
Ascensioni in Western Australia da sean

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Tutti 37 ascensioni visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Qualità Data
Western Australia Wheatbelt Eaglestone Rocks
22 Ithica Sportiva 12m, 4 Ven 18 Apr 2014
The start is fun until the second bolt and I run out of ideas.

18 Old School Leaver Sportiva 19m, 5 Buona Ven 18 Apr 2014
Good warmup. The swing out to the face of the left boulder might feel more troubling that it actually is. Big glued holds don't look like they're going anywhere.

19 Levitation Sportiva 19m, 5 Media Ven 18 Apr 2014
17 Bad Seed Sportiva 11m, 2 Media Ven 18 Apr 2014
Western Australia Wheatbelt Porongurups Gibraltar Rock
15 Raven
1 arrampicata in lead da Patrick
2 arrampicata in lead da Sean
3 arrampicata in lead da Marc
4 arrampicata in lead da Sean
5 arrampicata in lead da Marc
Sportiva 220m, 35 Molto buona Sab 19 Apr 2014
Western Australia Wheatbelt The Stirling Ranges Mount Trio North East Crag Central Buttress
17 Hail Salathe Trad mista 35m, 2 Molto buona Dom 20 Apr 2014
Western Australia North Kalbarri The Z Bend The Promenade
25 Fuck The Law - con Simon Sportiva 15m, 4 Buona Ven 28 Nov 2014
Consistently climbing into crux then losing it. Finished it off after a rest but not enough juice in the tank to do it in one. Lower section to last bolt certainly a 22 but be ready for a leap in difficulty through the crux!

25 Super Funky - con simon Sportiva 15m, 5 Molto buona Mar 18 Nov 2014
another no-style dogfest to get the draws down at the end of the day for a mate. lazy beggar.

23 Heavy Petting - con simon Sportiva 18m, 4 Molto buona Mar 18 Nov 2014
bitched and whined my way up at the end of a very long day on fuck the law to get the draws down. individual moves very fun.

Western Australia North Kalbarri The Z Bend The Pit
20 Escalade 3837730 (Ecalade 3837730) Sportiva 15m, 3 Media Mar 18 Nov 2014
22 Rattler Sportiva 15m, 3 Molto buona Mar 18 Nov 2014
Western Australia South West Bob's Hollow
17 Lover's Nuts Sportiva 25m, 8 Media Sab 3 Gen 2015
21 Black Lung Sportiva 15m, 6 Buona Sab 3 Gen 2015
20 19 Puk Puk Sen Sportiva 15m, 5 Buona Sab 3 Gen 2015
Western Australia Perth Statham's Quarry Quarry Right Side
17 Morning Glory Sportiva 20m, 6 Buona Mar 24 Dic 2013
17 Morning Glory Sportiva 20m, 6 Buona Dom 2 Mar 2014
Western Australia Perth Statham's Quarry Central Slab Area
16 Mount Everest Sportiva 18m, 6 Media Sab 3 Mag 2014
Warm down. Went way too far right, it got a little blank, started wondering how it was a 16 and screwed a foot placement. Turns out the boulder on the left is in, then it was a 16 again. whoops! Good slab practice for the uninitiated.

Western Australia Perth Statham's Quarry Michel Angelo Walls
18 17 Short Circuit Direct Sportiva 27m, 10 Molto buona Mar 24 Dic 2013
very fun climb, plenty of feet with slight overhang.

21 Real Life Ambition Sportiva 15m, 6 Molto buona Dom 2 Mar 2014
Really good climb, will be back for the lead ascent soon.

21 Real Life Ambition Sportiva 15m, 6 Classica Sab 26 Apr 2014
Just plain good fun. Favourite route at Stathams to date.

22 Chain Reaction Sportiva 20m, 4 Buona Sab 3 Mag 2014
Took a bit, but figured out the beta. Will be back with more time next time.

22 Chain Reaction Sportiva 20m, 4 Buona Sab 10 Mag 2014
Prior comments referring to a one move wonder pretty much say it all. Still a great feeling to get the top though.

Western Australia Perth Mountain Quarry Skywalker Wall
24 Running With the Bulls Sportiva 18m, 8 Molto buona Dom 14 Dic 2014
22 Urban Ethics Sportiva 25m, 7 Classica Dom 13 Apr 2014
Tried for the onsight, got past the crux (crimps and small, technical feet - didn't need to mantle, amidoinitwrong?), but fell on the way to the anchors after getting off-balance. Mega bummed. Shouldn't have rushed. Finished it on the dog, will be back for the redpoint. Wicked route with fantastic crimp sequences all the way up. Has earnt its rep as a classic.

Western Australia Perth Mountain Quarry Fuzzbucky Wall
19 Inside Out Sportiva 25m, 11 Buona Ven 25 Apr 2014
A good 19 and well worth the glued on holds (only in the Perth quarry's!). Adequate rests to keep the pump at bay while figuring out some of the more cryptic moves through the second half. Had fun on this one.

19 The 2007 Love Handles Tour Sportiva 50m, 11 Pessima Ven 25 Apr 2014
Discontinuous and covered in dirt. I managed to miss a bolt or two - covered in weeds perhaps. The only shining moment is the face climb at the top which was pretty fun. Heinous rope drag for the last clip and anchors. A 70m rope got me back down by stretch alone - middle marker on the rope was beyond the first bolt when I was at the anchors.

18 Equilibrium Sportiva 20m, 5 Media Dom 23 Mar 2014
Avoid using the left face - plenty of loose rocks waiting to take out your belayer.

Western Australia Perth Mountain Quarry Mull Up Buttress
20 Mortal Wombat Sportiva 20m, 7 Buona Dom 23 Mar 2014
Fun climb and lots of opportunity to rest after every bolt. Not bad.

16 Frustration and Contempt Sportiva 25m, 6 Mar 24 Dic 2013
Western Australia Perth Mountain Quarry The Black Bay
18 The Ride of the Valkyries Sportiva 25m, 6 Media Ven 25 Apr 2014
19 Turbodiesel Excavator Sportiva 16m, 5 Buona Dom 23 Mar 2014
Enjoyable climb. Reach a little higher at the crux for a decent hold and your home and hosed.

Western Australia Perth Mountain Quarry Playboy Area
11 13 Bumble Sea Sportiva 11m, 4 Media Dom 23 Mar 2014
17 Bumble Bee Sportiva 12m, 4 Media Dom 23 Mar 2014
16 17 Bumble Aye Sportiva 12m, 4 Media Dom 23 Mar 2014
18 Penthouse Sportiva 28m, 7 Buona Mar 24 Dic 2013
First time leading and placing gear. Fun route.

Western Australia Perth Kalamunda National Park Piesse Wall
18 24 Cans in a Slab Sportiva 10m, 2 Media Dom 16 Mar 2014
Runout, plenty of friction.

23 22 Sonic Hedgehog Sportiva 10m, 2 Buona Dom 16 Mar 2014
Fun compression moves at the start but the mantle with high, right foot and slopey crimps at the top held the ascent back.


Tutti 37 ascensioni visualizzati.

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