner of The Viking will be visable to your left.

FA: Bob Cowan & John Schwerdfeger

Sconosciuto 18m
Mount Buffalo Le Souef Plateau The Keep
22 Pampered Menial
Sconosciuto 30m
Mount Buffalo Le Souef Plateau The Castle
22 Susan's Slab
Sconosciuto 18m
Mount Buffalo Lake Catani Chalwell Galleries
22 Plaything
Sconosciuto 12m
22 Superfine

Climb the fist/offwidth crack on the flake left of Glace to a small ledge. BR off the ledge, and follow bolts with homemade hangers(!) up slab (retrobolted in 2010).

Sconosciuto 35m
22 Glace

Up RHF corner crack and ramp to small ledge and follow bolts with homemade hangers(!) straight up slab (retrobolted in 2010).

Sconosciuto 35m
Mount Buffalo Lake Catani Viewpoint Area
22 Ditto Sux
Sconosciuto 70m
22 Social Lubricant
Sconosciuto 50m
22 Positive Thoughts

The flake-crack on the outcrop below Paradox.

  1. Up past 2 BRs then natural gear.

FA: Jeremy Boreham & Mike Wust, 1990

Sconosciuto 20m, 2
Mount Buffalo Reservoir Environs Wombat Rocks
22 Babyface
Sconosciuto 25m
22 Feral Wombats
Sconosciuto 30m
Mount Buffalo The Gorge - North Side Queen Victoria Gully
22 The Last Remake
Sconosciuto 25m

1 - 100 di 604 vie.

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