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Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità Falesia
20 Fist Full of Steel
Sconosciuto 9m Mt Cole
20 Dando

Starts 5m right of Horizon. Follow the hangers them move diagonally left. No anchor as yet.

Sconosciuto 20m, 4 Victoria Range
20 Fate's Warning
Sconosciuto 12m Mt Kooyoora
20 Turtle Diary

Funky 3D climbing is both unnerving and exciting. Thin crack/seam at edge of chimney cleft, 3 metres left of Tortology until it meets the cleft. Heave around right and up.

FA: Greg Aimer & Christine Freestone, 1993

NA: Geordie Webb & Jessica Mcmahon, 20 Gen 2018

Trad 15m Victoria Range
20 Snow Flurries

The controversial bolting of this route warranted an editorial in Rock magazine! 'Steep' wall climbing perfection. A harder and more sustained version of La Petit Mort with bolts protecting the crux moves. First ascent was in a snow storm.

  1. 33m (16) Starts 8m right of 'Le Petit Mort' at small tree and first line of weakness leading leftwards. Juggy wall climbing with a mossy start and finish. Three BR's and assorted natural gear. Belay on small ledge below headwall with slings around giant chicken heads about 8m left of Die Young's corner. A 60m rope will only just make it to the ground from the slings if you swing to the right.

  2. 31m (20) Head up and left on jugs for 6m then up balancy wall aiming for BR under small bulge. Over small rooflet (fiddly small cams) and rightwards up wall above past BR and FH to rest under daunting overhang. Swing upwards on amazing pumpy buckets past three FH's to trad finish up juggy wall and over finish bulge to bolt anchor on lip. Rapping from this anchor will JUST reach the belay on a 60m rope. Bring a full sized rack including 12 long quickdraws.

FA: Neil Monteith Kent Paterson, 2004

Trad mista 64m, 2, 9 Asses Ears Area
20 Excuse me Lex

Link up of Excuse me While I Belch into 2nd pitch of Lex Luthor. No stepping onto the massive chockstone. Do as one big pitch to get grade 20. Can lower off with 60m rope.

Trad 32m Arapiles
20 Zuul

Start as for Zeus, but after 4m take the shallow orange corner 2m L. Straight through overhangs, then move R at final roof to finish up Zeus. Good climbing, with spaced but adequate pro.

FA: Goshen Watts & Dick Lodge, 7 Dic 2019

Trad 40m Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre
20 Holocaust

It is hard to believe that this was once a relatively popular climb. The first pitch is more like a garden fernery than a climb.

  1. 33m (20) Traverse into the line from the right. Bridge between the corner and a pinnacle on the right and up over ferns for 10 metres or so. Up left to sloping ledge. Widening crack on left wall for 8 metres to chimney. Step up left to ledge.

  2. 45m (-) Chimney, passing behind chockstones and finish up corner above.

  3. 27m (-) Climb undercut hand-crack just left of large tree at back of terrace then veer right and easily up the as for the last little bit of 'Mixed Climb'.

FA: Chris Baxter & Mike Stone (one aid), 1973

Trad 110m, 3 Mt Rosea
20 Slow Burn

FA: Mick Hampton & Geoff Butcher

Trad 20m Victoria Range
20 R Christopher

The left end of the slab on thin holds with virtually no protection.

FA: Garry wills & Greg davies, 1989

Trad 16m Victoria Range
20 No Soft Options

The left hand of two diagonal cracks. Two hard pitches, gear to #4 cam.

  1. 40m (20) Up easily then traverse left to crack, up this then climb up to roof and left to belay,

  2. 20m (20) Short corner to a crouched stance below the roof, escape awkwardly right to where a big move brings you onto the headwall, then up.

FA: Tim Beaman Roland Pauligk, 1977

Trad 60m, 2 Arapiles
20 The Long, the Short and the Tall

Another worthless traverse.

Start: Start as for 'Eagle Cleft'.

FA: Mike Law, Mike Stone & Chris Baxter, 1977

Trad 140m Arapiles
20 Beyond The Black Stump

On the East facing block just above and R of SC. Can also be approached from the top of the gully of the 3 Tiers. The slanting crack up the middle of the wall.

FA: Louise Shephard, 1986

Trad 23m Iskra Crag
20 The Narrow Door

This atmospheric climb finishes up a landmark notch in the summit ceilings R of exit gully of The 'Sermon'. At the foot of the west face, right of The 'Sermon' is a long ceiling. The base of the cliff then drops down right to where there is another long ceiling. Between these two ceilings is a short, broken, L-facing corner. Start here (where are topos when you need them?) 1. 45m Up and right then straight up to grassy terrace. Up this (up a terrace?) to foot of wall above two blocks on grass. 2. 40m 'Small', right-facing corner crack. Step up left and climb up and left on mossy face, then straight up to ledge. Short walls lead to narrow ledge below huge overhanging wall. Move left on ledge to guano-stained corner. 3. 20m (crux) Take seam, moving right and up under ceilings to exposed stance in notch. 4. 30m The line above.

FA: Chris Baxter & Dave Gairns (alt), 1997

Trad 140m Pohlner Track & Smith's Rd Area
20 Kiss of the Spider Woman

Very unlikely looking wall climbing which looks very poorly protected. Sustained.

Start: 2m R of 'Fedallah'

  1. 25m (20) Up face to short corner which leads to overhamg. Swing R onto steep slab then make a dramatic move L to a hanging slab. Up and L to join 'Fedallah' for 2m. Where that climb swings L cont. up line to stance below overhangs.

  2. 25m (20) Short corner to roof. Move L and pull up R around lip in exciting situation. Follow line up R to join 'Marie', finish up this.

FA: Stephen Hamilton & Chris Baxter, 1990

Trad 50m, 2 South-Eastern Grampians
20 Big Nose N Barge Arse Go Bouldering

Scramble up to the descent gully.

Excellent climbing up the nose at the gully intersection.

FA: Michael Hampton & Geoff Butcher, 1993

Trad 18m Victoria Range
20 Dry Reach

Start 1m R of Preludes. Up to small stance. A couple of commiting moves lead up to a bolt, then a slippery crux gains a shallow R-facing corner to rap anchors on the ledge. Lower off.

Alternatively at the top go up the finger crack of Stalagmite for a few moves and then right up the headwall. It feels a bit loose up there so take care and warn people below.

FA: Glenn Tempest & Karen Tempest, Gen 2015

Trad mista 18m, 1 Arapiles
20 Neurology
Trad 35m Halls Gap Area
20 Invalid Stout

Subtle arête on R side of entrance to first gully. Easy crack for 5m to high BR. Step R and layback tenuous crack to break (crux). Through difficult bulge and up. U bolt lower off.

FA: Neil Monteith Kent Paterson, 2003

Trad mista 15m, 1 Victoria Range
20 Heupermyster Steps Left

Clip first BR on Stryletzia, then step left to pull through break in bulge (crux). Directly up left side of arête above (tricky finish).

FA: Marthils Heuperman & others, 1995

Trad mista 16m, 1 Bundaleer Area
20 Zub

Start 2 metres right of 'Cyclops' on left side of black cave and go up wall on spaced jugs.

FA: Mike Law (solo), 1981

Trad 10m Arapiles
20 Cadenza

Start at the left-leading diagonal crack. Follow it into the easy chimney on Cadenza Direct and up to the sloping ledge. Traverse 5m right to a tricky exit.

FA: Michael Stone & Ian Speedie, 1965

FFA: Andrew Thomson, 1975

Trad 20m Arapiles
20 Boy's Toupee Left Hand Variant
Trad 16m The Black Range
20 Everything's on Fire

Start at ramp 8 metres right of Slug. Gain the right-leading flake by a traverse left from the easy ramp. Up the line and exit vertically to the belay ledge.

FA: Kieran Loughran, Stephen Bourke & Heather Phillips. Easter, 1985

Trad 25m Victoria Range
20 Prince of Darkness

Start in the middle of the south face of the gully, opposite a small alcove formed by left and right facing corners. James McIntosh, Glen Donohue, Nick Ping, Andrew Webb. 8.3.98

Trad 20m Mt Rosea
20 Mad Cow

Pretty exciting stuff. Traverse left past 3 FH on flake, then pull over onto slab. Rap off slings. A worthwhile extended finish has been done by continuing up and L into 2nd runnel, finishing about 5m higher. Start: Start as for "Crazy Like A Fox"

FA: Michael Hampton & Geoff Butcher, 2005

Trad mista 22m, 3 Victoria Range
20 Mr Piggy's Train Ride

Go 3 metres up the flake and step right. Climb the wall, mostly just left of the arete until the bulge. Take this via the main crack.

Start: Start 15 metres right of 'Lioness' at a flake-corner.

FA: Keith Egerton & Kieran Loughran, 1983

Trad 30m Victoria Range
20 Werewolf

The lovely corner up the right wall of 'Silver Bullet' was probably the hardest climb in 'Victoria' in its day.

It's probably best to belay from the ground but some parties insist on scrambling up a few metres to belay at the very base of the line.

FA: Daryly Carr & Rob Taylor, 1966

Trad 24m Arapiles
20 The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
1 20 35m
2 20 15m
3 50m

Pitch 1 has seen a few very serious falls, but the protection is quite ok if you take care to eliminate directional forces on the crux pro. If you don't know how to do this, then this route might deserve a "serious" rating.

Start: About 25m R of 'Eagle Cleft' there is the first significant weakness in the big roof. Start under this.

  1. 35m (20) Up long slabby crack to beneath a short steep corner. Make sure you set good directional pro here as the crux wires can be susceptible to outwards force. Cruxy moves up the corner to a ledge.

  2. 15m (20) The intimidating steep crack through the bulge above climbs beautifully. You'll reach a cave with a rap anchor (50m to the ground).

  3. 50m (-) Don't bother with this, rap off instead. Up mossiness then into a polished chimney which leads to Flinders Lane.

FA: John Moore, Chris Dewhirst, Peter Cohn & Fred Langenhorst, 1968

Trad 100m, 3 Arapiles
20 Take Me To Cuba

Starts on the RH end of the block that forms the top half of Septic Crank. Up arete, past a bolt runner to the top.

Trad 10m Iskra Crag
20 Pumped to the Point of Panic

Excellent, technical climb; possibly best on cliff. First of two prominent cracks on first wall 40m left of Soul’s Midnight and 22m right of Liquid Sun-shine. Starts as finger-crack.

FA: Wayne Maher & Glen Donohue, 1991

Trad 18m South-Eastern Grampians
20 Splinter

Start as for 'Diamonds In The Forest' but finish up thin cracks and seams 2 metres left of that route.

FA: Michael Hampton, Andy Long & Gordon Talbett, 1997

Trad 18m Victoria Range
20 Going With the Flow
Trad 25m Halls Gap Area
20 Human Centipede

Not on Espanol Pinnacle itself, but nearby. Right facing flake crack in gully 100m below the North Pinnacle.

FA: Neil Monteith & Vanessa Wills

Trad 12m Victoria Range
20 Hearts of Darkness

Small, orange corner 4m right of Dim Sim. Continue up left side of nose (belay possible here). Up

FA: Stephen Hamilton & Tony Maasakkers, 1994

Trad 48m Eastern Wall Cliffs
20 Little Thor

The lovely right-facing flake corner bordering the left side of the great blankish north-west wall. It's a pity that it gets heavily top-roped.

Climb the right-facing corner with hard moves past the little roof then keep cranking up slightly left to the top. Gear has a habit of unzipping on people; consider placing a directional at the start and being generous with the draws.

FA: Ian Guild & Peter Smith, 1965

FFA: Ian Lewis & Joe Friend, 1974

Trad 12m Arapiles
20 Hypnosis

Cutting loose on the jug is suitably exciting as long as it stays put! From bald arete right of Boy's Own, traverse left and cut loose on hollow, flat-topped jug.

FA: Mark Moorhead, Tony Marian & Jim Van Gelder, 1979

Trad 15m Arapiles
20 Tannin Direct

Makes a good change.

FA: Jon Muir, Tony Dignan & Geoff Little., 1985

Trad 20m Arapiles
20 Short And Curly
Trad 20m The Black Range
20 Happy Jack

This mixed route is located on the first terrace/alcove (uphill and L of main cliff). Slabby seam L of chimney.

FA: Michael Hampton, Peter Woodfield & Edwin Young, 1991

Trad mista 15m, 3 Halls Gap Area
20 The Hot Club

Nice line but contrived climbing.

Thin cracks up wall 3 metres left of Reinhardt to a ledge on the left.

FA: Jeff Lamb, Neil Barr, Peter Cunningham, Peter Watling & Keith Egerton. Easter, 1980

Trad 10m Victoria Range
20 From a Ferret to a Fox

To commemorate Greg Child’s 36th birthday. First line at left end of cliff, left of huge overhangs. Take a #3½ SLCD. Right-facing corner to roof. Traverse right under it. Up thin crack, step right up corner.

FA: Chris Baxter & Rick White, 1993

Trad 22m Henham Track Area
20 Steve Holloway Route

FA: Steve Holloway, 2005

Trad 15m Victoria Range
20 Biggles Pulls It Off

Start: Start 5 metres right of Mr Piggy's Train Ride.

  1. 15m (20) Up groove, moving left at 8 metres to the next crack. Continue to a poor stance below the bulge.

  2. 35m (20) Up the wall, trending right, easing dramatically after first 5 metres.

FA: Kevin Lindorff & Kieran Loughran, 1984

Trad 40m, 2 Victoria Range
20 Dismember

More grunting. Crack and ceiling 8 metres right of 'Winterset'.

FA: Kim Carrigan & Louise Shepherd, 1979

Trad 15m Arapiles
20 Harrier

The roof is cool. Said to be 100m, which looks right, but the pitch lengths don't add up so you'll have to make do.

Start: Start 5m L of 'Underneath the Colours'.

  1. 24m (20) Bouldery crux up the blank-looking smooth wall past a fixed sling. Easier jugs follow.

  2. 18m (-) Up onto foothold on bulge. Trend slightly L to stance.

  3. 27m (-) Smooth wall to red roof. Bridge out to a blind reach around the lip and swing on the jug. 'Doddle' onwards.

FA: Kevin Lindorff later added the roof.

FA: Keith Lockwood, Ed Neve (aided the start & veered around the roof), 1973

Trad 100m, 3 Arapiles
20 The Wasp

The crack, hardest down low.

Start: Start just L of UtA.

FA: Phillip McMillan, 1980

Trad 30m Summerday Valley
20 Pandora's Box

Steep and fierce. Up first (of a pair) V-corner on orange wall 7m left of The Long March, then left under overhang and up wall steeply.

FA: Peter Canning, Glen Donohue, Wayne Maher & Ross Taylor, 1991

Trad 18m South-Eastern Grampians
20 Tupamaros

Start: Starts at the little grey undercut corner a little way left of 'Mujahideen'.

  1. 20m (20) Up, then tend left taking the line of least resistance to the big ledge.

  2. 10m (20) Crux. Take the twin face cracks on the rightward facing wall (left of the impressive blank corner). Move around left and up to big ledge.

  3. 15m (15) Traverse easily left to the prominent line. Up this.

FA: Kevin Lindorff & Kieran Loughran, 1980

Trad 45m, 3 Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton)
20 Bhutan/High Place DF

Inital crack of Bhutan then follow FiHP and take DF through roof.

Trad Arapiles
20 Upwardly Mobile

Pity about the finishing pitches.

Start: Start at the corner on the righthand side of Beerpot wall.

  1. 15m (-) Corner and wall to roof. Left to pea-pod.

  2. 18m (20) Up pod then traverse right to stance under stunning flake.

  3. 17m (20) 'Flake'. Belay on right.

  4. 20m (-) Out right then pull over small roof. Up corner to another roof, left to arete.

  5. 20m (-) Up and right.

  6. 40m (-) Walk left to blocks, pull over steepening and finish up gully.

FA: James McItosh & Jeremy Boreham, 1995

Trad 130m, 6 Halls Gap Area
20 Jeff

Start just right of Manufacturing Consent. A solid move gains the diagonal then climb the arete for 3 metres. Step right and pull into crack to continue up wall, joining Manufacturing Consent near the top.

FA: Michael Hampton & Peter Woodfield

Trad 26m Victoria Range
20 Great Route, El Goodo

An acronymic jibe?

Start: Start right of EL Mc.

FA: Hoskins & Smith., 1995

Trad 10m Arapiles
20 Pussy's Bow

Good climbing on nice rock. Seam starting from boulder 8m R of KK. From ledge finish easily up wall above.

FA: Stephen Hamilton & Chris Baxter, 2007

Trad 25m Halls Gap Area
20 Tour of Duty

Excellent, left-leaning orange flake on left side of main wall. Up right at steepening to small ledge. Line above, then wall.

FA: Glenn Tempest & Michael Hampton, 1992

Trad 40m South-Eastern Grampians
20 R Vaunted

This length is surely overstated. Anyway, up the unprotected start of O-W to the ledge. Now go R and up arete to a ledge then do the top overhang.

Start: Start as for O-W.

FA: Keith Egerton, Phil Wilkins & Jane Wilkinson, 1983

Trad 25m Arapiles
20 The Last Resort

Go up to and around an overhang. From ledge above, finish up 'Future Past'.

Start: Start 3 metres left of 'Future Past'.

FA: Chris Shepherd & Rod Young

Trad 30m Arapiles
20 Low Note

The original approach to what eventually became Jen's Roof. Bridge up the gully left of Dirge then out right to short thin crack. From crack go right into Dirge and up this to roof on right. Hand-traverse right on the lip of the roof to where there is now a FH, then up steep jugs to chains.

FA: Kieran Loughran & Chris Baxter., 1984

Trad 30m Arapiles
20 Brylcream Supreme
Trad 13m The Black Range
20 Stormbringer-Rapier Combo
Trad 48m South-Eastern Grampians
20 Unberievable

Not too bad. Take the arete left of the off-width on smooth, grey-yellow rock.

FA: Keith Egerton & Phil Wilkins, 1983

Trad 15m Victoria Range
20 Partially Not Guilty

If steep bolted climbs are your thing, then you'll love the few metres of new climbing that this route provides. Unfortunately you'll have to climb the first two thirds of 'Guilty' first, then traverse L on good edges into base of cave. Finish past 3 FHs to DRB lower off.

Trad mista 20m, 3 The Black Range
20 Common Border
Trad 40m Henham Track Area
20 R Mutiny

A dramatic route with some poorly protected difficult climbing.

Start 10-15 metres left of 'Quincas Borba'.

  1. 30m (20) Up the unprotected wall to a corner which leads to a roof. Move out right around the roof and up the line above to a good ledge on the left.

  2. 30m (-) Step right and traverse right across the wall for 10 metres. Go up a faint groove to a ledge and large blcok. Stand on the block and climb the steep wall, tending left as it eases.

  3. 40m (-) Straight up the series of walls.

  4. 30m (-) Up the groove and over the overhangs as for Quincas Borba's final pitch.

FA: Keith Lockwood, Eddie Ozols & Paul Daniels, 1982

Trad 130m, 4 Victoria Range
20 No Expectations

20m right of Test Run are a couple of faces. The right hand one has a slab leading up to a shallow left facing corner. Up the face and the corner to a hard, steep exit.

FA: Peter Cody & Philip Armstrong, 4 Apr 2018

Trad 14m Halls Gap Area
20 Serpent Direct Finish

Sustained with a good finish. Start as for Serpent. Follow Serpent for 25 metres then up the steep corner on the right. Pull through overhang and up.

FA: Kim Carrigan & Malcolm Matheson, 1982

Trad 35m Arapiles
20 They Eat Pigeons Don't They

A good line up the front of the buttress R of Falcon. Up the slippery crack (some find this the crux) to Falcon's ledge at about 8m. Step off this diagonally R past a bolt (shorter folks might find this the crux) then drift back L to a small corner and up slightly R to a juggy finish. Falcon's chains are just around the corner.

Start: Start at thin crack up the front of the buttress, 6m left of Phoenix.

FA: Peter Martin & Louise Shepherd, 1988

Trad mista 30m, 1 Arapiles
20 Instant Karma

The crack 1m L of MK.

FA: Phillip McMillan, 1981

Trad 30m Summerday Valley
20 Fallen Angels

Prominent, steep, right-facing corner right of The Secret.

FA: Ross Taylor & Peter Canning, 1991

Trad 18m South-Eastern Grampians
20 R The Territorial Imperative

Attractive line - if you enjoy offwidths and runouts. The only viable route splitting the endless blankness on the far left side of White Wall. The hidden second pitch looks really good.

Start: Locate the major left facing flake crack / chimney about 10m left of 'Panama Canal' back at ground level. The end of the first pitch finishes on the belay ledge for 'Panama Canal'. If you can't find this go back to the gym.

  1. 20m (20) Squeeze up behind the huge flake for 5m to ledge. Now layback the wide crack past a rusty BR and then easy but absorbing climbing to a spacious ledge. Some tiny SLCD are useful to protect the moves up to the bolt.

  2. 24m (20) Step up from the large boulder and traverse left to the prominent right leaning corner. Station a battalion to take care of dissenters, then push on to the top to plant the flag. A great pitch on perfect orange rock. Seeps in winter.

FA: Kevin Lindorff & Michael Wust, 1983

Trad mista 45m, 2, 1 Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton)
20 Careful With That Axe Alex

Ten metres left of "Frigging In The Rain" is a crack-line with an "axe blade". Crack to blade, use this to exit.

FA: Geoff Butcher, Chuck Stacey & Sharyn George, 1998

Trad 10m Victoria Range
20 The Mentz File

L leaning seam starting 3m R of The Stand.

Trad 24m Halls Gap Area
20 Burn The Furniture

On to wall 3 metres right of Bucketing Compost and at left side of small cave. Left from horizontal break then straight up, moving a little right to finish.

FA: Jamie Serle & Michael Hampton, 1991

Trad 18m Victoria Range
20 Kaitland

The grades of the individual pitches are not known, though first one looks harder, so both are given 20.

On first glance it hardly seems worth splitting this into two pitches but it makes sense.

Start: Start 4 metres left of 'Big Bungies'.

  1. 12m (20) The crack in the arete to a ledge.

  2. 5m (20) The jagged crack to the top. This lengthy pitch can be avoided by traversing off right.

FA: Wayne Maher & Iain Sedgman (alt), 1999

Trad 17m, 2 Arapiles
20 Turf Wars

Explosive moves on pockets on supurb rock. Start up BiP, R up line, step R onto wall and up.

FA: Stephen Hamilton & Chris Baxter, 2007

Trad 17m Halls Gap Area
20 Brave New World

Line 2m left of distinctive chimney with chock stone near middle of cliff. Steep, good rock. Past BR and shallow corner to ledge. Wide crack.

FA: Wayne Maher & Glen Donohue, 1994

Trad mista 20m, 1 South-Eastern Grampians
20 They Shoot Horses Don't They

A girdle of the 'Plaque' outcrop...good luck at getting past the topropers.

Start: Start on the far L.

FA: Matt Taylor, Peter Megens & Peter Cyganowski, 1977

Trad 30m Arapiles
20 Blue Hawaii

Excellent, steep fun. Solid at the grade with fiddly gear on the crux.

Start on the left edge of the pillar, as for "Yesterday's Rooster".

Gain short hanging corner, fiddle with pro then move right and follow middle of buttress.

FA: Kevin Lindorff, Rod Young & Greg Child, 1978

Trad 35m Arapiles
20 Doddle

Continue up the gully to below the middle of the righthand wall. The line in the middle of the wall, with a reachy finish.

FA: Robin Miller & Nyrie Dodd, 1982

Trad 10m Arapiles
20 Bold As Brass
Trad 12m The Black Range
20 Rapier Direct Finish

Steep and exciting, originally graded 18!

Start: As for P2 of 'Rapier' Straight up the overhanging corner and cracks above.

FA: Tim Beaman & Roland Pauligk, 1977

Trad 15m South-Eastern Grampians
20 Blast From The Past

Sustained climbing up the shallow black groove and right-facing corner 4 metres right of "Too Hard". Near the top, cross a slab on the right to an abseil tree.

FA: Chris Baxter & Mike Stone, 1983

Trad 30m Victoria Range
20 Calvinist Klein

A bit contrived. Grade may vary according to exact line taken.

Start: Start 1m right of 'Bolt Action Directe' at thin right-leading crack.

FA: Steve Chapman & Ross Timms, 2002

Trad 12m Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton)
20 Chase the Dragon

Good position. Left arête of The Flying Game. Starts in corner at thin seam on left side of arête. A few hurried moves bring you right on to arête, then up staying right of arête.

FA: Stephen Hamilton, Peter Campbell, Matt Derby, Michael Hampton & David Karla, 1994

Trad 18m Henham Track Area
20 Spinal Column

The major corner line through the centre of the wall offers a fine adventure. Mossy and loose. Has been led in two pitches.

  1. 30m (18) Climb the corner to the first roof.

  2. 10m (19) Go right under the first roof and belay just above. The footholds on this pitch are very mossy!

  3. 20m (20) Jam underneath the next roof (crux) and up the corner to a brilliant belay beneath the third roof.

  4. 10m (17) Continue up and traverse under the next roof.

  5. 30m (10) Climb the stegosaurus wall to the Operating Theatre.

FA: Peter Darby, Neil Barr & Ian Barr, 2000

Trad 100m, 5 Victoria Range
20 Vow of Silence

An enigmatic start up thin crack left of Hopscotch. After 6 metres head up right to a ledge on the arete and finish as for Hopscotch.

FA: Chris Baxter & Dave Gairns, 1983

Trad 30m Arapiles
20 New Image

A reachy start, then sustained climbing straight up on great rock.

Start: 8m L of 'Fault Line' at a brushed line, marked "NL".

FA: Mark Moorhead, Kim Carrigan & Peter Newman, 1979

Trad 25m Arapiles
20 Pambo's Pants

Thin line 1m R of RT, trend R to finish just L of TRatBB.

Trad 25m Summerday Valley
20 Mirror Man

Middle weakness of Sugar Tax wall, starting 2m right of In A Daze For Days. Pass left of bulge 2½m right of triangular block on Sugar Tax. Up past slot. Finish up weakness in middle of wall.

FA: Wayne Maher, Peter Canning, Glen Donohue & Ross Taylor, 1991

Trad 20m South-Eastern Grampians
20 Rocky Road

"Pot-hole never felt so good."

Start: Towards the righe end, scramble up to terrace.

Climb the ragged flake to right-leading crack. Pull onto beautiful grey, pocketed wall and go up.

FA: Michael hampton & Geoff Butcher, 1994

Trad 18m Victoria Range
20 Horus
1 20 45m
2 18 30m
3 14 30m
  1. (20) Starts under the roof between Prevarication and Hurricane Lamp Cracks and powers straight through it. Move on upward (be aware of loose blocks) to a bolt anchor (45m rappel).

  2. (18) Onward through some steep moves and then at the slopey ledge, move slightly right then up the horizontals to a bolt. After moving past the crux trend left towards a bolt anchor (30m rappel to next anchor) under the roof, opposite the tennis court.

  3. (14) Move far right under the roof to the big offwidth crack, struggle your way through and then climb the headwall on the left side, moving left after a ledge, then back right to another bolt anchor (25m rappel to anchor under the roof).

Tracciata: muki woods & Jae Zhong

FFA: muki woods & Jae Zhong

FA: muki woods & Jae Zhong, Mag 2017

Trad mista 110m, 3, 1 Arapiles
20 Talk to Me Dirty
Trad 22m Halls Gap Area
20 Transcendental Irrigation

Up and across narrow wall to left arete of chimney on back of block. Round onto main face. Up.

FA: Michael Hampton & Jamie Serle, 1991

Trad 19m Victoria Range
20 Top Gear

Good fun wall climbing on great rock; in the same vein as Middle Of The Road. Up into the orange scoop then up wall past horizontals, be careful of detached flake up high.

Start: Start between Left, Right And Centre and 'Just Like Your Father'.

FA: Keith Lockwood & Noel Whiteside, 2003

Trad 15m Arapiles
20 Bodice Ripper

50m R of Jonah, a narrow buttress immediately R of a body chimney. Up middle of face then finish up L arete. Sustained and fiddley to protect. A bit artificial avoiding the ledge off R at half height.

FA: Chris Baxter & Stephen Hamilton, 2007

Trad 18m Halls Gap Area
20 Bennelong

(trad route) on the face left of White Woman; Around left from Blackfellabis a right facing corner with a fist sized crack in the back. Up this for 5 m then step round left and up the left facing corner for 5m. Step left around the roof and up. Take the face then arête to the top. Protection is adequate.

FA: Dave Shelton & Mandy Williamson, 3 Set 2016

Trad 35m South-Eastern Grampians
20 Drain on the Membrane

Mossy slab 1m left of Judak (Jeddak ?) to guano-stained scoops. Pass guano (BR) to right-facing corner. Scoops on right (pro in corner) on small edges, then back to corner at overlap. Over this to slab.

FA: Geoff Butcher & Mark Crisp, 1996

Trad mista 35m, 1 South-Eastern Grampians
20 R Doobie

Worthless pro!

FA: Andrew Thompson, 1975

Trad 8m Arapiles
20 Specially Yours

Left arete of major buttress. Lost In The Ozone takes the right arete. Wouldn't be too bad with a bit of traffic.

Start up shallow corner-flake and up, keeping just right of arete. The crux section is avoidable.

FA: Keith Egerton & Roy Smith, 1984

Trad 30m Arapiles
20 Mind Games

Start 6m right of Jason. Up past horizontal, then the groove, and head R after bulge. The hanging block at the end of the crux sounds pretty hollow.

FA: Rod Young & Jeremy Boreham, 1978

Trad 25m Arapiles
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